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What does your dp or dh do that irritates you?

149 replies

bordellosboheme · 27/06/2013 11:49

Yesterday.... Mine....
Ate a bar of choc that was a present for a neighbour (that I hid in the freezer)
Ate most of my nice olives before I had a chance to have one
Decided to dip ds in the sea in a pair of doodles I had bought the day before (still got soaking wet shoes).
Made a load of mess in the kitchen which I've had to clear up this am on my day off.
Ate the remainder of the bread
I could go on..........

Am I alone?

OP posts:
FacebookWanker · 28/06/2013 15:15

Never ever puts anything back in its place, and then asks me where it is...and gets annoyed with me if I don't know.

Takes his shoes of and leaves them wherever he was standing so that I trip over them

Says he's going to do something and then doesn't do it. I've stopped believing him now...

FacebookWanker · 28/06/2013 15:28

Lousmart - my DP does that too. I always have to stop what I'm doing to to and help him...and it's always something he could have easily done himself...grrr

ShowOfHands · 28/06/2013 16:13

DH's hand clapping: Spreading anger across MN since 2005. Yes, I have mentioned it before. I have to mention it. Or I'd scream STOP THE FUCK CLAPPING LIKE A DEMENTED SEAL OR I WILL KILL YOU DEAD In. His. Face.

I mention it, I am able to remain calm with my beatific smile. See -> Smile

RobotBananas · 28/06/2013 16:56

You don't tell him!? Shock

How on earth do you manage that. Only last night I yelled at DH for flapping his bloody legs around again. I am not known for my tolerance. I'd explode

TantrumsAndBalloons · 28/06/2013 17:06

Another sky plus fanatic here

"Have you watched this? Are you going to watch this? Who recorded this? There's only 32% left, what can we delete?"

Why? Are you planning on recording something in the next 3 minutes that will require 33% of space? No?

Then shut up.
The time it's taken you to go through every bloody program and ask 7 questions about it, I could have watched something off the planner, therefore freeing up your precious space

ShatnersBassoon · 28/06/2013 17:08

God yes! Standing there with a drink instead of putting it down! How annoying that is. I was on the sewing machine the other evening desperately trying to finish a very last-minute costume, yet he stood there waiting for me to take the cup from him. It's really hard to shout "Put the bloody thing there, you gormless article!" when your mouth is full of pins.

DH also tries to get me to try food by waving a forkful so close to my face that I can't see what it is. Not tempting, and very bloody annoying.

ShatnersBassoon · 28/06/2013 17:15

Oh yes, the constant Sky+ caretaking. Everything of mine is something I can get on demand so doesn't need to be cluttering up the planner, all of his stuff will never, ever be aired, ever again Hmm. "Let's get this lot cleared down, eh?" makes my heart sink.

Another thing is when I say "What's on next?" and he gets the guide up and starts reading out every programme in a really bored voice, as if I can't read and that every option available is terrible so I'd better not choose any of them. Because he's got a backlog of MythBusters that needs 'clearing down' so he's commandeering the box for the whole evening.

urmydarlings · 28/06/2013 17:23

Mine hangs his dirty socks on the worktop above the washing machine , like some kind of bloody trophy instead of shoving them in the machine!

RoadToTuapeka · 28/06/2013 17:26

Bathroom floor is always covered in DH's body hair, sink with stubble after he's shaved, and enough water sploshed about that it looks like a hippo has passed our way.

Changes DS1 & 2's nappies happily enough but seems incapable of ever disposing of them...used nappies always left out!

Never opens DS1's curtains if he gets him up, and for some reason I hate walking into a dark room later on in the day.

At night when I have got up to get DS2 into our bed to feed him, like some sort of robot DH always turns over in his sleep to face me. DS2 at v easily distracted stage & stares at DH, I usually give him a slightly harder than necessary poke to make him turn over.

He is lovely generally, cooks more than me for starters!

UtterflyButterfly · 28/06/2013 17:33

I think I might wave at DH tonight when we sit down to dinner and see what he says!

Several of the above apply in this house too - the nailbiting, leaving stubble in the sink (and last Sunday a pile of pubes on the bathroom floor - thanks for tidying your bits up, but then tidy the bits up) , asking me how to do something instead of reading instructions or looking at the manual. He also puts his knife in his left hand with his fork when he picks up his drink. FFS, no-one's going to steal your knife if you put it down. That one really annoys me as I'm a bit fussy about table manners.

