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I'm a bloke - can I post here?

132 replies

theroxbury · 05/07/2015 13:43

I don't really have any burning issues or anything but just thought if I am allowed to post to give a mans view on things or if anyone wants a man's opinion an anything.

I'm a nice chap, nothing fancy, aged 33. I don't know how I even came across here but the only thin I want to say is that I like older/mature/ ladies!


OP posts:
magiccatlitter · 05/07/2015 15:23

No, I've had enough of "men's opinions"

Lweji · 05/07/2015 15:26

We already have our resident hairy trucker.

Not sure there's any need for any other men. Wink

handfulofcottonbuds · 05/07/2015 15:29

Haha Grin

OP, do you have any DCs? Do you have a DW? Are you carrying on with an OW?

Have you ever told someone to FOTTFSOFATFOSM?

The list of acronyms are at the bottom, my last one may not be on there Wink


Lweji · 05/07/2015 15:30

Come to think of that, how would a MN dating site look like? Hmm

AIBU to look for a bloke who is happy to share finances, do his fair share of housework and is happy if he earns less than me?

TiggyD · 05/07/2015 15:35

You can post here. Just make sure all your posts start with "As a man..." so you're clearly identifiable.

I'm early 40s. Will that do? One thing, I do like the lights to be extremely dim when I meet people for the porpoises of romantic goings on. No reason.

ImperialBlether · 05/07/2015 15:36

Grin at 'no reason'

ItsaTenfromDen · 05/07/2015 15:36

older/mature Do you mean experienced? :D

LoisPuddingLane · 05/07/2015 15:45

Teeth in or out?

handfulofcottonbuds · 05/07/2015 15:55

In all seriousness OP, it doesn't matter whether it is a woman or a man who offers their opinion on here, let alone if they're a parent.

A lot of the time we don't know if it is a man or woman posting (unless it's about mooncups, then you can be pretty sure it's a woman)

Your opening post was somewhat questionable but your subsequent ones show you realise that. If you're genuine then post again, all opinions are welcome Smile

theroxbury · 05/07/2015 15:59

I daren't post again now as a result of being ridiculed haha bullies :p

@ handfulofcottonbuds - you got me!

OP posts:
Lweji · 05/07/2015 16:02

That's a risk we all take in MN. Grin

Sparklingbrook · 05/07/2015 16:03

Name change. Then just go and post normally without reference to being a bloke or what age women you are into.

tubbytimmy · 05/07/2015 16:06

Nothing to add.

I'm Grin at worra though

teatrailer · 05/07/2015 16:07

Easy to name change, start again, you get a fresh start. No chatting up though.

handfulofcottonbuds · 05/07/2015 16:09

I don't get it, are you genuine or not? Confused

Hassled · 05/07/2015 16:09

There are male posters on MN who I didn't clock were men for months, possibly years. You don't need to advertise your gender.

Sometimes it's relevant and interesting to have a male point of view - on the "why is my husband acting like such a dick?" relationship threads, there has been some really useful input from men, thoughtful and insightful. But basically - if you have an opinion or can give advice, share it.

IfNotNowThenWhen · 05/07/2015 16:10

Tiggy that proper cracked me up Grin

theroxbury · 05/07/2015 16:15

Ok I'll think about name change so I don't have to reference myself to a bloke. Maybe with same name but with "dude" at the end!

I love 90s music and a favourite film of mine is Night at the Roxbury - which inspired my username!

By the way I've just been pointed out to the Acronym page at the bottom. All is well! I'm going to look back to see if anyone has told me to "ODFOD!" Blush

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 05/07/2015 16:16

No dude on the end.

handfulofcottonbuds · 05/07/2015 16:17

Haha, no, mine was have you ever told someone to fuckofftothefarsideoffuckandwhenyougettherefuckoffsomemore - not addressed to you though OP

handfulofcottonbuds · 05/07/2015 16:19

Oh blimey, no dude!!

Hey, wankbadger is a favourite name and I don't think it's taken yet Wink

HeartsTrumpDiamonds · 05/07/2015 16:23

One of my clandestine namechanges has "the dude" in it Blush


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handfulofcottonbuds · 05/07/2015 16:30

Hearts - I never knew you were a man Shock

midnightvelvetPart2 · 05/07/2015 16:39

Hearts are you a bloke? I should have known actually, with 'trump' in your name Grin Grin

DocHollywood · 05/07/2015 17:02

Can we stop saying the word 'bloke'? I've never seen it here before and believe if we keep saying it, us women are only a short step away from being referred to as 'birds' and 'chicks' and then the site will have to be closed down.

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