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Hyperemesis Support

994 replies

LucindaE · 07/01/2016 11:05

I hope everyone suffering from the Horrors of Hyperemesis will find this thread useful as a source of support and information.

There's no TMI on here - can't be by definition - and nobody should feel ashamed of moaning as much as they feel the need to.

MOH's wonderful website is full of useful information on this illness:
Another invaluable website is:
If you need help in obtaining medication, this phone number is
024 7638 2020

Lastly, the NICE guidelines on treatment are useful:

I would like to thank everyone who has given such invaluable support and advice on this and on previous threads.

Remember when you are at your worst, 'This Too Shall Pass'. It really will.
So many women on this thread have thought they couldn't get through this, but they did.

OP posts:
amysmummy12345 · 02/03/2016 17:46

The ranitidine/cyclazine combo sounds like its working a treat!! I feel like a hamster on a wheel at the minute... Started a me supply post to take me up until mat leave, Mon to Fri mornings doing interventions etc... It's good but I have to drop Amy off, do the work, come back, spend afternoon/evening with Amy, then once she's in bed I get stuff ready for the next days teaching... Hopefully I can get ahead this weekend worth all my resources so I'll a last have some evenings free!!

amysmummy12345 · 02/03/2016 17:47

Grrr with and at least...

LucindaE · 02/03/2016 18:29

Goodness, amysmummy How do you have the energy to deal with such a schedule? How are you feeling now? Hopefully, no relapses?
Madrigal Sorry to hear that you still start the day with a bile run - that is vile, no doggeral (sp) rhyme intended.
ColaBottle Very glad to hear of happy update about ranatadine. Long may it continue. I'm glad you could talk to a sympathetic midwife. I wish that was the norm.
spandau Sympathies over such a horrible feeling. Thank goodness you are up to where you are.
Ican't How are things?
curlywurly Thanks for reporting back; looking at a screen can be enough to set off violent nausea. I was given that for migriane, and did blame my acid stomach on it, but in all fairness I would have had one anyway, and some people are really helped by it.
I hope everyone is more or less managing, today...Waves to eallison and everyone...

OP posts:
eallison88 · 02/03/2016 19:02

cola that's fantastic to hear, glad also about sympathetic midwife.

amys I hope there's some time to rest amongst all of that!

amysmummy12345 · 02/03/2016 19:26

Nausea is slowly receding once more... Dh was off with the sick bug yesterday, just hoping Amy doesn't get it 😷 just running a nice bath to relax my bones a bit.... Feel ancient lately, 35 going on 105 Confused

SpecialStains · 02/03/2016 19:40

Hey all,

Glad your 16 week appointment was with a sympathetic midwife colabottle. I had mine today, haven't tested urine for a couple of weeks but the ketones are back. :-( I'm not even vomiting any more, just gagging and I struggle with food, but I thought I was doing okay.

Exhausted from work. Sad

ICantThinkOfAUsernameH · 02/03/2016 20:04

Sorry I've been quiet, still poorly and the hg going strong, but seems my health is starting to affect baby so been a bit down. His growth has dropped a lot and I've a clot on my placenta so if things haven't improved by growth scan next week they will be getting him out. Just feel like my body is failing him, heavily relying on painkillers and medication just to get through the day, so constantly worried if that will affect him. I'm hoping this is all just a blip and next week will show a massive growth spurt! 30 weeks today.
Sorry for the long post about myself yet again, keep it all bottled up in RL.

Cola, that's really fab news I hope it lasts.
Amy's, enjoy your bath :)
Spandau, these weeks seem to be going so slow don't they? sorry to hear about the SPD.
Reebok, not long left in work now, hope its going quick.
Special, how is it back in work?
Waves to mother hen, MoP, madrigal, mrsamerican, shoop, mrsamerican, curly.

Sorry to anyone I've missed.

ICantThinkOfAUsernameH · 02/03/2016 20:14

Sorry special, cross posted, takes me bloody ages to type haha!
Your doing so well to be at work but please take it easy! As for ketones they are a pain in behind, lucozade is my trick but not good for heartburn.

