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The Brave Babes Battle Bus - Turning Over Autumn Leaves In Search For Our Own Personal Sobriety

999 replies

Mouseface · 24/09/2012 11:09

Hello, I'm mouse and my best friend used to be vodka. We were inseparable at the time, such fun! Wild nights out, wild nights in..... danger, excitement, strangers, not knowing where I was when I woke up, oh it was all so fantastic.....Hmm

Not the case for the last couple of years or so, since I found this Bus. Smile

Now, we are practically strangers. Don't get me wrong, I still abuse alcohol and use it to self-medicate which completely defeats all of the work I've put in, trying to see my life through sober eyes but that's just how I do things......

Anyway, that's enough about me Wink so why not come say hello to the others on the Bus, we're all at different stages of drinking, not drinking or complete abstinence (of the drinking kind!)

No-one on the Bus wears judgy pants, nylon bloomers, leopard skin thongs? Maybe...... I wouldn't like to ask to be honest! But we are all here for the very same reason, we can't (or don't want to) control our drinking like 'normal' people do.

If you'd like to see how this all started, why not have a look HERE and read about one of the most inspirational ladies you'll ever 'know'.

You can also follow the threads, one by one, by clicking on the links on each thread towards the end, leading to the next etc......

See you soon Smile x

OP posts:
jesuswhatnext · 28/09/2012 17:53

welllll!!! hello big boy!!!!! Grin where you been? Grin

seriously, how are you? how are the family? all well i hope!! my dd got married!!!! Shock i was sober mother of the bride!!! Grin

Bproud · 28/09/2012 18:42

Lighting a candle tonight for all the Babes who are feeling sad today.

MIFLAW should we kill the fatted calf? - are you going to stay around for a while? Welcome back!

Isindebusagain · 28/09/2012 18:47

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kotinka · 28/09/2012 18:59

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GoldenSeptember · 28/09/2012 19:59

Blimey, the legendary MIFLAW! Shock

I was just about to sign up for an alcohol-free October on the bus, but no chance if I'm going to be placed under the MIFLAW tough-love alcy-scrutiny!

Blush Grin

Mouseface · 28/09/2012 20:46

Evening, tis me, Mouse

Thank you for all of your lovely messages. Today has been okay actually, I felt like a drink earlier (not sure which one Wink) but it soon passed with a large scoop of chocolate ice-cream and a hug from Nemo Smile

Just wanted to pop in and say thank you, will be back over the weekend. I'm using my last day's membership at the gym tomorrow, bit of a gentle workout and then down to the spa. A few hours just for me Smile

Night all, be safe and strong xx
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kotinka · 28/09/2012 20:52

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aliasjoey · 28/09/2012 21:27

made it

tough day and now I appear to have awful indigestion (yeah I know, moan moan, I have a severe case of hypochondria)

To top it all, Sainsburys did not have MY toffee mousse! And still I didn't buy any wine. Want a medal, please.

Who is this MIFLAW I've heard so much about? Is it the bus driver? Does he map-read?

dementedma · 28/09/2012 21:49

Hey MIFLAW good to see you.
alias no he is not the bus driver. He is a tough talking, been there and done it,stop feeling sorry for yourselves,get a grip kind of guy.

kotinka · 28/09/2012 21:51

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NoNoNoMYDoIt · 28/09/2012 22:46

I have a large selection of medals which I have been given after races. You can take your pick alias. The kids love playing with them and all their friends think I am an amazing athlete who has won loads of races Grin

Well, as if learning I might be made redundant and that the dear school caretaker had ended his life in school during the school day were not enough for one week, my best friend's DS (our kids are best friends and we holiday together) aged 4 has just been rushed to hospital in an ambulance and is having emergency surgery to remove a 2p coin from his throat. I think this week can f* off

Still sober tho

EllieorOllie · 28/09/2012 23:44

Still here, not drinking, anxiety levels through the roof, ho hum.

nono I hope your friend's ds is ok, you and yours really are having a torrid time of it. Well done for staying away from the booze, think I might have buckled in that situation.

aliasjoey · 28/09/2012 23:50

NoNo have you heard anything from friend? was the coin obstructing his breathing or just painful?

Agree this week can f* off. Think its not indigestion I have, its another effing bowel obstruction. That's me on water only for 24 hours then. And I just bought pain au chocolats for breakfast Angry

Still sober tho!

ellie would like to form helpful advice re. anxiety as I know how you feel (seroxat for 12 years) but unfortunately cannot think straight due to pain. But honestly, it gets easier.

kotinka thanks for the medal! Medals all round to everyone on the bus today.

NoNoNoMYDoIt · 29/09/2012 00:00

alias - nothing from friend since she texted me to say she was in hospital.

My head is in no place for sleep. I need to wait until my eyes are burning and I can't keep them open

Sorry re your digestive ills. Sounds very unpleasant. Hope you are ok x

aliasjoey · 29/09/2012 00:16

also can't sleep. No point in going to bed & lying there groaning and keeping DH awake!

Funny how yesterday I was complaining about my body, and today its failed me again. Ha ha.

What do you do to pass the time? I'm doing online jigsaws.

EllieorOllie · 29/09/2012 00:36

Can't sleep either. I am in bed though cos otherwise I'd freeze.

