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My guy got caught out. Now what?

135 replies

amyc88 · 14/08/2015 00:54

So I've been seeing this guy for about 4-5 months...everything was absolutely great until this...

One morning I woke up (he stayed at mine the night before) and we were in bed and I woke up pretty early (6:30am) anyway...I got up and make a coffee and our clothes were thrown all over the living room from the previous night. I went and picked all our clothes up and got his hat and picked up his trainers which he had his hat on top of. When I picked up his trainers I noticed his phone was in one of his shoes so I took it out and walked back into the bedroom. When I put his phone on the side a 'tinder match' notification popped up on his mobile...I instantly felt sick. I confronted him about it straight away and he said he never uses it and that it was probably from ages ago...anyway...that was that

After this things started getting weird, he didn't text much or came to see me for a whole week and then went on this lads holiday. While he was away we spoke a few times but nothing major. Anyway I noticed when he came back off holiday he had become friends with all these girls on Facebook which I didn't question. The day after he got back he was dying to see he came round and we spoke about what had happened the week before he went away and he just said he had a lot of family problems going on etc and didn't want to let me down or upset me. Anyway so I then asked him if anything happened on his holiday and he said yes he kissed a few girls and that was it, nothing I didn't like what he told me but other than that we seemed to be back to how we were.

Anyway a few weeks pass and a friend of mine sent me a screen shot of his plenty of fish profile showing he had updated pictures from his holiday on there and also he was online that day. He had also updated his tinder account pictures.

So I spoke to him. AGAIN and he said he doesn't know why he did it blah blah blah so me being the fool I said to him well look if you want to be with me delete it...he said he would...he didn't.

I reached breaking point after a few days and I told him straight...and I clearly don't want to be with me, you make no effort, you're still on online dating etc. anyway he suggested we go away for the night to get away from our home town and talk and sort things out

So we went away and we stayed in a nice hotel, went out for food and had a few drinks. While the drinks were flowing I said to him, 'why are you so sneaky with your phone' and he said 'what do you mean?' So I was like 'whenever you're with me you put your phone into flight mode' and he said because when I'm with you I don't want to be disturbed.

Anyway jokingly when he was scrolling through his phone I snatched it off him and went to click on whatsapp. Well...I've never seen someone dive on top of me so quick to get his phone back he was on me like a rash trying to get it back. In the end I gave it to him and he was like 'you never take a guys phone' we make a joke of it but I knew he was hiding something. He carried on to tell me how 'I want to be with you, I really like you, your the only girl I speak to, you really make me happy' in the back of my mind I was still thinking...what you're saying is nice but you're definitely hiding something

Anyway so the night finishes were both pretty drunk...go back to the hotel and fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and he's fast asleep!

I just knew I had to check what he was so paranoid about with this phone!

So being stupid I grabbed it and went into the toilet, locked myself in and I remembered his passcode from the night before.

As soon as I opened the phone I instantly felt sick at what I could end up seeing. So I opened messages and I didn't find much on text. I then opened up was like a fanny fest! Message after message to girls, dirty talk, you name it! Sex memes being sent etc I was nearly physically sick!

I was looking through this phone for a good hour and I came out of the toilet and I was shaking. He was still asleep. I slammed the door shut to make sure I woke him up and I threw the phone at him and started screaming. He didn't know what was going on at first and I just told him straight. He told me he was never going to go through with any of it and I'm the girl he wants to be with and he doesn't want to lose me over this etc etc...

Anyway I managed to calm down and I came home not much was said on the way home except he kept looking at me. And I was sat there in tears just crying. He was lost with what to do

Anyway so we came back to mine and we spoke a little and I just said. If you want to be with me. Delete everything and he did...right infront of me he deleted everything.

Anyway since then I'm just finding myself constantly kicking off with him, finding a reason to bring it up, questioning him on all sorts and he's doing nothing to prove to me it is me he wants. He just sees it went through my phone I'm not arsed.

I don't know what to make of it all because he's not even showing me or proving to me that h wants to be with me. We always speak but there is nothing there that makes me he's making so much effort here he must want me!

We've had a big argument today and he said he's annoyed with me that I'm always on his case and he can't be doing with it...

I don't know what to do...someone please help me figure this out!

OP posts:
Sansarya · 14/08/2015 23:34

Don't waste your time hating him OP - he sent worth it. Good idea to get to the clinic asap and in the future for gods sake use a condom until you've both had clear STI checks and you trust the guy completely.

GiddyOnZackHunt · 14/08/2015 23:36

Oh for heaven's sake don't waste your energy hating him. You don't know him. Getting worked up is ridiculous. Laugh at his twattishness. Text him with "I can't be bothered with this. You're dumped and blocked" and mean it. Drink wine, move on.

Hellochicken · 14/08/2015 23:57

He just can't tell the truth can he, what a horrible ass he is. He has treated you so badly.

I wouldn't believe anything he has to say, even by way of explanation, or apology. I wouldn't believe him ever again.

Instead just focus on yourself, get an STI check, spend time with people you like and love. Look after yourself, distract yourself from thinking about him and avoid him. It's sad when relationships end but you are better off without this one. Flowers

madwomanbackintheattic · 15/08/2015 02:21

He's really not worth such a torrent of emotion, nor another moment of your consciousness. Stop dwelling on it and find something more interesting to do instead.

textfan · 15/08/2015 02:38

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

DadWasHere · 15/08/2015 03:31

I don't understand why I do this to myself!!!

