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Hot Drinks?

39 replies

DoctorDonnaNoble · 13/01/2015 06:25

Other than decaf tea and coffee what are people drinking? I thought I'd found a lovely ginger tea but it had liquorice root in it and that's apparently a no no. Help me please, the decaf tea at work is Tetley and that's rubbish and doesn't taste of tea! Confused

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jbee1979 · 14/01/2015 10:59

peppermint tea.

I went off coffee at the start so I couldn't even drink decaf - then my sister in law gave me a cup of fancy (new coffee machine) decaf on christmas day and it was gorgeous!!

I'm out of the habit of "fancying a coffee" now, but we were at a funeral yesterday and I was frozen afterwards so we stopped on a garage.

I would have had decaf if they sold it - but I ended up having a small latte and it was the most marvellous drink I've had on months!! I think I'm back on to coffee - in moderation though Grin

catellington · 13/01/2015 21:34

I have hot water with a slice of lemon (favourite)
Coconut water
Up to about three cups of tea a day
Sometimes a coffee
Never anything decaf as I don't like the taste. Prefer to drink less of the normal stuff. But to be honest I don't feel like having tea and coffee much at he moment because of horrible heartburn. Hot water with lemon is quite soothing and gentle.

Strokethefurrywall · 13/01/2015 21:23

Ummm. I only drank coffee and tea. Went off it for a week then started up again. Then around 16 weeks I got really bad pressure headaches so stopped drinking the coffee and drank more water, my OBGYN told me to go back to drinking coffee as the caffeine would help.

Cleared them right up. Not sure caffeine is such a big no no here...

Moon84 · 13/01/2015 20:58

Does anyone know if mate is safe to drink? I've had a couple of cups of a clipper 'rise & shine' tea which has organic mate in it. Also occasionally I'll have a cup of green tea in the morning, I know this has caffeine in it but it's also supposed to be really good for you so it's hard to know!
I also drink rooibus and peppermint but unsure about nettle, ginger and tea with spices like cloves and cinnamon as there are so many confusing and contradictory things about them on the internet!

Pico2 · 13/01/2015 19:55

I like Twinnings English Breakfast decaf tea. I also like peppermint tea.

comeagainforbigfudge · 13/01/2015 19:48

I haven't switched either. But I did go off tea for weeks. Even now I only have two or three cups a week (instead of several throughout the day).

Was having hot water with an orange slice as a change from a lemon slice for a while or just hot water.

DanyStormborn · 13/01/2015 19:00

I drink normal tea. Very occasionally a coffee.

Gillian1980 · 13/01/2015 17:26

I'm 8+1 and haven't been able to stomach the thought if any hot drinks for the last couple of weeks. Usually I'm a coffee fiend but can't manage it at all - 2 people have twigged this week on that basis alone!!

blowinahoolie · 13/01/2015 16:53

Cup a soups. Can't stomach anything else.

Cornberry · 13/01/2015 13:20

I am off regular tea and in fact most drinks but I have found I can stomach lady grey. I just dip a tea bag in a cup of boiling water for a few seconds and it's not overpowering. And hot chocolate is ok too.

Meplusyouequals4 · 13/01/2015 13:06

Smoothies are also good for getting vitamins and fibre in your diet.

Meplusyouequals4 · 13/01/2015 13:05

Red Bush tea (naturally caffeine free)
Hot vimto

Hot water with sliced citrus fruit(what ever you like) and a little honey.

I've been drinking Loads more smoothies since being pregnant and I used to never really drink cold drinks before.

BiddyPop · 13/01/2015 10:36

I kept drinking regular tea (I do a "wave the bag at the water" type of very weak tea in any case), and allowed myself just 1 cup of coffee daily as the decaf available at the time was woeful.

I also drink real lemon juice with hot water, and usually use honey to sweeten it but used regular sugar when I was pg.

Chamomile tea was a nice change some days, or other fruit teas.

And of course the wonderful raspberry leaf tea in the latter weeks.

ChatEnOeuf · 13/01/2015 10:23

Regular tea (3 cups/day)
Hot purple squash
Decaf PG tips (scraping the barrel)

The first 14w I could only manage half a cup of tea (glad that's over!), but really wanted to sip diet coke, icy cold. Limited myself to a 500ml bottle every other day.

Beggy15 · 13/01/2015 09:35

Nescafé decaf is safe as it uses the water method to remove caffeine. I think I'm going off hot drinks I currently can't bare the thought of them

tuffgingernut · 13/01/2015 09:25

I drink a lot of tea and have worked my way through several different brands. I think Typhoo decaff is excellent and, as an added bonus, it's very cheap. Smile

Slongette · 13/01/2015 09:14

I've been drinking either Rooibos, hot water and lemon or sweet rhubarb tea as I'd gone off tea in the first trimester.

I've got over that now and have a couple of normal teas during the day then switch to water or the rooibos.

fortywinx · 13/01/2015 09:08

As far as I know there's about 40mg of caffeine in a can of cola, compared to about 75-100mg in tea or instant coffee, and more again in "proper" filter coffee!

I've just been having decaff tea if I'm at home (although I massively went off hot drinks in first trimester anyway), but I'm not a big tea/coffee drinker, so if I have been at a friend's house or something similar, I have had a normal one and just made sure I haven't gone over the 200mg a day limit.

Things I've tried as hot drinks, blackcurrant squash, honey and lemon juice, fruit teas etc.

Eltonjohnsflorist · 13/01/2015 08:50

There is less caffeine in a can of coke than a cup of tea (I was amazed to find that out!)

I only strictly avoided caffeine for the first trimester. Yy to Yorkshire tea decaff, it's the only decent one. In a shop (Nero, Starbucks etc) decaff isn't too bad if you have a regular filter coffee or flat white (I prefer something milky for protein)

Now I have about 3/4 shop bought caffeine drinks a week and probably 3/4 full caffeine teas. I try and keep tea decaff but it's a struggle when other people have made it, but if I feel I've had a little too much I cut back.

StetsonsAreCool · 13/01/2015 08:40

I thought coke was comparable in terms of caffeine, but it was the tonnes of sugar you want to avoid?

Either way, I drank 3-4 cups of normal tea a day during my last pg (3wk old baby now). Everything was ok.

HollyC255552 · 13/01/2015 08:25

I've completely gone off tea/coffee so drinking hot blackcurrent.

DoctorDonnaNoble · 13/01/2015 08:11

Thanks all! Need to wait for a supermarket trip now.

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sebsmummy1 · 13/01/2015 07:59

Donna, the Clipper tea I mentioned was in my local Tesco so should be easy to get your hands on.

Hot Drinks?
cuphat · 13/01/2015 07:54

Redbush. It's naturally caffeine free.

Sonics · 13/01/2015 07:54

I second the recommendation for Yorkshire decaf. It's the best one I've tried - almost like the real thing

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