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abusive parents attacked me.

162 replies

NC090 · 30/11/2014 20:51

Namechanged for this.
I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this and I have called my DH to come home but didn't really tell him why over the phone. I need you all to calm me down a bit please.

So background
My father was abusive growing up and my mother not only used to ignore it but if she could see he was in a mood she used to tell him that I had been bad so he would take it out on me rather than her. My parents were and still are very respected and admired in the village were I grew up and were they still live.

DH is black and my father in particular was disgusted when he discover we were dating. When I was a teenager I met my DH and his family who have been great with me. We married and have two DCs who are beautiful. We live about 25 minutes car journey from my parents.

We have no contact with my parents and hadn't spoken to them since DC2 was born 4 years ago. When we have bumped into them we ignored them. The DCs don't know them they just know that we don't see then as they aren't very nice people.

So to today
I am 15weeks pregnant we have been trying for a few years so we are really excited. We told the DCs last weekend and then we told family and friends.

Today in the morning whilst me, DH and the DCs are in the local park we see my parents on a bench. They seemed like they had been their for a while as they had blankets and rucksacks with them. When they saw us they started to get up but we were already leaving as we told the DCs we had forgotten something and went back home to make cakes instead.

Then DHs aunt calls to tell us that my mother has been to theirs saying that they want to talk to us. They don't know we're we live so they went to aunts hoping she would tell them. She wouldn't and my mother left.

Then an hourish ago DH had gone to work. DCs were playing upstairs with me . I thought I heard the door opening so went downstairs and my parents were standing in the hallway. I turned to go back up the stairs and my mum begged me to just wait and hear them out.

She said that someone had told them that I was pregnant so they had come to talk to me. They had asked around and someone told them were we lived. I told them to go and I was going upstairs to call the police. My father said I had to talk to them. He told me that my grandmother was dead and they felt I should know. I asked when they said 3 months ago. They were trying to decide when to tell me and when they heard they had to tell me. I asked how they told me.

I told him to go now please. They said no.I turned to go upstairs and my dad lunged for me grabbed my top and pulled me back. I told him to get off. He told me to stop and listen so I said I would. He kept hold of me and made me walk back downstairs. He then went on started going on about the mistakes I had made and how I had wreaked his respectability in the village he was nearly whispering in a very low threatening voice.

I begged him to let go so he pinned me to the wall and ran his hands down my body and squeezed in between my thighs. And almost on instinct really I slapped him across the face. Then it's a bit of a blurr he punched me and my mum pulled him away and told him I would call the police. He said I wouldn't . Then I could hear DC1 screaming. My father pulled away and they both ran to the car.

I calmed DC1 down and she is now asleep in my arms and I am waiting for DH to come and I have locked and barricaded the door but I can't stop shaking and I haven't looked at myself yet to see if it's a mess or not and I can't believe I hit him because he will use it against me.

I need you all to calm me down and help me think rationally what the hell should I do to protect my babies.

OP posts:
AcrossthePond55 · 01/12/2014 00:10

Remember that your DH's aunt knows that you don't want to see them. That's why she wouldn't tell them where you live. She's at least one person who can witness to the police that you want nothing to do with your parents and therefore wouldn't have invited them into your home. They also were obviously sitting nearby waiting for your DH to leave. Maybe a neighbour saw them watching or saw them open your door and walk in. Even if this comes to a 'he said, she said' standoff, at least you will have filed a record of it with the police.

I think you should also contact a solicitor about getting a restraining order (that's what we call them in the US, not sure what you call them there). If nothing else, perhaps a solicitor could send a 'cease and desist' letter telling them to stay away from you & your family or you will file harassment or stalking charges. Again, it's a paper trail. Something to show you have taken steps to keep them away from you.

I'm so sorry this has happened to you in your own home!! That's a double violation. Not just the physical assault, but they violated the security of your home. Please be sure you lock your doors in the future, maybe even put a small 'no trespassing' sign by your gate.

missnatalie70 · 01/12/2014 00:26

Reading this in horror. We hope you are OK, please let us know (((hugs)))

Plomino · 01/12/2014 00:47

OP, I am a police officer , and if I got called to this , I 'd believe you .

Regardless of all his alleged 'respect ' (which by the way would mean nothing to us ) look at the actual facts . You've had no contact with them for years . This is backed up by the fact that they had to ask your neighbours where you lived . If the NC wasn't true , they wouldn't have had to ask , would they ? Because they'd know . Even if you had slapped him , which in light of his actions is a perfectly reasonable defence , you have the physical evidence of the punch. , which is not a reasonable defence on his part if he alleges self defence . Certainly not reasonable force . Ring the police . They will believe you . I would . And even if you get painted as the 'bad' daughter - so what ? We've heard it all before , usually wheeled out by nasty pieces of work to try and justify their behaviour. It doesn't work.

Cerisier · 01/12/2014 00:57

I hope you are ok OP and DH is with you. As everyone else has said, do call the Police and get this horrific behaviour recorded. There is plenty of evidence there showing your parents were the ones in the wrong.

sykadelic · 01/12/2014 02:04

Just checking in OP. Hope you're doing okay!