I'm passing the time by, err, mumsnetting, and marvelling at all the pissed people posting in Chat.

aliasjoey · 29/09/2012 00:50

are you envious of them, or do they just sound silly?

guggenheim · 29/09/2012 07:11

Morning all,

boing! 6 af days for me, might not sound much but I'm happy with that.

Thank you to isinde and kotinka, I'm still just very relieved and a tiny, tiny bit guilty. I know that lots of peeps have much worse to deal with, I'd just come to the point where I wasn't going to put up with it any more.How are you both doing? isinde I liked the musing on stuff and economy.

nono I feel so sorry for the staff and children at your school,hope they have some good councellors (sp) for the children to help them through the initial period. Is your friend's ds ok?

hello ellie do you usually suffer from anxiety? sorry if you have already said, but increased anxiety can be part of getting sober. Booze hides lots of emotions which need thinking through when we stop drinking. Have a look at the threads- lots of babes talking through their feelings without the 'help' of alcohol.

joey hope you got to sleep eventually! hope you feel better soon.

Morning all have a happy saturday Smile

EllieorOllie · 29/09/2012 09:12

They sounded silly Joey, thankfully! I had no urge to join them. Plus I don't have a hangover this morning, so I get to get on with my weekend...

Gugg 6 days sounds good to me, well done you, particularly with what you are dealing with.

Anxiety is pretty normal for me but I do a good job of covering it up in RL. I think I made it worse with caffeine yesterday though. A bit of me knows I should seek help but in the past I've had to put up with so much crap in relation to my PND (no life insurance, problems with medical assessments for jobs) that it felt like I was being punished for my MH problems. Also had a terrible experience with seroxat. So now I just don't really talk about it and it has become part of my everyday life and I just cope.

Mouseface · 29/09/2012 09:18

Morning all, tis me, mouse

WELL DONE to those who managed not to pick up on FrightNightFriday, I have no idea why there seems to be such a hurry to get wasted for some people on a Friday simply because it's the end of their 'week' as such.

Well, actually, I can I suppose. I could years ago, oh how I lived for Fridays. And Saturdays. And Sundays and would 9/10 times roll into work on a Monday still absolutely tw@ted from a bender of a weekend clubbing and house parties.


Today I will mostly going to the posh gym for the very last time (membership ends tomorrow) and using the equipment (carefully, I promise, core work only), then down to the spa for a bit of me time and then back here to collect Nemo to go out shopping.

Just a pootle around town. DH has a friend coming to stay Sunday night (he's my friend too Grin) so is under strict instruction to find a delicious array of foods for tomorrow evening so that we can all have a nice meal together and catch up.

He is coming without his wife. I'm not sure what is going on but there is something which is a shame because they had always seemed so very in love until her mum sadly died 18mts ago Sad

So, that's my weekend.

What are the rest of you lovely lot up to? Smile xx

OP posts:
JWIM · 29/09/2012 10:08

De-lurking for a mo having caught up. Hope all are well despite the many trials each of you are facing. I wish all of you a more positive week - starting with a clear head this morning, and if not this morning why not make the decision today not to drink so tomorrow is clear headed.

Mouse it was good to read that you had a good day yesterday remembering a very important day in your family's life and holding your three boys extra close in your heart and your DD, Nemo and DH with you. Funny to imagine what the boys might be like. Have a lovely day today and try to enjoy the 'me' time.

Finally, had to smile at the slightly 'giddy' turn the thread took yesterday post 5 pm. MIFLAW good to hear from you - hope all is well with you ODAAT and family.

Mouseface · 29/09/2012 10:39

Hello JWIM - nice to see you Smile and thanks xx

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kotinka · 29/09/2012 10:44

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aliasjoey · 29/09/2012 16:34

ellie wise words from guggs about booze hiding emotions. I think when you're sober you have to deal with the world more instead of ignoring it.

Warning: long post ahead

Turns out I had another bowel obstruction (is it any wonder I'm neurotic?) so was awake most of the night in pain. Fluids only for 24 hours (does alcohol count? Wink) but just had some coffee and that went down okay so hopefully the worst is over.

20 years ago I was seriously ill and had major surgery (actually thats the cause of all this: surgery sometimes leads to adhesions [internal scar tissue] sometimes leads to obstruction) Had 3 ops, and numerous fluid-only times. One memorable occasion I was on water only for 3 weeks.

And yet I seemed to bounce back much easier every time. Not an immediate return to health, obviously, but my body just coped better. Eg. I once went into work the day after one of these episodes - this morning I could barely even get out of bed. Of course, my body was a lot younger 15-20 years ago (my O' Level maths has not deserted me) but still....

I find this so depressing. Is it my age? or the CFS? or because I'm unfit? Sad Maybe I should stop looking for reasons, and just accept my body takes longer to recover.

And, although I have never drunk when actually ill, I'm sure there is a part of my brain thinking - I don't know what's caused this obstruction - usually nuts, seeds, high-fibre foods, fruit etc - but the list is unpredictable - and I KNOW that fluids cannot trigger it. Twisted logic.

Sorry its so long and me, me, me. It does help to write it all down.

aliasjoey · 29/09/2012 16:37

Also pissed off because while I was in bed DH and DD failed to get her lunch. She's 10, I don't know if that's old enough to make her own, but she could at least have reminded him. He expects her to remember.

Quote: I'm disappointed that while I was ill in bed, you both abdicated responsibility. I don't want you to blame each other. I want you to sort it out. Grin

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