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So DC3 is on the way...Anyne else?

114 replies

BreasticlesNTesticles · 25/08/2013 19:48

Found out I am pregnant with DC3 today, have DD1 aged 3 and DD2 aged 2.

Planned for, but still in shock. And very early so I can't tell anyone yet!

Just wondering if anyone else is in a similar position?

I am flummoxed, and yet you would think I had got the hang of it by now wouldn't you Grin

OP posts:
GreatJoanUmber · 28/08/2013 18:02

Nice to see there's quite a few of us "3 under 5"s Wink

As for cars, I had to swap my plush spanking new Volvo estate. Had a brief look at the XC90 but really couldn't justify the costs of tax and fuel economy!!
So I started to look at MPVs. My boys have isofix seats so I wanted one with three proper seats with isofix fittings across the back. Turns out there are only a handful! I want my 4yo to sit in the middle as he can climb in and out on his own with ease and only needs minimal help with the seatbelt, and the little ones on the outsides. But most cars/MPVs only have 2 isofix fittings on the outer seats.
So we decided to go for an S-Max. It's not as nice inside as my Volvo was, but we went for a higher spec so at least it's got leather. The boys love the panoramic roof, and I love the little child observation mirror! I get 45mpg out of, which isn't too bad for a 2 litre engine. Opted to have the sat nav with rear camera which does help with my rather limited reverse parking skills!
Thankfully the car is/ was the only thing we had to sort out as everything else is still in place Smile Will need to buy some small size nappies and a tube of Lansinoh closer to the time, but I think that's about it!!

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 18:19

I love the mirror too, Jean !

GrasshopperNchipmunk · 28/08/2013 18:35

Hi everyone, I'm 22 weeks with DC3, a little boy. I already have DS (2) and DD (1), I didn't realise there was so many others with such a smallish age gap! Very reassuring!

UpTheFRIGGinDuff · 28/08/2013 18:40


26 weeks with #3,
DD is 5 and DS is 3 (we don't know what gender DC3 will be)

it's going so fast Shock i can't believe I've only got around 14 weeks to go!!

FloJo151 · 28/08/2013 18:41

hi all am 15 wks with dc3, have a ds 7 (nearly 8) and ds 5.
am hoping to get away with not changing car as am going for an erf car seat this time (as we got rid of baby car seat as was too old). am hoping this means we can fit 3 across the back!
Greatjoan that's what I wanted to do. ds1 in middle but had practice run when looking after baby nephew and realised that the head bit of the hbb (and ds1's head!) were too high for me to see safely over so ds2 (5) is going to have to go in the middle.

Apparentlychilled · 28/08/2013 18:45

Hi all,
I'm 18 weeks pg w DC3 - DD is nearly 5 and DS will be 26 months when no3 arrives. All this car talk is very helpful- I got a BMW X3 a year ago and it doesn't seem to fit 3 across the back. I'm seeing a friend tomorrow who had 3 under 4 (so had same car seat needs as me) and fitted 3 in the back of a Golf, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I don't need to change my car.
Anyone else feeling rotten? I seem to be tired ALL the time. Someone on anor thread questioned whether I cd be anaemic, which I guess is possible. Seeing dr next week, so will ask for a blood test.

lovelylentils · 28/08/2013 19:53

Can I join you.
I'm expecting DC3 on Christmas Day! [Shock] I'm 23 weeks pregnant today.
DS1 is 3yrs and DD is 20 months.
I'm a teacher too and dreading going back next week. DH working away too during the weeks at the moment so just exhausted.
Sorry that was a moan instead of an introduction. Grin

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 20:42

Oh my god. ARE YOU ME, lovelylentils?! so much in common it's scary!! Shock

23 weeks
Kids same ages
Dp away a lot


BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 20:42

Oh oh oh and Christmas day due date!!

Theas18 · 28/08/2013 20:46

3dc is perfect :)

BreasticlesNTesticles · 28/08/2013 21:31

Is that the voice of experience Thea?

I'm at the early sicky stage where you look awful but no one knows And the dc are capitalising on any weakness.

And I want more?!? Shock Grin

OP posts:
lovelylentils · 28/08/2013 21:36

Arghhh Blackhole that's scary!! Shock
Maybe we are the same person just too tired and grumpy to realise it Grin

PiratesMam · 28/08/2013 21:42

We had our scan today Grin 13 weeks tmro, one happy healthy little foetus.

