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If you were WRONGLY accused of having and affair with someone by the person you were accused of having an affair with

104 replies

HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 14:44

Which would you be most likely to do?

a) Maintain as much distance with the person as possible
b) let him "hide" his (or her) car around the corner and continue to meet them on a regular basis

OP posts:
garlicbutter · 02/04/2011 15:58

I'd tell him, too. You do need to have something he can work with, though - more than gossip iyswim.

HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 16:03

Exactly Hecate.

I know what I know because I have seen it. And been told other stuff along similar lines which is less important because that is hearsay.

When XP admitted things to me I was all up for telling OWDH but wasn't given the opportunity (OW seems to think there is a problem letting him out in a public place on his when I might be around Hmm).

I was going to let it rest.

But now I strongly suspect (and TBH it is still suspect, but you lot are essentially in agreement) that they are still having an affair I am thinking about telling OWDH. Why? This is what I am trying to make sure I am clear on. I have come to teh conclusion that I have nothing to gain (as there is no way XP) and nothing to lose.

But I am in a constant state of guilt. Guilt that if in 6m time OWDH is sitting where I am now and I didn't say anything then I would feel awful. If I tell OWDH the facts (which is that his car has been parked round the corner, and NOT that they are def still having an affair as that is speculation) then OWDH can make his own judgment and the fate of his marriage is in his own hands and not mine IYSWIM.

I feel that in the last 5 weeks so many people from so many area's of my life have admitted to me that it was obvious that DP and OW were having an affair that I just want to scream why didn't you say something. I have been having a constant argument with XP over it for months...and I just thought I was seeing things with green eyes. It wasn't until someone did finally say something that it made me realise I wasn't going mad. So what I am doing now to OWDH is what my friends were doing to me....not telling me to protect me. hvaing been where I have been over the last few weeks is what is making me think I should tell OWDH...not bitterness. But only if I am not going mad over the idea that they still appear to be seeing each other.

OP posts:
hecate · 02/04/2011 16:05

I would tell him what I knew.

Is his wife keeping him out of your way because she fears you will tell him what you think she's up to?

HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 16:07

She knows XP admitted affair to me. So she knows I know and don't just suspect IYSWIM.

She took time off work so he didn't have to do school run on his own when I would be there Hmm

OP posts:
hecate · 02/04/2011 16:08

yeah, she's covering her arse.

timehealsall · 02/04/2011 17:37

Yeah, this is classic - 1 party in an affair gets found out / comes clean, breaks up with partner, etc, the other doesn't and then tries desperately to keep the truth from coming out and pulling the rug from underneath their life.

So should you tell the husband in your position?

Yeah I'd say so. As others are saying only tell him what you know (that's going to be enough incidentally). Then it's up to him and more importantly you can get on with your life, distance youself as much as pos and put the whole thing behind you because you're out the drama and you have nohing interesting to add to it anymore - and that's a good place to be.

Don't think there's anything morally wrong with that at all, though sure some will say keep away, but keeping away and washing hands can also be counter productive - and as you note yourself if people know stuff that affects your life it can be horrible when they don't tell you.

Anyway good luck, but bear in mind if you do say something the people in the drama won't like you much and will blame you for the things they're doing!

MrsStudMuffin · 02/04/2011 17:44

Preview is a wonderful thing.

HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 17:58

"because you're out the drama and you have nohing interesting to add to it anymore - and that's a good place to be"

That is exactly what i am thinking and so nicely articulated.

OP posts:
HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 18:00

Cos at teh moment I have the do I don't debate which is hell.

Once I have told him there is no more debate to be had with myself...and I can move on. At the moment it is hard to move on because I have knowledge which I think he has a right to know....

Does that make sense?

OP posts:
onehotmomma · 02/04/2011 18:35

yep it makes sense haunted and as he is a friend of yours, I think you should tell him. If a friend knew my dp was having an affair and never told me, it would be the that friendship but thats jmo

sufficient · 02/04/2011 18:41

My head hurts Grin

But present person XYZ or whoever with the facts. They should know I think. Be prepared for your friendship to take a knock.

PS Clarnico I laughed out loud, for a long time, like a loon at your first post Grin Blush

dementedma · 02/04/2011 21:14

I can't understand a bloody word of this and I've read it half a dozen times!
Who is shagging whom? Confused

easycomeeasygo · 02/04/2011 21:43

LOL dementedma that was me this afternoon, I've sort of got my head around it.

lazarusb · 02/04/2011 22:19

Also consider that when her dh does eventually find out, he will realise that you knew all this time too and didn't tell him. I'd tell him too, as gently as possible. If your ex and the OW don't like it I wouldn't lose too much sleep. You sound remarkably reasonable in the circumstances btw Smile

follyfoot · 02/04/2011 22:21

Is this one of those 'who has the green front door and the blue car' type logic quizzes cos you've lost me already.....

NorbertDentressangle · 02/04/2011 22:26
HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 22:27

OK, in plain english for those that are still with me, still interested...

XP has admitted an affair with OW.
OW has convinced her DH that it is was one sided and is shocked at XP's "disrespect for me"

XP has been booted out by me

XP still appears to be having affair with OW, which whilst not a problem to me I don't think her DH would be impressed. I am suffering some level of guilt and/or moral obligation to discuss this further with OWDH, given that he is a friend of mine in his own right (although I haven't seen him to speak to for a coupl eo fweeks because OW doesn't seem to want him to be alone with me Hmm.

Any clearer.

OP posts:
dementedma · 02/04/2011 22:28

When we are driving long distances with DCs in the car you get extra points for spotting a NorbertDentressangle!
I'm so excited! i spotted a Norbert, victory is MINE!!!

ChaoticAngelofDenial · 02/04/2011 22:33

OP you should have provided paracetamol along with this thread Wink

I have worked it out and I think you should tell him.

kittya · 02/04/2011 22:37

I dont think I would tbh. Unless you are absolutely sure and prepared for the fallout.

NorbertDentressangle · 02/04/2011 22:39

dementedma Grin You get bonus points if you can work this thread out!

HauntedLittleLunatic sorry if I/we sound flippant its just the situation does sound quite complex especially for those of us who have had a drop of wine. I might try and read it again tomorrow when I stand more chance of understanding.

HauntedLittleLunatic · 02/04/2011 22:43

No that's fine Norbet.

I appreciate it wasn't clear to start (and not even sure if it is clear now Wink)

I guess I wanted opinions on the scenario without folks prejudicing me as the scorned victim wanting revenge.

I just wanted to work out (to make sure I was making a sane judgement) ...if after being accused of having an affair you would be seen anywhere near the person you were accused of having an affair with let alone cover it up with a car hidden round the corner.

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dementedma · 02/04/2011 22:45

norbert I am totally defeated.
For the life of me can't figure out who is boffing whom and what it has to do with the OP. I'm sure it's fascinating/stressful but its got me completely bewildered.Grin

SarahStrattonHasNiceBears · 03/04/2011 00:42

Me either. I give up Confused

SpringchickenGoldBrass · 03/04/2011 01:54

The thing is, if you tell this H that his wife is shagging your XP, even if it's true you will be perceived as a spiteful, shitstirring bunnyboiler. Because he's your XP. Unless the H is a really longstanding friend of yours (rather than a 'friend' who'se part of a group that you socialise with, I would suggest you stay out of it.

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