BOF · 28/06/2013 17:44

Honestly nothing. Except maybe leaving kitchen drawers and cupboard doors slightly open (why?), but even then I just smile because I can tell he was the last person in the kitchen. I like to think that if he died before me, he'd keep doing it just to say hello Grin

MsFanackerPants · 28/06/2013 17:56

Can't seem to shut cupboard doors properly. And by properly, I mean AT ALL.

Can't plan his time so he always leaves late for everything. Eg if you need to leave at 9.30 and you need 15 minutes in the bathroom, 5 minutes to iron a shirt, 5 minutes to get dressed and then 10 minutes for breakfast, you can't get up at 9.05. We missed a train last week because of his total inability to understand how long things take and how to work backwards from the time we need to leave by adding together the time taken to do the things he needs to do.

lowra · 28/06/2013 17:57

Leaves his boxer shorts in the sink
Eats off his knife
Snores like a train
Drones on about boring subject
Massive know it all (as am I which can make life 'interesting')

EleanorHandbasket · 28/06/2013 17:57

I've just gone out to the kitchen to supervise see what happening with dinner and he's COOKING FUCKING POTATOES IN THE SMALLEST FUCKING SAUCEPAN.

Why why why?

He does this with pasta too. Fills it to the brim. IT WILL BOIL OVER YOU NUMPTY.

EleanorHandbasket · 28/06/2013 17:59

Grin BoF.

Your DP is proper lovely. So's mine, really, I just need to train him out of this small-pan-weirdness.

Or train myslef out of caring...

sunnyshine · 28/06/2013 18:02

Plates on side, not in dishwasher

Asks where his clothes are ( in the ironing pile that he is meant to do weekly but often does monthly or less)

Can't remember where he puts anything then I get accused of losing it/moving it.

Says our house looks like a bombs hit it ( it doesn't at all) but does nothing about the small mess

Thinks putting your clothes away means putting them in my reading chair in the bedroom

I could go on..... And on......

Bowlersarm · 28/06/2013 18:06

Can't stop laughing at NotGoodNotBads DH randomly waving at her. It's made my day Grin. Hahahahhahha....

ScooseIsLoose · 28/06/2013 18:18

Breathes! jokes

headlesslambrini · 28/06/2013 18:25

Power tools. Need i say anymore? I will ask DH to tighten something up for me - 1screw, and the next thing i know the cordless drill driver comes out then the battery needs charging. Its only 1 bloody screw, a screw driver is more than adequate to do the job

BOF · 28/06/2013 18:31

I think I just have rather slatternly standards, Eleanor Grin

FunLovinBunster · 28/06/2013 18:35


sunnyshine · 28/06/2013 18:35

Can't not mention the sky planner either. Gets all upset If less than 60%. I record nothing in HDTV, him everything in HDTV!! It's him taking up the space not me!!


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Repetitiverobot · 28/06/2013 18:42

Oh yes! Another one who is very happy to point out that the house is in a mess yet will never in a million years think to clean it himself!!!
His idea of tidying the toys away is pushing them into one pile next to the toy to it!! Ffs

GroupieGirl · 28/06/2013 19:07

The curtains! Ye Gods, the curtains!! He NEVER opens the bedroom curtains, and only one in the living room. Why?!

Leaves the oven on. It's a fan, how can you not realise?

De-hairs the shower plug; then leaves the gunk on the side for me to carry two feet to the bin.

Forgets that he doesn't have a KP at home (is a chef) and thus uses EVERY pot, pan, plate and surface when cooking.

ModreB · 28/06/2013 19:59

Doesn't understand that I can watch the TV and be on the laptop at the same time. Yes, I am typing and listening and watching at the same time. It's called multi-tasking.

Is unable to leave the house without checking the back door, the oven, the lights, the dogs, the shower, the toilet, the bread bin and the windows at least 3 fucking times. When he says he's leaving in 5 minutes, the DC's sit down and put the TV on as they know how long he will take.

Snores like a water buffalo, and then denies it despite the video evidence to prove it.

Tidies up anything that doesn't belong to him, and throws it away. Including my clothes that go to the Charity shop as, I quote "he didn't think I wore them anymore" How the fuck would he know. They are my clothes. Angry

But, I love him anyway Grin

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