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What does your dp or dh do that irritates you?

149 replies

bordellosboheme · 27/06/2013 11:49

Yesterday.... Mine....
Ate a bar of choc that was a present for a neighbour (that I hid in the freezer)
Ate most of my nice olives before I had a chance to have one
Decided to dip ds in the sea in a pair of doodles I had bought the day before (still got soaking wet shoes).
Made a load of mess in the kitchen which I've had to clear up this am on my day off.
Ate the remainder of the bread
I could go on..........

Am I alone?

OP posts:
Triumphoveradversity · 27/06/2013 17:26

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MediumExpectations · 27/06/2013 17:31

Love the waving at the Dinner Table - so random.
DW's irritants are

  • squeezes the tea bag and leaves it on the draining board
  • sucks the tap when she has cleaned her teeth leaving a white film around it
  • leaves the bloody Avon catalogue on the side. As soon as one goes another one comes along to replace it so there is never a day without one

I think if she was doing a list of mine though it would be a lot longer!
worsestershiresauce · 27/06/2013 17:31

Currently nothing. Previously his very existence had the ability to wind me up, but we've kind of started again and are generally more accepting. I have to say life is an awful lot easier when one isn't permanently irritated!

SnookyPooky · 27/06/2013 17:33

Forgot, he does odd jobs inside and out, manly shed stuff and garden watering in his UNDERPANTS. Ok we live in a hot country but put some clothes on ffs, you are not fooling anyone that those boxers are really shorts!

EccentricElastic · 27/06/2013 17:36

Mine bangs his teeth together sooo hard when chewing his food, I'd swear there was a set of Maracas in there! Grin

ShatnersBassoon · 27/06/2013 17:45

beginnings, although they sound like the same man, I am certain that DH could never start another relationship without asking me for my opinion first. He calls all of his annoying indecision 'being polite, just checking what I think, letting me help in the decision making process' - even when it's just whether he should put a jacket on to go to the chippy Hmm. Last week he texted me to ask if he should check the pressure on the car tyres.

I'm sure he must boggle at my ability to do so many things without anyone else's input.

KnittedC · 27/06/2013 17:46

Leaves dirty socks balled up everywhere ... I decided to move the pouffe into another room to make more space for baby stuff in the front room, and found FOUR individual socks festering under there.

Falls asleep on the sofa and when I suggest he should go up to bed, protests that he's 'staying up with me'. Ummm, you're asleep?

Always talks about how fastidiously tidy he keeps his kitchen at work (he's a chef), often while leaving masses of sandwich making mess in the kitchen.

Makes a pre-dinner sandwich to eat while he's cooking, and sometimes makes a pre-pre-dinner sandwich-sandwich to eat while making the actual pre-dinner sandwich (actually this really makes me laugh Grin)

I can't really think of anything else, in fact none of these things really annoys me. A list of his good points would be massive in comparison Smile

SuckAtRelationships · 27/06/2013 17:59

Awww, all this stuff is making me wish I had a DP to annoy me with cute little things :(

Funny thread. The waving thing is very sweet I think. I would love that!

bordellosboheme · 27/06/2013 18:42

Oh the tea bag thing!! My dp leaves it inches from the recycling food caddy, along with the three empty egg shells he's had for breakfast...

Must admit I do the roof of mouth clicky thing though..... You can't help it literally..... And a tired hug sounds nice..... Mine just curls in ball in front of tv Shane tired and refuses to speak. Very antisocial!

OP posts:
bordellosboheme · 27/06/2013 18:49

Newmumsuch fun..... Do we have the same dp? The empty box back in the cupboard trick happens here too!!!

And yes, sleeping a good 9 hours while we have 4 1/2 - not cool!

OP posts:
bouncyagain · 27/06/2013 19:07

My ex dw used to sit there and scratch her lip in a faraway but anxious way. I couldn't stand it. Endlessly criticised me. Never said thank you or sorry. Always had to have the last word. Generally horrible. We are divorced now. New dp very different. Smile

Mycatistoosexy · 27/06/2013 19:14

Leaves the living room lights on overnight but dimmed right down. Why?

Says he'll wash up but income downstairs in the mining and it's still there.

Won't get off his bloody phone when meant to be playing with DS.

Completely zoned me out when I'm talkin about what he deems as boring.

Refuses to organise anythi

Aaargh I could go on but I'm getting all ragey and don't want to be stood in the drk later fuming as he comes through the door

Mycatistoosexy · 27/06/2013 19:15

Bloody iPhone

Way too many spelling cock ups above sorry

Mum2Fergus · 27/06/2013 19:38

Can't make a decision for himself...will procrastinate about everything until I say 'how about...' then he'll say 'yeah, that's what I was thinking'!

Cannot organise anything (except his golf!)

Hogs the remote.

Spaces between all his shirt hangers is exactly the same (until I have to sweep them all to one side...accidentally of course).

