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My guy got caught out. Now what?

135 replies

amyc88 · 14/08/2015 00:54

So I've been seeing this guy for about 4-5 months...everything was absolutely great until this...

One morning I woke up (he stayed at mine the night before) and we were in bed and I woke up pretty early (6:30am) anyway...I got up and make a coffee and our clothes were thrown all over the living room from the previous night. I went and picked all our clothes up and got his hat and picked up his trainers which he had his hat on top of. When I picked up his trainers I noticed his phone was in one of his shoes so I took it out and walked back into the bedroom. When I put his phone on the side a 'tinder match' notification popped up on his mobile...I instantly felt sick. I confronted him about it straight away and he said he never uses it and that it was probably from ages ago...anyway...that was that

After this things started getting weird, he didn't text much or came to see me for a whole week and then went on this lads holiday. While he was away we spoke a few times but nothing major. Anyway I noticed when he came back off holiday he had become friends with all these girls on Facebook which I didn't question. The day after he got back he was dying to see he came round and we spoke about what had happened the week before he went away and he just said he had a lot of family problems going on etc and didn't want to let me down or upset me. Anyway so I then asked him if anything happened on his holiday and he said yes he kissed a few girls and that was it, nothing I didn't like what he told me but other than that we seemed to be back to how we were.

Anyway a few weeks pass and a friend of mine sent me a screen shot of his plenty of fish profile showing he had updated pictures from his holiday on there and also he was online that day. He had also updated his tinder account pictures.

So I spoke to him. AGAIN and he said he doesn't know why he did it blah blah blah so me being the fool I said to him well look if you want to be with me delete it...he said he would...he didn't.

I reached breaking point after a few days and I told him straight...and I clearly don't want to be with me, you make no effort, you're still on online dating etc. anyway he suggested we go away for the night to get away from our home town and talk and sort things out

So we went away and we stayed in a nice hotel, went out for food and had a few drinks. While the drinks were flowing I said to him, 'why are you so sneaky with your phone' and he said 'what do you mean?' So I was like 'whenever you're with me you put your phone into flight mode' and he said because when I'm with you I don't want to be disturbed.

Anyway jokingly when he was scrolling through his phone I snatched it off him and went to click on whatsapp. Well...I've never seen someone dive on top of me so quick to get his phone back he was on me like a rash trying to get it back. In the end I gave it to him and he was like 'you never take a guys phone' we make a joke of it but I knew he was hiding something. He carried on to tell me how 'I want to be with you, I really like you, your the only girl I speak to, you really make me happy' in the back of my mind I was still thinking...what you're saying is nice but you're definitely hiding something

Anyway so the night finishes were both pretty drunk...go back to the hotel and fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and he's fast asleep!

I just knew I had to check what he was so paranoid about with this phone!

So being stupid I grabbed it and went into the toilet, locked myself in and I remembered his passcode from the night before.

As soon as I opened the phone I instantly felt sick at what I could end up seeing. So I opened messages and I didn't find much on text. I then opened up was like a fanny fest! Message after message to girls, dirty talk, you name it! Sex memes being sent etc I was nearly physically sick!

I was looking through this phone for a good hour and I came out of the toilet and I was shaking. He was still asleep. I slammed the door shut to make sure I woke him up and I threw the phone at him and started screaming. He didn't know what was going on at first and I just told him straight. He told me he was never going to go through with any of it and I'm the girl he wants to be with and he doesn't want to lose me over this etc etc...

Anyway I managed to calm down and I came home not much was said on the way home except he kept looking at me. And I was sat there in tears just crying. He was lost with what to do

Anyway so we came back to mine and we spoke a little and I just said. If you want to be with me. Delete everything and he did...right infront of me he deleted everything.

Anyway since then I'm just finding myself constantly kicking off with him, finding a reason to bring it up, questioning him on all sorts and he's doing nothing to prove to me it is me he wants. He just sees it went through my phone I'm not arsed.

