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What does your dp or dh do that irritates you?

149 replies

bordellosboheme · 27/06/2013 11:49

Yesterday.... Mine....
Ate a bar of choc that was a present for a neighbour (that I hid in the freezer)
Ate most of my nice olives before I had a chance to have one
Decided to dip ds in the sea in a pair of doodles I had bought the day before (still got soaking wet shoes).
Made a load of mess in the kitchen which I've had to clear up this am on my day off.
Ate the remainder of the bread
I could go on..........

Am I alone?

OP posts:
MrsEricBana · 27/06/2013 22:51

My friend has lovely dh. I commented on something kind he had done and she said No he drives me mad actually. I asked why and she said He is SO annoying - he KEEPS asking me if I want a cup of tea! Grin

Needtostopbuyingcrap · 27/06/2013 22:56

Mine covers the toilet in his own shit.
He picks his nose and eats it.
He falls asleep on the couch.
He picks scabs off his face.
When he drinks he snores and talks in his sleep.
He pesters me to make him a brew and never makes me one.
He doesn't floss.
He uses my expensive shampoo on his pubes.
He leaves skid marked underpants for me to wash.
He won't let me have the remote control.
He uses at least half a toilet roll when he uses the loo.

MrsWeasley · 27/06/2013 23:04

meditrina I can relate to that. My DH breathes so loudly when asleep it actually stops me sleeping.
He also doesnt listen!!
There is an endless list really but if I start listing everything that he does to irritate me I would get RSI and be quite depressed lets just cover by saying Eveything! Wink

anastaisia · 28/06/2013 00:30

Finally asks ' shall I do dinner?' at about 7:30 when he's at ours. Then looks up brand new elaborate recipes that he's never cooked before. Then asks me if we have X or Y here to which I ALWAYS answer that I don't know because otherwise I get involved and end up doing almost as much as if I was cooking dinner. At which point I say it's so late that I'd just do beans on toast if it was just for me.

Only when I go round to his for tea at a reasonable time thinking he'll have made one of the dishes he keeps saying we should try he serves beans on toast Confused

stottie · 28/06/2013 01:41


Littleballofhate · 28/06/2013 01:46

Makes a ticking noise when he breathes. Only I can here it.

Littleballofhate · 28/06/2013 01:47

Damn it! Only I can HEAR it!

abi2790 · 28/06/2013 04:15

He hums really loudly in hid sleep Angry.
Leaves tea stains everywhere.
Makes a mess as soon as I've cleaned up.

rockybalboa · 28/06/2013 05:12

Sleeps with his fecking mouth open so breathes like Darth Vader. Drives in INSANE! Which is why I am sitting downstairs on the laptop at 5am because I might stab him if I stay upstairs in bed!!

Keztrel · 28/06/2013 08:39

Is unable to open the curtains fully so I always have to finish opening them.

Worries too much about following rules to the letter, checks and double checks things.

Eats apples in my presence.

Keztrel · 28/06/2013 08:50

Pointlessly brings up incredibly dull domestic stuff when we're out having a nice time, eg 'we should go to the tip soon' or 'we need more Persil'.

NotGoodNotBad · 28/06/2013 08:52

Oh dear.. thanks to you lot, next time DH is waving at me randomly in the house, instead of sitting quietly trying not to get the rage I'll be trying not to laugh!

widowerbutok · 28/06/2013 12:20

I miss my wife very much, but oh dear I can see too many of my faults (ok isn't the remote a man only thing by law anyway?????)

ShowOfHands · 28/06/2013 12:30

He holds things out to me when I can't take them. So he'll say 'tea?' and I'll say 'yes' of course and he makes it while I do dd's hair. And then he comes and holds it out to me while I'm mid-braid and have no hands with which to take it. Every single time I have to say 'can you perhaps put it down please'. It's everything. He brings things to me and holds them out.

And he claps. Just the once. When going from sitting to standing. Or on moving off from one room to the next.

That's about it.

I annoy him by putting his stuff away and wanting to talk at bedtime. I also fall asleep during films and then deny I've ever heard of them. This is very irritating.

Looksgoodingravy · 28/06/2013 13:06

Every time he comes home he says " o'roight" in a brummie accent! I don't mind the brummie accent at all, it's just that dp isn't brummie and he does it EVERY time, over 17 years it begins to grate.

Looksgoodingravy · 28/06/2013 13:09

Showofhands - the clapping of hands has just made me chuckle.

Lottapianos · 28/06/2013 13:37

ShowofHands, I remember you talking about the clapping on another thread. It sounds Grin but I could see why it would drive you crackers if you were living with it all day every day.

RobotBananas · 28/06/2013 13:41

ShowOfHands - you've written about this before haven't you - I just felt the same surge of rage when you described the hand clapping.

Repetitiverobot · 28/06/2013 13:43

This is a great thread...

  • leaves socks on the floor on his side of the bed, about 5 pairs I found today. Then moans he had no clean socks!!
  • bites his nails, annoying clicking noise...I just want to throw something at him
  • complete inability to put dirty dishes/spoons in dishwasher or sink of soapy water. He puts it on the work top (which I've just wiped down) and not even in the sink of soapy water, yet god forbid he might think to actually wash!!! I left the dishwasher open with the drawer out the other day and he still put his plate on the work top next to it!!!!!! Grrrrr
  • is never ever wrong. When he clearly is!!
  • cannot take a s**t without leaving smears! Yuk
  • farts all the time!
  • also thinks its ok to describe the amount and consistency of his bowel movements! I DO NOT want to know.
  • complains he's really tired, but stays up until 2am on his play station...I reminded him he is 36 not 16!

-- cannot have a cuddle without a wandering hand. Sometimes I'd like a cuddle, not to be felt up!
....the list goes on and on and on!!
Lottapianos · 28/06/2013 13:44

Repetitiverobot, I'm worried that we might be living with the same man Grin Absolutely feel your pain re socks on floor, poo and fart behaviour and wandering hands.

Repetitiverobot · 28/06/2013 13:55

Lol it's all coming back to mr now!!
Also majorly obsessed with sky plus recording space, what is it with that!!?
And has to be praised when he emptied the dishwasher, or emptied the bin (without putting in a new bin bag I might add!)
But if I point out I do these things every day with out him praising me, then I should be grateful enough he's done it as it one less thing to do! What the actual f!!!!
Bloody men, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only unending driven insane by these things!

Lottapianos · 28/06/2013 13:58

Yes yes to recording space on freeview box - and nearly all of the recorded stuff is his boring crap anyway!

The housework stuff is where we part ways I'm afraid - my DP does about 95% of the laundry and at least his share of everything else, and without a song and dance or act of martyrdom either Smile


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Lousmart · 28/06/2013 13:59

Can't make decisions and answers every question with another question rather than an answer so he can delay the decision making process. Makes important decisions (like whether to buy a house or not) by tossing a coin Confused


Empties the kitchen bin, item by item, into the outside wheelie bin rather than waiting for kitchen bin to just be full.

Considers the task he's doing to be far more important than mine and expects to drop mine to help him.

Has selective hearing!

This is a great thread Grin

Keztrel · 28/06/2013 14:54

Another one here whose DH is obsessed with the recording space on the sky box! God forbid it should go over 70%!!! The world may end!

Tbh though I think he could list many many more things that are annoying about me.

Looksgoodingravy · 28/06/2013 15:02

Dp has to cut the plug off every electrical item we've skipped. We have mountains of plugs and they'll never get used because new appliances come with them bloody on!

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