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Friendship or emotional affair?

104 replies

VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 16:07

For context, I have been in my current job for less than a year and have struck up a friendship with a married colleague. I am single, if that's important. Nothing untoward has happened between us, but it feels like the relationship is intensifying somewhat in terms of the things he is choosing to share with me.

My head is starting to swim and I would really appreciate some advice about how to identify when a friendship crosses the line and becomes an emotional affair. I need to crystallise my thoughts. I don't want to find myself in this situation and am worried I could be inadvertently falling head-first into something dangerous. I care about him a great deal.

OP posts:
Allornothingnow · 10/07/2019 19:23

You said your head is swimming. Now is the time to back off.

Allornothingnow · 10/07/2019 19:23

I think he has overstepped a boundary too by telling you about his marriage, health problems or no. It’s personal.

PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 10/07/2019 19:24

But @VioletValentine that’s quite private stuff that he and his wife are experiencing that he’s discussing with someone she doesn’t know from Adam.

Say you have a DP right? You have two friends, Phil and Dave.

Phil is a long standing friend of many years, known to DP and mentioned to him in passing many times.

Dave is someone you work with who’s a colleague but you’ve recently got close to, DP doesn’t know him and he’s single.

Which one would you think your DP would be upset about you confiding your personal marital issues in?

Discussing your intimate relationship issues with someone of the opposite sex can be problematic but only if one party has an agenda.

I think this guy has an agenda and to be honest I think you do too.

VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 19:25


Yes, I think you're right. That's a pretty good indicator.

OP posts:
VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 19:26


He hasn't discussed anything about marital problems though.

OP posts:
PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 10/07/2019 19:28


You’re going to have to elaborate then as the content could be a game changer.

I know you’d said health stuff but that can span anything from terminal cancer to genital warts.

VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 19:31

It's cancer. On both sides.

OP posts:
Robin2323 · 10/07/2019 19:32

Please step back.
You've no idea the pain this may cause.
One day it could be you.
But I would not wish that on my worse enemy.

You know you're trending on dangerous ground that's why you're asking.

Bottom line:
Would you feel ok with his wife reading / hearing your messages
/ conversations?

StarlightIntheNight · 10/07/2019 19:41

HE should not be sharing this information with you. RED FLAG. He must have other good friends (male), family etc. Esp you are a colleague! How unprofessional!

Frownette · 10/07/2019 19:44

Just get the feeling he's muddling OP as it's quite a lot of emotional pressure

AnyFucker · 10/07/2019 19:45

Wow, so many bitter, nasty and presumptuous women on here.


VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 19:53


I've seen many of your posts on this site over the years. It must be great to be you.

OP posts:
VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 19:54


Colleagues can't become friends?

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AnyFucker · 10/07/2019 19:59

< dab dab >

VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 20:04


What's this? Social exclusion?

OP posts:
Frownette · 10/07/2019 20:04


VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 20:06


A rather tragic attempt at making me feel like I'm not part of AnyFucker's domain, I suspect.

OP posts:
PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 10/07/2019 20:07

@VioletValentine again, and I’m sorry if I’m coming across as thick or insensitive but exactly what is the situation he’s confiding in?

Is one of them terminal? Do they know the other is ill? Do they have kids?

VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 20:15


Neither is terminal and they both know the other is ill. They have one child. Essentially, the physical illness is having an impact on his mental health and he is finding life difficult.

I really don't believe anything inappropriate has been said by either of us, but I'm wary of crossing a line and I want to make sure that doesn't happen.

OP posts:
Mamabear12 · 10/07/2019 20:20

Colleagues can be friends. But to me it sounds like a line is being crossed. Going out in groups for lunch or drinks is fine.

Frownette · 10/07/2019 20:21

It doesn't actually sound like it's a friendship or an EA, just that he's being a bit of an Ancient Mariner and monopolizing your space too much.

Is he actually interfering with work?

PaulHollywoodsSexGut · 10/07/2019 20:23

Yeah, at times like this it should probably be him and his wife pulling together then as opposed to him becoming distracted by you and making a bad situation worse.

90% of the replies on this thread say it bears the hallmarks of an EA so I’d guess that’s pretty clear to you how?


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Frownette · 10/07/2019 20:24

I highly suspect AnyFucker would say it's great to be me baby, yeah (Austin Powers stylee) Grin

Still don't know what dab means.

Anyway violet would be best to steer him off if he's using you as a sounding board too much

VioletValentine · 10/07/2019 20:28

Okay, I'll take the general consensus and reinforce those barriers.

Thanks to those who have given sensible advice.

OP posts:
welliesarefuntowear · 10/07/2019 20:32

Step away. My relationship is fucked because of this very scenario. You're being utterly naive and the damage it will cause will be irreparable, The reason you are getting so many responses that you are finding difficult to accept is that it shows absolutely no respect for his wife. You might not like the responses you are getting but you do need to step away and think about what you are doing here.

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