MotherofPearl · 02/03/2016 21:15

Icant, please don't apologise for supposed 'me post'! After all you have been through, and are continuing to endure, you have been so stoical and not 'me' enough! You barely complain at all and have been positively saintly. I'm really so admiring of how you've handled it all. Hope baby has a nice big growth spurt for you over the next week. Fx.
I'm just keeping my head down and trying to get through the days, which do seem to be dragging. Waves to all.

ICantThinkOfAUsernameH · 02/03/2016 22:03

Thank you MoP that's really kind of you to say, I'd be lost without this thread. Heres hoping May will be here for you soon, we are a month closer Flowers

amysmummy12345 · 03/03/2016 04:14

icant of anyone deserves a me post its you!! I'll be praying for you and baby, I hope too that this is just a blip, remain hopeful and rest up as much as possible xxx

icklekid · 03/03/2016 07:01

Oh gosh icant how frustrating and emotionally exhausting for you. Hope the growth scan goes well although I imagine some days the desire to get baby out and for this to be over can be tempting. Keep posting so we can send Cake and Chocolate!

special rubbish about ketones I've not tested for aged because sickness has dropped significantly so presuming all would be fine so will check. Hope work is manageable.

motherofpearl know the dragging feeling am regularly just surviving days! Got 2 days with ds which don't feel ready for! Luckily got family coming to help but he has his last 2 back molars coming so is a bit clingy/fussy which isn't helping!

cola hope medication continue to do its job and you can stay well

Right should probably sort breakfast and get cbeebies turned off!

Reebok · 03/03/2016 07:36

Morning all hope you're all surviving. Off to work...finish up tomorrow and can't wait! World book day madness so decided to wear easiest costume...Mrs Bump...bandage across head with a sign pointing to my bump stating Mrs Bump and an arrow to baby! So shattered, nauseous and in pain. Hurry up 4pm! Hope you have a less sickly day ladies. Will
Catch up this weekend x

icklekid · 03/03/2016 08:59

Good costume reebok I went for burglar bill last time was pregnant and bump was 'swag' - bonus being my surname is bills 😉

mrsmonkey14 · 03/03/2016 10:05

Hi everyone, sorry for lack of posts this week. I'm just so exhausted! DH working away so been coping solo. Already feeling that it won't be possible to go back to work next week when my note runs out. Will spk to doc tmw.
Welcome curly, sorry you have this again, my DD is also 20m so we're in a similar position.
icant sorry to hear the latest developments, please keep posting here, you need to offload. It's natural to feel guilty but please try not to - focus on how amazing your body is to have grown baby so far. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, try to keep your spirits up and we are all thinking of you and sending positive vibes for babe to stay in there a bit longer.
cola great result. Glad ranitidine working for you. I'm wondering if I should be switching to that (by this time last preg I was on ranitidine for the acid vomiting).

Hello to everyone else, sorry I'm behind with all the updates so sorry for lack of personal messages.

Just in case it helps anyone, my latest discovery is that little cartons of juice straight from fridge are helping, as can sip little by little rather than gulping down (which is my tendency with a glass as I'm always so thirsty), I've got Ribena so the sugar helps too.
Woke up at 4am to vomit. Wtf! Dragged myself out of bed to take DD to childminder and now not sure I can move from the sofa...

LucindaE · 03/03/2016 10:08

Goodness, I we need a new thread, I'll go and do one now.
Down to ten posts left, nine after this! I'll try and get NICE guidelines link to come up (excuse expression!) this time.

OP posts:
LucindaE · 03/03/2016 10:24

Here we are: new tread on
With luck, both that link and the NICE guidelines will come out.

OP posts:
SarahHelga · 22/03/2016 07:39

Hi ladies,
I've spent the night reading this amazing thread in between continuous violent vomiting which makes me pour sweat and shake. I'm 10 weeks 4 days and last week was giving cyclizine. It worked so well for 5 days but can't keep fluid down at all now and it's now been 12 hours. I will try and go back to the GP today. Is this a flare up?how long do these flare ups last? Feeling pretty miserable as thought I'd found magic pills!!
I'm so pleased I found this support!! Big love x

SleepymrsE · 22/03/2016 20:43

Hi sarah, sorry to hear you're feeling so rough - come join us on the new thread linked in lucindas last message (above). You'll get lots of support from lots of lovely ladies who know what you're going through.

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