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Is anyone else 9+ weeks?

256 replies

xoxhayleyxox · 12/05/2019 11:25

Hey lovelies!
I'm currently 9+2 weeks and looking for anyone who is at a similar stage as me! I'm constantly looking on these threads just for someone who can share this journey with me, it gets kind of lonely without a pregnancy friend!
I have my booking in appointment on 24th and my 12 (although I'll be 13 weeks) scan on 7th June... which seems such a long way away!
Anyway please feel free to say hi 👋🏽

OP posts:
AryaNoOne · 31/07/2019 23:41

Hi everyone! Nice to head how you are all doing. I’m all right, can feel baby move a lot now which is lovely but a bit weird too - it’s not strong enough for DH to feel it yet but I’m hoping he’ll be able to soon.

My scan isn’t until 12th - so long still! But pleased for those who have had them already that they have gone well.

LHMB · 02/08/2019 10:14

Had my scan on Wednesday, everything was fine, we decided not to find out the sex, but she said she wouldn't have been able to tell us anyway as she couldn't tell cos the baby was in an awkward position and moving around too much. I'd never heard of them not being able to tell before

AryaNoOne · 04/08/2019 11:22

Ah I’m glad you got good news @LHMB. Smile

I’m doing well now, baby is moving loads now, especially after I eat or drink, but nothing strong enough for DH to feel through my tummy. Haven’t been sick in a week and am feeling pretty good and energised so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am finally in that fabled “feels good” second trimester period. Hope the rest of you are doing all right too.

LHMB · 04/08/2019 19:55

Aw thanks AryaNoOne, glad to hear you're doing well Smile

I'm also getting lots more movement now, and it seems to be mostly when I eat as well, and also in the evening. My DP has felt some little kicks a few times which amazed him.

Nervousdave · 04/08/2019 21:51

@AryaNoOne @LHMB I've also had baby moving a lot more, mostly in the evening after dinner too. Tonight OH felt the baby kick for the first time! It was the first time he was consistently kicking for a while so I called him over and he felt it almost straight away 😍

LHMB · 04/08/2019 22:37

Aw it's lovely isn't it Nervousdave. I can feel mine kicking away at the moment. Seems to be much more active at night

AryaNoOne · 05/08/2019 23:30

Yay @LHMB and @Nervousdave, sounds like all our babies are behaving similarly and it’s so lovely! I’m glad your partners have been able to feel too, I know my DH will be so happy when he can so hopefully not too long now.

TTc2019BabyNo1 · 10/08/2019 12:16

Hi All!
How are we all getting on?
Lovely to see you’ve got lots of movement. I finally had my scan, all healthy which is good! She said she thinks it’s a girl!! I’ve booked a private scan to be sure (don’t want to buy a load of dresses and when she arrives it’s a ‘he’ lol)!

Hope everyone is well?
@xoxhayleyxox did you have a party to reveal your boy to the rest of the family? How did it go?

AryaNoOne · 12/08/2019 17:40

Hi @TTc2019BabyNo1, I’m good thanks how are you? Finally had our scan today and we are having a little girl too and she looked fine and healthy (and very kicky!) We were in there ages as she wouldn’t get into a good position but we got there in the end and I’m so happy to know she is doing well!

TTc2019BabyNo1 · 12/08/2019 19:00

@AryaNoOne ahh congrats on your girl!! Ours was the same, constantly moving and the appointment took so long she nearly didn’t have time to tell us the sex!
I have been told I have an anterior placenta which i’m a bit gutted about as it’s my first I was looking forward to feeling all the movements. So far it just feels like a few twitches. I hope my husband will be able to feel them at some point...!

How is everyone feeling? And does anyone know when we can get the mat b1 form?

AryaNoOne · 12/08/2019 19:35

Thanks TTC, same to you on yours 😃💕

I have anterior placenta too but I can still feel her so I am sure yours will be more pronounced in no time. My DH felt one kick on Thursday which he was really thrilled about, he hasn’t felt any of the others even where I can but I guess that is the placenta cushioning. He loved seeing her today though.

I think we get mat b1 from GP, I am seeing mine tomorrow for a whooping cough vaccine so I was going to ask then. I will let you know whether they can help.

Dreamsunshine · 12/08/2019 20:02

@AryaNoOne that's brilliant. Glad everything went Well.

I was told I will get the mat B1 form at my 25 week check up with the midwife which I have next week.