Is obsessed with how much space is left on the SKY+ box for recording. Generally always more than 50% but we still have to have the 'do you want to keep this (yes, thats why Ive pressed keep!) / have you watched this (does it say viewed next to it??)' conversation.


munkysea · 27/06/2013 19:39


  • Never tidies up after making a snack or dinner.
  • Never puts his shoes away
  • Plays with his iPad in bed when I'm trying to get to sleep and lights the room up.
  • Offers to make dinner. Makes something then either a) ruins it by adding far too many birds eye chillis or b) annoys me no end by constantly asking me what to do, or to read the recipe out loud for him
  • Asks me to help him do something, then takes over completely because I'm not quick enough, or not doing it right, then gets arsey if I wander off and do something else.
  • Demands I help him with tasks, even if I'm in the middle of doing something else.
  • The concept of getting on with something on his own quietly is completely alien to him!
Whogivesashit · 27/06/2013 19:46

DH takes off his socks and puts them in his trouser pockets where they stay until I wash them. Takes off his work shirts without undoing the buttons .GRR!

If he puts on a shirt in the morning then decides he doesn't like it he will dump it on the floor, not hang it back up.

DonutForMyself · 27/06/2013 21:39

Mum2fergus mine has an issue with the Sky planner too! Deletes all DS's prongs while he's asleep!

In fact, reading these, my DP does most of them, bless him!

IfAtFirstUDontSucceed · 27/06/2013 21:50

My DH is generally lovely but does have some irritating habits including:

Leaving a little square of tissue that he's blown his nose on every morning on the back of the toilet cistern. He never puts it in the toilet or in the bin next to the loo. Every morning I go to use the loo after he's showered and there it is!!!!

Creates a mountain of dishes on the drainer after washing them, wont think to put away any dry ones first.

Leaves dirty laundry in a pile on the bedroom floor even though a laundry bag is hanging off the door inches from him.

Leaves pairs upon pairs of shoes on the kitchen floor - running shoes, work shoes, cycling shoes, trainers... I'm forever tripping over them!

He often listens to music on his laptop with headphones on. I'll try to say something, he'll ask me to repeat as he obviously hasn't heard. I'll say it again, he'll ask me to repeat yet again only this time taking his headphones off/muting the music. Why doesn't he just do that the first time????
Does the same thing at night with his ear plugs!!

Love him to bits but he does infuriate me sometimes!

mendandmakedo · 27/06/2013 22:13

I wave at my DH but not at the dinner table its because he often has headphones on and can't hear me its a way to get his attention. He annoyingly leaves toe nail clipping on side of bath disgusting. He will also leave his shoes where he takes them off which is usually in the middle of a room.

carlajean · 27/06/2013 22:17

great thread. We had a humongous row last night because, when I'm on the computer, he always asks me what I'm looking at, several times. the same row that we had two months ago, when he said he wouldn't do it again and here we go again.
There's not much that he does that drive me nuts, and they're all fairly minor, it just bugs me so much that he can't be bothered to stop them.

YoniBottsBumgina · 27/06/2013 22:22

He FOLDS stuff when he puts it on the airer. Grrrrrr. Means everything takes about a week to dry when it dries in 1-2 days spread out properly.

Put my bin bags and recycling box out the back "to keep them out of the way" where they got raided by some local wildlife and split everywhere and I had to carry it through the house dripping everywhere.

I'm probably a million times more annoying in general though Blush

Mixxy · 27/06/2013 22:24

Scrapes every last sliver of yoghurt from the pot, resulting in both a frenzy of small scrapes and some long undulating ones from the near bone dry plastic pot. You want more yoghurt? There's another 20 of them in the fridge! Gah!


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ICantRememberWhatSheSaid · 27/06/2013 22:38


Is obsessed with how much space is left on the SKY+ box for recording

My DH is OBSESSED with this. Grin

He is never happier than when he is deleting things. My DD and I set up 'series record' for random programmes such as the Fishing shows, Gardeners World or Lords today. The more obscure the better. We then make a song and dance if he deletes them. Grin

....Of course, 95% of the recorded programmes are his.

enormouse · 27/06/2013 22:39

Never realises when the house is as mess.
Spends far too long messing about online/watching DVDs/doing sod all so as a result let's DS's mealtimes, baths and bedtime slide and happen when they may. Once he forgot to get lunch on and gave DS 3 digestive biscuits and 2 tubs of fruit puree.
Leaves everything out when he cooks.
Most of his annoying habits tend to stem from him being away with the fairies in is head. Drives me insane.

Oh and my favourite, when he does clear up or wash a few dishes he announces it like he's split the atom.

HighInterestRat · 27/06/2013 22:42

Farts a lot in my presence, is messy around the house, can't spell, embarrasses me socially sometimes, works too much.

But I still love him obviously Grin.

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