Our older 2 are 4 and 2; when did you guys tell your kids you were expecting? I feel it's too early, but am sure the 4yr old knows something is going on, plus you know what people are like, they'll be saying OOH WHAT'S IN MUMMY'S TUMMY?! HmmSo thinking maybe we should prepare him...

lovelylentils · 28/08/2013 21:51

I took my two dc to my 20wk scan (had no child care!) so told them then. DS, 3yo, is very excited and keeps asking if its coming out yet/ is it xmas yet. DD too young to understand.

PiratesMam · 28/08/2013 21:57

lentils does he have a gender preference? Because DS has a sister I am SURE he's going to demand a brother this time, which I have a sneaky suspicion isn't going to be the case!

Hyperhelpmum · 28/08/2013 22:00

We told ours v early about 5 weeks as I was in hospital with hyperemesis and didn't want DS aged 4 to be scared ( he is very imaginative) I'm feeling exhausted and sick and can't wait for this pregnancy to be over. Have felt ill for 29 weeks now and just SO fed up. Wish we'd got the s max. Not sure I like our new Peugeot 5008 but then it's a 2012 plate, 5000 miles on clock and cost £12000 so can't complain. Anyone else due November 12th ish?!

lovelylentils · 28/08/2013 22:20

Not really Pirates. Some days he talks about the baby being a boy and other times refers to it as a girl. We've asked him what he'd like it to be and he changes his mind each time.

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 22:35

Haha, maybe we are I am, lovelylentils! Grin

We told our kids when I went for my 12 week scan. Older one very excited and little one knows there's a baby in there and kisses and strokes it often Smile

workingonitagain · 29/08/2013 07:36

apparentlychilled ive been feeling very tired too but pit it down to running after the kids then after my 28 week blood test i was told i anemic and now on iron and will really have to make to make the effort to eat a bit better as so far my diet is the worst in this pregnancy. Just craving junk and carbs all the time Smile i didn't realise there are so many families where dps are away a lot. It makes me feel better and realise i can't milk it that much Smile

im off for my whooping inj with the 2 monkeys. I hope it wont hurt too much as i want to show them how brace mummy is Grin

workingonitagain · 29/08/2013 07:37

I meant brave Smile

GreatJoanUmber · 29/08/2013 09:26

Pirate mine are 2 and 4 too! I told my 4yo after the 12w scan. Just because I know he can't keep his mouth shut. And sure enough, the next morning he'd told everyone at preschool about our brand new baby; and when we went to pick up my 2yo he told everyone at nursery, too! It's nice that he's so excited though. My 2yo either doesn't get it or tries to boycott it - he insists that there's no baby in my tummy but that HE'S the baby!
The big one wants another brother; I suppose it's only natural for them to want a same sex sibling at that age.

chilling I can't believe that anyone managed to get 3 seats across the back of a golf?! I found even the bigger estates (Passat, Mondeo, V70 etc) weren't quite sufficient!

Apparentlychilled · 29/08/2013 09:32

GreatJoan- I know, it seems incredible but I'm keeping fingers crossed! She said her DH did a lot of research so you never know! I'll update if there's any good news. And DD also wants a sibling if same gender on the basis that she has a brother already. I have a feeling she's going to be disappointed! Oh we'll, we'll find out in 2 weeks.


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MummyPig24 · 29/08/2013 09:37

Ds (5) wants a brother. I have quite a strong feeling that this baby is a boy but we will have 6 months to wait and see! Dd (3) doesn't really care about what sex the baby is. We haven't told them yet, we just asked them "if you were going to have a baby brother or sister, which would you want?"

I love the idea of filming their reaction to being shown the scan pic, so cute! Having a Rugrats fest here, anything for a bit of peace!

PiratesMam · 29/08/2013 09:42

I think we'll tell them on the weekend then. The 4 yr old is bound to pick up on it, and it would be nice to explain to him why I've been so knackered! He will definitely want it to be a boy but I've a feeling this is another girl. (Poor DS, if it's anything like DD then this is going to be a very noisy house!! At least then he'll get his own room because the girls will eventually share!!)

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 29/08/2013 09:53

Ds17 and dd14 knew from the start! I did the test and grabbed DP as he walked past the bathroom to show him. When we opened the door, both of them were standing outside the door sporting massive grins! You can have NO secrets with teens in a small house! Grin

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