AryaNoOne · 13/08/2019 18:23

Thanks @Dreamsunshine 😃

My GP is doing me a Mat B1 after today’s appointment, I popped my name and NI no on the form and left it with reception for the doctor to fill out the rest. But not sure if this is another of those things that differs by NHS trust.

TTc2019BabyNo1 · 13/08/2019 20:30

Thanks both! I’m not due to see the midwife again for 3 weeks, and by then it’s very close to my deadline to give written notice of pregnancy to my employer so I need it sooner rather than later.
I called my gp today and they said they don’t keep the forms in the gp they are brought in by the midwives so i’m now waiting for a call back from them!
Admin is definitely not the NHS’s strong point! Lol

xoxhayleyxox · 11/11/2019 15:26

Hey ladies. Just thought I'd see how everyone is getting on? X

OP posts:
Dreamsunshine · 11/11/2019 17:32

Hi @xoxhayleyxox im good thank you. How have you been keeping? I finished work on Friday so its getting very real now lol im 36+4 today, cant believe how quick time has went. Im a wee bit worried because i started doing a lot of work on my house a few months ago and the plasterer was 3 weeks late which held things back. Getting a painter in to finish off but he isnt coming until next week ... i just want to get the room finished so I can set the crib up etc.. hope baby doesnt come early lol xx

xoxhayleyxox · 11/11/2019 17:35

Hey @Dreamsunshine !
Glad to hear you're doing well. I've been ok too thank you. Baby has been keeping me on my toes with lots of reduced movements and then high amniotic fluid levels and 3 tests for gestational diabetes which all come back clear. Fluids have now reduced too finally.
Oh bless you, that sounds stressful with being how far along we are too!! Fingers crossed baby doesn't come early!
How're you feeling about the impending birth? 🤣 xx

OP posts:
AryaNoOne · 11/11/2019 18:18

Hi @xoxhayleyxox, thanks for checking in and hello @Dreamsunshine and all too.

I’m doing ok, only 34.4 so a couple of weeks behind some on this thread. I’m finishing work in 3 weeks and looking forward to it now as I’m starting to get a bit tired but otherwise feeling good.

I’m seeing my midwife tomorrow to do a birth plan, finding it quite hard to know what to include as I’ve no idea how I’m going to find it all but I think I’m going to start in a birth pool if I can and then decide on pain relief options as I go depending on what I think I need. How did you decide what you wanted?

Hope you get your decorating done soon @Dreamsunshine. We’ve had some done too and it’s finished except for carpets, hoping to find someone who can do those fast!

xoxhayleyxox · 11/11/2019 18:43

@AryaNoOne no problems, it's nice to see how people are doing!
I'm having to go for a c section due to an underlying condition I have. 3 weeks tomorrow at 39 weeks! But I'm feeling okay about it. Slightly nervous for the spinal however I just keep thinking of the end result!
A birthing pool sounds lovely, it's good your midwife is going through the plan with you. X

OP posts:
AryaNoOne · 11/11/2019 22:05

@xoxhayleyxox try not to worry about the spinal I’m sure it will go really well and it must be nice to know when you will meet your baby. Will be thinking of you 3 weeks today!

xoxhayleyxox · 19/11/2019 10:03

Well my c section has now been brought forward to 38 weeks due to pain and my underlying bone condition - a week today! He'll no longer be a December baby! Excited and nervous! 😳

OP posts:
AryaNoOne · 19/11/2019 10:50

That’s exciting that you’ll get to meet him in just one week! Smile


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Dreamsunshine · 19/11/2019 11:00

xoxhayleyxox so excited for you. I hope everything goes well. I was in hopsital on Friday night with reduced movements and they wanted to start me! Thankfully the doctor changed his mind. I will be much happier when my house is finished this week lol im feeling a lot of pressure and some pains on and off so trying to stay calm.

xoxhayleyxox · 23/11/2019 17:14

Well ladies, my December 10th baby had other ideas and arrived via emergency c section yesterday, November 22nd at 8:38pm weighing 6lb12. 37+3, luckily I'd had steroid injections. He's perfect. Wishing you all luck with your upcoming births!

Is anyone else 9+ weeks?
OP posts:
Dreamsunshine · 23/11/2019 19:16

Omg @xoxhayleyxox congratulations on your beautful boy. I wish you well with your recovery and im glad you and baby are doing well. That must have been a frightening experience. Brilliant news xx

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