People don't accept the love they want, they only ever really accept the love the core of them feels it deserves. Could be you have low self esteem and have developed a system of socialisation that rewards the misfortunes you allow into your life with the sympathy and shared outrage of others.

goddessofsmallthings · 15/08/2015 04:09

Think on what Dad has said as so many seem to attract all sorts of misfortunes and be their own worst enemies simply because they have low self-esteem.

As fpr hating him, it's not worth giving him the time of day.

It makes sense to get your sexual health checked out regularly. If you haven't been to a GUM clinic before and it should transpire you have chlamydia, he will have done you a favour.

Smilingforth · 15/08/2015 06:53

I agree - get a test straight away.

Tooooooohot · 15/08/2015 07:00

Don't ever let this happen again - giving multiple chances like this when you are just 4 months into a relationship is stupid. Clearly he's not into you. Don't waste your time.

saintlyjimjams · 15/08/2015 07:06

He went on tinder to find someone/anyone to have sex with. Why else would anyone go on there?

Block him, forget him, get an STI check & move on.

ecuse · 15/08/2015 07:27

If you never know when to cut your losses and move on, here's a hint: it was the second time you caught him out. Dump him, move on. This is way too much drama for 4 months of dating.

LuluJakey1 · 15/08/2015 08:01

He has had a number of chances

He knows exactly how you feel

He has destroyed your trust in him

He shows no sign of wanting to re-build that

His message is actually 'Shut up and stop asking me'

He means 'I will do what I like'

No hope. Dump him now, block him from all of your phone/email/social site stuff. Never look at his profiles again. Detach, detach, detach.

You deserve better and don't seem to be able to see it.

Only1scoop · 15/08/2015 08:11

Find your self respect and no more screaming ....searching....crying....screen shots etc....just block and blank.

He sounds very young and so do you but he's a liar none the less.

Believe me if you stayed with him he would just find better ways of hiding his numerous hook up sites etc.

He will continue to treat you like a doormat if you let him.

Be strong and I agree get std screening.

lavenderhoney · 15/08/2015 09:00

The moment he started messing you about was the time to dump him. That's why it got worse and worse - I don't really know why you are surprised tbh, he was awful to you - I expect he talked a good talk though.

You sound like you have some friends to talk to- don't waste your life talking about him. Go and do something fun, and ignore him. It's not like he will be home worrying about what a horror he's been to you. I should imagine this man has lots of options. Don't be one of them.

MorrisZapp · 15/08/2015 09:05

I dunno, hating him for a bit seems ok to me. It's easy to be all cool and dispassionate when it wasn't us that was intimate with this guy and hoping for a relationship.

I was fucked over thusly many times in my (pre tinder) dating days, and found hate to be a helpful emotion. Anything short of it can so easily lead to 'ok honey, shall I suck your c*ck'.

And that never got any girl anywhere.

bodenbiscuit · 15/08/2015 09:18

How old is this man??

He is no good. He will never change. But to those of you saying the OP gives off a vibe that she will put up with it - that's victim blaming.

bodenbiscuit · 15/08/2015 09:19

In the first year of a relationship, everything should be perfect. Or close to. If he's already lying it will never get better.

Also, have a think about his relationship history. The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour.

sharonthewaspandthewineywall · 15/08/2015 11:39

I've got a picture in my head of one of those twatty types who have the latest trainers a flat peak cap and wear their trousers with their arse hanging out

amyc88 · 15/08/2015 13:23

Well I sent this text this morning

It's clear where me and you are at right now Adam it's opened my eyes. All the best.

I think that is a nice way (as I am nice) to just call it all a day. I woke up this morning and I said to my friend...over 100 people on this forum have all said the same thing...100 people can't be wrong can they?

Thankyou all for your advice you have no idea how much I needed and it how much it has helped!!

OP posts:
mindyourown15 · 15/08/2015 13:47

I wonder why you even bothered to text - is like you are inviting a reply with more excuses.

goddessofsmallthings · 15/08/2015 13:57

If you're too nice to call it a day, when what are you going to call it? A month of more handwringing?

Those who've responded on this thread aren't wrong and no matter how many straw polls you hold, you're going to get the same result which is a resounding thumbs down to the sleazebag.

cocobean2805 · 15/08/2015 13:57

Don't text him anymore. All it does is encourage a dialogue. And I can guarantee, he's not really that bothered, so all that will happen is you end up getting upset and annoyed or drawn into an argument with him. Which you probably want, because you're annoyed at him. But honestly, just leave it now, keep your dignity, don't get drawn in, and get an sti check asap. Move forward Smile


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DarkNavyBlue · 15/08/2015 14:01

I think your text is deliberately ambiguous because you want a reply from him - you want him to ask 'where are we?'

Findtheoldme · 15/08/2015 14:15

Is he called Adam? Grin

Only1scoop · 15/08/2015 14:15

Don't bother sending further texts. He knows you have caught him out lying and cheating for the umpteenth time. He Knows the reason.

Head up high and ignore. If he throws you a scrap of a reply between visiting all his sites then Ignore.

It will make you look slightly desperate if you reply.

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