I don't know what to make of it all because he's not even showing me or proving to me that h wants to be with me. We always speak but there is nothing there that makes me he's making so much effort here he must want me!

We've had a big argument today and he said he's annoyed with me that I'm always on his case and he can't be doing with it...

I don't know what to do...someone please help me figure this out!

OP posts:
Findtheoldme · 14/08/2015 11:20

To new honest I couldn't be bothered to read all your OP as it all sounds so ricdilcous.

Why did you pick up his phone initially? You clearly don't trust him so why are you sleeping with him?

You want more than him. You would be a complete fool to stay with him after this ask for future reference don't be so demanding as men don't respect that.

I'm sure you're not an immature teenager but you certainly sound like you are.

Findtheoldme · 14/08/2015 11:23

And by demanding I mean clingy, stroppy, insecure.

A man treats you badly you should walk away. If you don't it gives them licence to test you even he has proved.

AlbrechtDurer · 14/08/2015 11:48

OP, you haven't come back? I do wonder why you are prepared to accept such behaviour in a relationship? I think you have had a pretty unanimous response here, and it is worth thinking about why you keep going back for more when it is clear that things are only going to get worse. Otherwise, you are in for a lifetime of misery, relationship-wise - whether with this guy or someone else.

Adarajames · 14/08/2015 11:57

Original post sounds like something a teenager would post! Walk away from this childish self centred idiot and find someone more grownup!

Hissy · 14/08/2015 12:12

So he snogs other women, has tinder and POF profiles and you go away with him to 'talk' about it?

Flight mode... And you STILL carry on?

You read the messages and see the shit he has on whatsapp and STILL you have him back to yours?

You told him IF he wants to be with you (all he has to do is) just delete the shit you saw.

Love, with respect you are a fool. The biggest fool in your town/county/whatever.

Where the heck is your self respect? If he's doing this now (and you are basically allowing him to do this) what next?

You are basically showing him that NOTHING he will do is bad enough for you to value yourself, and he will utterly destroy the last shred of self that you possess.

He's vile. No man not beast is worth this.

LadyBlaBlah · 14/08/2015 12:30

Holy shit! You are STILL 'with' him

You need an immediate vow of celibacy until you have yourself some self-respect

What would someone have to do to get dumped?

Anniegetyourgun · 14/08/2015 12:39

I love you, Amy. You're the only girl I've ever wanted. Your smile, your eyes, your figure, everything's perfect. You're my dream woman. One day I want to have babies and then grow old with you. I'm so sorry I was fooling around on the app, it's just a guy thing, it doesn't mean I don't love you. Of course I do. You're the only one that matters.

Oh wait, I'm a straight middle-aged woman and I've never met you in my life. Easy to say though, isn't it?

roomonmybroom · 14/08/2015 12:42

There is nothing to figure out…. maybe aside from what to say when you dump his sorry arse!
What you need to do is get rid now.
He will not change, you cannot work it out, why are you putting up with being treated so badly, you know this is not how a relationship is supposed to be right?

pocketsaviour · 14/08/2015 13:02

I'm with Hellsbells, I'd have walked away the first time he turned up in a hat.

daisyJ123 · 14/08/2015 14:02

^ what the other 59 posters said
Amy, Amy Amy....
Bin this vile creature. And then congratulate yourself.

Binit · 14/08/2015 14:20

There is no future with this asshole.

Please have a think about why you have put up with such disgusting behaviour and don't let this happen to you again.

BoredAdminGirl · 14/08/2015 14:22

what you're saying is nice but you're definitely hiding something Hiding something?! Would that be the Tinder profile, the POF profile, the Whatsapp messages? The snogging and definitely shagging of women on holiday.

Here is what you do, pick your self respect up from the floor, dump him and then get an STD test because lord knows, you will need one.

