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Kinky sex embarrassment. Help!

91 replies

Embarrassednamechangereg · 26/09/2012 13:05

God this is embarrassing, but I can't really talk it through with anyone in rl so you lot will have to put up with me for now!

Basically I'm happily married and DH and I have regular (good) sex.
I even manage to orgasm durin penetration. I used to only manage the big O through for play so it's fair to say that my DH is good in the sack.

The thing is, I have a kinky fantasy that I always think about in order to orgasm.
I've tried not to and just concentrate on my (gorgeous) DH but I just can't 'get there' without it.

I feel too embarrassed to tell DH how much I think about it (I have let on a bit but always back-track and make a joke).

I feel like I'm wrong to be thinking about my fantasy whils being intimate with DH and worried he will think I'm a weirdo if I confess about it.

I would really like to try out my fantasy and I do feel a bit unfulfilled sexually.

Anyone had any experience or advise?

OP posts:
CuriousMama · 26/09/2012 14:45

Go for it, I love a bit of bdsm me Grin

Oh but whatever you do, don't say 'I'm not fulfilled' Or anything along those lines. It's negative. Say you want to have a change, experiment and this is what you want.

Also texting him it before he gets home is really horny Wink

PillarBoxRedRoses · 26/09/2012 14:49

Good advice CuriousMama - pitch it as something you think would enhance your sex life...

Almost tempted to share my deepest with my new BF now...might be a bit soon!

AgathaFusty · 26/09/2012 14:53
goingbacktowork · 26/09/2012 15:00

I have not read the book - what are you going on about - what is it that everyone wants to try?

Haemadoots · 26/09/2012 15:05

Enjoy tonight opWink

Numberlock · 26/09/2012 15:06
loopylou6 · 26/09/2012 17:02

Hahaha that's hilarious, doesn't she look exactly like Jane from Eastenders?

dondon33 · 26/09/2012 17:14

You could just drop it into conversation
" hey hubby it was in one of my mags/books that is one of the top 3 female would you feel if I wanted to do it?"

Door's open for discussion- if he's appalled utterly horrified, then you know not to continue.
On the other hand if he says Hmm that sounds ok, then you attack ease him in gently :) (no pun intended )

Good luck

CuriousMama · 26/09/2012 17:40

Just blame Cosmopolitan magazine. Or mumsnet, tell him you read about our exploits and it got the juices flowing Grin That'll add to it 'cos all men love a bit of girl on girl.

MrsDWho · 26/09/2012 18:16

Not read 50 Shades, but assuming given the hints what you mean.

Me and DP have been doing that type of thing for so long, I can't even remember broaching the subject with him Hmm

Go for it. I think most of the male population would love it and really get off on it unless my DP is weird

Good luck, and have fun Grin

Haemadoots · 26/09/2012 21:33

How did it go op?

CuriousMama · 26/09/2012 22:28

Shhhh, she's busy Wink

dondon33 · 26/09/2012 22:35

:@ Curious
I hope it's all worked out well OP and the gimp mask/leather binds weren't too tight ;) x

Viking1 · 27/09/2012 09:44

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

CuriousMama · 27/09/2012 09:48

She's still missing Shock I hope he remembered to untie her? Grin

naaaaaaamechange · 27/09/2012 10:15


naaaaaaamechange · 27/09/2012 10:15

Hello Blush I have namechanged also (evidently!) Grin

I would guess that we have some things in common. The thing that I like and often have to think about during sex is spanking. I'm really embarrassed by this for some reason and would be mortified if anybody found out in real life.

It took me ages to tell DP and I was so embarrassed I couldn't even look at him! But when I did he was totally nonplussed and confused about why I was so embarrassed about it, it seemed totally normal to him, even though he hadn't seriously gotten into it with anyone before. That just made me feel more embarrassed though because I thought he must be misunderstanding and thinking it was more of a dabbling thing whereas I wanted to explain that it's not just the thought of a slap on the arse during sex but an actual, drawn out pain-causing thing Blush

Anyway, we tried it out (and giggled a lot!) and he found that he liked it also (which surprised him - he'd been worried about hurting me) and slowly it's progressed to be more, and we do it quite often now. Surprisingly, it doesn't dominate my thoughts any more and I can enjoy sex just for sex, which is nice too, but sometimes I just get the urge! It helps that he makes me feel positive about it and not wrong or deranged. We can just talk about it, there are no silly rules or playing around without words. I found that a lot on spanking forums etc people refer to "bratting" when they want their OH to spank them but are too embarrassed to ask, I'm not keen on this whole setup as to me it implies more of a control thing going on as a whole. Whereas roleplay is fine, I think it starts to get into muddy waters if you are doing a kind of role play constantly.

Anyway, my advice is tell him! You might be surprised :)

The feminist issue bothers me, I can see the argument against it, but it's such a specialised thing that it doesn't feel like he's "getting off on causing pain", it's more about the interaction and I guess seeing my reaction etc as well. I don't feel I'm letting the side down but I do feel that I can't be open about it and say, yeah, I do this, it's great.

Embarrassednamechangereg · 27/09/2012 11:49

Morning all Smile

Unfortunately all did not go to plan last night.

It was going well.
I'd had some wine and we were both in bed, starting to have a bit of fun and I was primed and ready to tell him what I wanted when...............

Smallest person in the house woke up and wouldn't settle.
I had to lay down next to them until they went back to sleep, only i fell asleep with them!

I woke up just before 6 and of corse it was too late.

But today is a new day and I have more wine (for latter, I'm not a total lush!)

That was really helpful.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope my 'chat' with my DH goes as well as yours did.

OP posts:
CuriousMama · 27/09/2012 11:56

Oh thanks for updating, shame it didn't go to plan.

Do you both have to get up at 6? If not no harm in waking him up. You could forewarn him today with a text expressing your desires?

Embarrassednamechangereg · 27/09/2012 12:08

DC1 gets himself up at 6.30ish so didn't want to get started and although DH would love me to wake him up for a bit of 'ows yer father, it wouldnt really be the right time for anything more than a lazy shag.

If I text him it might well get him going.....

OP posts:
CuriousMama · 27/09/2012 12:12

Oh if you text him it'll definitely get him going Grin He doesn't do a dangerous job though does he? You don't want him chopping anything essential off Wink
How old is ds1? Can you put a hook and eye on the bedroom door if you start early morning shannanigans?

Embarrassednamechangereg · 27/09/2012 12:23

Lol! If I did that he would take the door off it's hinges with one of my many screw drivers he hordes up there (he's 11).

DH isn't doing anything too dangerous today so I will try to come up with a saucy message for him Wink

OP posts:

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CuriousMama · 27/09/2012 12:25

Would he? My dss know to know at the very least, they're 12 and 15. Maybe you should lay down some ground rules?

Start with I'm feeling horny or suchlike, then progress.

Embarrassednamechangereg · 27/09/2012 12:35

DS is fine getting up at 6.30 tbh.
He likes to take his time to do his hair get ready for school and has a long bus journey, so leaves early.
That and he makes me a cuppa at 7 Smile

Operation 'Horny text'

OP posts:
CuriousMama · 27/09/2012 12:40

Awww bless ds he sounds lovely Smile My dss don't really do their hair. DS1 likes his messy and ds2 wears his short and it never seems out of place?

Good luck with the text. This may help? I especially like the second one, I know you're busy today, but can you add one thing to your to-do list? Me!

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