Marcipex · 01/12/2014 02:18

I believe you.
I hope you're okay and asleep now.

SoonMeansNever · 01/12/2014 02:28

I hope your DH is with you and the police have been called - what a horrific encounter. They're utter bastards.

Practical steps:
Call police.
Take pics of any injury to you and/or damage to property.
Change locks or add door chain if necessary (I'm not sure how they got in, this might not be nec)
If your neighbours are decent people, consider telling them that you are NC and that as soon as he found you he assaulted you. Otherwise they may think it's ok to pass on information again, when the baby comes etc.

I hope you're ok, and your DD too. Brew

FixItUpChappie · 01/12/2014 04:37

As soon as you said they just walked into your house my blood ran cold. Get a restraining order OP that includes your children and address.

OnBlueDolphinStreet · 01/12/2014 05:38

I'm very sorry that you have had such a distressing experience.

What really frightens me is that they now know where you live. The fear of what they could do, at any time, will sadly cause you further distress.

Please consider going to the Police and telling them what happened. No one should be afraid of being assaulted again in their own home, or be afraid of that they could do to your children. Please tell everyone you can.

confusedandemployed · 01/12/2014 06:05

There are not many things i read on here which quite literally make my jaw drip, but this thread was one of them.

What abhorrent people. OP I hope your DH has comforted you and that the police have been and gone. There are no words to describe someone who would physically and sexually assault his pregnant daughter, or the repulsive excuse of a woman who would stand by and let that happen to her daughter.
I reckon he's not such a big man in the community as he thinks. People tend to recognise shit when they smell it.
Thanks OP, and take it easy today.

HoleyJoe · 01/12/2014 06:23

OP, what a horrible shock.
I hope the police were helpful. DH's Aunt is a witness to the fact that they didn't know your address and were tracking you down.
You can get a non molestation order to prevent them coming near you again.

AnonyMust · 01/12/2014 06:32

Go to the police. Please! You should be protected as should your children and DH. How could your mother watch him do that. Are you ok? A restraining order is needed.

fuckwitteryhasform · 01/12/2014 06:53

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

KatOD · 01/12/2014 07:03

You poor thing. How terrible. I hope your DH makes you feel stronger and you carry on with reporting them.

FibonacciSeries · 01/12/2014 07:32

Dear OP, I believe you.

MiscellaneousAssortment · 01/12/2014 09:45

How are you this morning? I hope your DP came and helped you, sounded terrifying

CogitoErgoSometimes · 01/12/2014 09:48

Hope you're OK today OP and that the conversation with the police went well.

TheMaddHugger · 01/12/2014 10:08

(((((((((((((((((Huge Huge Huge HUGS))))))))))))))) :(

Im late to this post. I hope the police have been

I believe you OP

NC090 · 01/12/2014 10:33

Hello all
This is the posters husband. My wife asked me to update for you all this morning and told me that you had all been wonderful and really helped her last night. She is resting this morning but she will probably check back tonight or tomorrow.

I have read what you have all posted and I want to thank you for helping my wife. I will tell you what happened from when I arrived.

So I came in and she was shaking and in tears holding my daughter. She was getting more upset and was having problems telling me what happened. But her face was bloody and she was covered in marks and scratches. So I dropped the kids at my families and took her straight to a&e. At this point I just thought she had been attacked by robbers or something.

When she calmed down a bit she told me what had happened. We called the police and they took statements and sorted that out.

Over all my wife had suffered several punches to the face her wrists and arms were bruised when she tried to cover her stomach, the back of her head was badly damaged from being pushed against the wall and she just looked so scared and shaken and of course I feel awful because we saw her parents earlier that day and I should have put two and two together and stayed home to protect my wife and family but we just thought it was okay because they didn't know where we lived. So I went to work and left her to get beaten by those monsters and she is such a lovely woman and caring mother and she doesn't deserve the parents she has.

To show how kind she is when I told her how sorry I was that I wasn't there she was so kind and so concerned for me. Telling me that it would be okay even though she w as the one in pain.

Thank you much for helping her when I couldn't she really is a lovely woman and I am so glad she bad kind people to talk to last night.

Thank you
The husband

OP posts:
CogitoErgoSometimes · 01/12/2014 10:39

Glad she's OK

tiredvommachine · 01/12/2014 10:41
vanillabird · 01/12/2014 10:45

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ChippingInAutumnLover · 01/12/2014 10:48

Thank you for the update. Hope you are all ok today.

MiscellaneousAssortment · 01/12/2014 10:50

Thanks for taking the time to post DH.

Im shocked by her injuries and do glad she got medical help and called the police.

Hopefully this is the start of fighting back and getting them out of your lives.

Goldmandra · 01/12/2014 10:50

Thanks for the update.

OP, I'm really glad you went to A&E and everything is now well documented.

Is there someone who can stay with you while your DH is at work for a while?

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