He can not possibly give any more excuses, the longer you are with him the more it will hurt and the more you will look like a fool. He has no respect for you

chablisfan · 14/08/2015 14:43

Please lose this loser
He has the problem
Not you
I have been in a similar situation ... You end up feeling dirty and horrid ...when in fact he is the alley cat
I am surprised he has not bought a dead bird home in his mouth
Wash your bed linen ,clean your home , wash your hair ....wash him away away away away
Buy a new dress
Go out
Don't go home with anybody
There are millions of men in this world
Most are twats
Some are not though

Not even getting into the morality of going through his phone ... Obviously it's not right . But intuition led you there

Use your intuition to guide you next time.
X x x x hug

amyc88 · 14/08/2015 15:49

I don't know what to do. Me and my friends have read these messages and I'm still in a funk ????. I don't understand why I do this to myself!!! It's as if he has torn everything out of me. I've never felt so low in my life!!!!

I'm a nice girl and I always get fucked around like this and I always allow it and never know when to cut off and I don't know why!!!!

OP posts:
LIZS · 14/08/2015 15:55

Because you are perceived as someone who would put up with it?Please just cut yourself off from him , take a break and do things which boost your self confidence so the next one won't see you as a pushover. Look out for self esteem and assertiveness courses in your area.

chablisfan · 14/08/2015 15:58


Of course you feel bad right now
You are entitled to

Get online dating
Get out the door
Wean yourself off him

Can u go and talk to somebody ? It helped me understand why I accepted this behaviour.
Get some books to read ???

AskBasil · 14/08/2015 16:00

Amy how old are you? You sound quite young.

Maybe you're too nice. Maybe you give tossers like this the benefit of the doubt, instead of just deciding that actually you know what, you don't need to take any shit from any bloke and it's better to be single and happy than be fucked around by these tossers.

AlbrechtDurer · 14/08/2015 16:30

I'm a nice girl and I always get fucked around like this and I always allow it and never know when to cut off and I don't know why!!!!
I used to be a bit like this when I was younger (I take it you are quite young?). I think you do need to talk to someone to understand why you fall into these patterns. I suspect that you need to take a break from relationships for a while and work on your self-esteem. Staying in relationships like this is going to make that self-esteem sink lower and lower.

Fishwives · 14/08/2015 16:34

Jesus, OP. Ditch him and get yourself down to the STI clinic ASAP.

Sansarya · 14/08/2015 16:34

You don't know what to do? It should be obvious - leave the fucker! Consider yourself lucky that you found out about this sooner rather than later.

And I don't mean to be harsh but unless you used protection every time, I'd recommend getting an STI checkup as it sounds like he's been putting it about a fair bit.

AuntieDee · 14/08/2015 16:36

Don't waste your time on someone who won't waste theirs on you. He is looking for something better and using you to keep his be warm and his cock wet in the meantime...

Please, please leave him. One day you will find some one who treats you like a princess and you will wonder what you ever saw in him

ThisIsClemFandango · 14/08/2015 16:43

No need to wonder what to do: Bin. Him. Off.

Why do you want to be with someone who is continually lying to you and making a fool out of you, 5 months in? Don't give him any more chances, he's blown enough.


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amyc88 · 14/08/2015 18:19

Well now we have an update...

My friend just sent me a screen shot of his tinder profile and it says he was active 22 seconds ago! So I rang him and absolutely lost my shit and yet again he's trying to convince me its 'nothing' he said he went on their to 'find' someone.

So I just told him to fuck off with his bull shit and put the phone down!!!!

OP posts:
Sansarya · 14/08/2015 18:21

Seriously OP, just block his number and forget all about him. And get yourself to the STI clinic!

mindyourown15 · 14/08/2015 18:24

So you now need to block him on your phone, facebook and anywhere else - and never contact him again.

And I agree with PP - freedom Programme asap. Online is grand. You need to do it so you don't pick utter losers like this again. And I would suggest counselling to find out why the hell you think you should put up with such nonsense.

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