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So DC3 is on the way...Anyne else?

114 replies

BreasticlesNTesticles · 25/08/2013 19:48

Found out I am pregnant with DC3 today, have DD1 aged 3 and DD2 aged 2.

Planned for, but still in shock. And very early so I can't tell anyone yet!

Just wondering if anyone else is in a similar position?

I am flummoxed, and yet you would think I had got the hang of it by now wouldn't you Grin

OP posts:
Hyperhelpmum · 29/08/2013 21:47

quickchat that is a lovely post, thank you! lovelylentils yes and yes. Have had bad pains that make me gasp , like stitch if I walk or move too fast. Also BH are really really uncomfortable and have had them since about 20 weeks. The joys of pregnancy member three! Can't believe this one will be here in ten weeks!!! It's going to fly by now term has started. I too feel like others that I feel our family is complete with number three. My oldest son (5) wanted a sister and younger son (3) a brother. It's a girl so DS2 will have to get used to it as will me and DH! Shocked but intrigued to see what a little girl version of us is like!

AnotherStitchInTime · 29/08/2013 21:11

Thanks quickchat, most people I have told take a sharp in breath when they hear #3, mind you SIL has 5 so at least I can draw on her for positivity!

I told dd1 when we found out because we reckoned I was quite far along. Had a scan the following week and was dated at 12 weeks already. She wants a brother. Dd2 is too young to understand.

I have the ligament stretchy pains and also get pulled abdominal muscles if I get up too quickly. It was the same when I was pregnant with dd2, I had BH from 25 weeks with her, not looking forward to them. I am also not looking forward to the stretching pains, I have scar tissue from two previous CS which is quite painful when it starts to stretch as you get bigger.

MacCrackles · 29/08/2013 20:41

Thanks quickchat, your story made me smile and tell myself that I must put my doubts aside and enjoy this pregnancy as much as I did my first 2. Glad to hear that things are good for you and your family.

AnotherStitchInTime · 29/08/2013 20:35

Try here Wuxiapian

BreasticlesNTesticles · 29/08/2013 20:23

I had the stitch like pain with dd2 and midwife said it was ligaments stretching.

OP posts:
lovelylentils · 29/08/2013 20:18

Hello, quick question (re another thread)
Has anyone else had stitch like pains when walking.
Also, have you found BH have been worse and earlier in preg this time. I only ever really had them in last 5-8 weeks with last two. 23 weeks and getting them quite strongly already. Quite painful.

Lambethmum · 29/08/2013 19:57

25 weeks here with 3rd boy, 19 months between the first two, 22 months this time! Work wasn't very pleased...

BreasticlesNTesticles · 29/08/2013 18:38

DD1 said she wants one of each, a brother and a sister.


OP posts:
Wuxiapian · 29/08/2013 14:25

Going to be difficult telling DS1, 15. He thought we were joking when we sat him down to tell him about DS2, now 7 months!

Looking at double buggies now - anyone offer any advice? DS2 will be just 13 months when newborn arrives!

Need to look at cars, too. Our Audi A6 simply won't cut it. Tut.

BlackholesAndRevelations · 29/08/2013 13:10

greatjoan - I'm the same. Utterly convinced from the moment of the 20 week scan (when I knew this one was/is hopefully ok- two miscarriages at beginning of year) that I didn't want any more. Last time we said we were done, but still held on to most of our stuff and never quite felt complete!

BlackholesAndRevelations · 29/08/2013 13:06

Aw quickchat your post has made me well up! Stupid hormones! Thank you though Smile

dirtyface · 29/08/2013 11:38


i am pg with dc3 as well am 6+2 today, my others are 4 and 7

GreatJoanUmber · 29/08/2013 11:32

Aw thanks for sharing, quickchat! That is really sweet Smile
I'm one of three; maybe that's why our family never felt quite 'complete' to me? Was worried that I'd just forever have baby fever and want more and more kids, but now that I'm pg with #3 I already feel at peace and quite sure I don't want a fourth.

quickchat · 29/08/2013 10:23

Hi, Im not PG but I sneaked in for a look as the title made me smile.
My #3 is 1 tomorrow Smile.

Nearly 2 years ago my DH's business had folded, we had built an expensive house which wasn't quite finished but we had no money to finish it and needed to sell it ASAP before we lost EVERYTHING and then I found myself PG with DC3! I was struggling with my then 4 yr old DS and 2 yr old DD and an under active thyroid!! You can imagine the reaction.

I WAS NOT going to cope at all! I was miserable (sorryBlush) for the whole 9 months. I ended up with lots of PG issues and I could see no positives at all.

We luckily borrowed enough money from family and sold the house. Bought a new one in a place I absolutely love.
DC3 was born 2 weeks after we moved in (total building site) and DC1 started school and we coped. Even with a 3rd baby with reflux we coped. Looking back over the last year - we actually enjoyed it Shock.

I never thought id say this but im soooo glad we have 3.
2 is too small. I grew up with me and one brother and dinner time could be - quiet! Imagine that. There's more fun to be had and watching my 6 yr old DS with his baby brother is so cute. They love each other to bits and cuddle all the time. DS1 is so protective of him. DD loves him too but she is only 3 and sometimes cuddles him a bit too hard!.
He loves crawling around after them when they are having a run around and we love watching them all together. A little gang.

Hope that helps with any doubts. Don't do what I did wasting any time worrying about how it will work. It just does. Good luck to you all. xx

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 29/08/2013 09:53

Ds17 and dd14 knew from the start! I did the test and grabbed DP as he walked past the bathroom to show him. When we opened the door, both of them were standing outside the door sporting massive grins! You can have NO secrets with teens in a small house! Grin

PiratesMam · 29/08/2013 09:42

I think we'll tell them on the weekend then. The 4 yr old is bound to pick up on it, and it would be nice to explain to him why I've been so knackered! He will definitely want it to be a boy but I've a feeling this is another girl. (Poor DS, if it's anything like DD then this is going to be a very noisy house!! At least then he'll get his own room because the girls will eventually share!!)

MummyPig24 · 29/08/2013 09:37

Ds (5) wants a brother. I have quite a strong feeling that this baby is a boy but we will have 6 months to wait and see! Dd (3) doesn't really care about what sex the baby is. We haven't told them yet, we just asked them "if you were going to have a baby brother or sister, which would you want?"

I love the idea of filming their reaction to being shown the scan pic, so cute! Having a Rugrats fest here, anything for a bit of peace!

Apparentlychilled · 29/08/2013 09:32

GreatJoan- I know, it seems incredible but I'm keeping fingers crossed! She said her DH did a lot of research so you never know! I'll update if there's any good news. And DD also wants a sibling if same gender on the basis that she has a brother already. I have a feeling she's going to be disappointed! Oh we'll, we'll find out in 2 weeks.

GreatJoanUmber · 29/08/2013 09:26

Pirate mine are 2 and 4 too! I told my 4yo after the 12w scan. Just because I know he can't keep his mouth shut. And sure enough, the next morning he'd told everyone at preschool about our brand new baby; and when we went to pick up my 2yo he told everyone at nursery, too! It's nice that he's so excited though. My 2yo either doesn't get it or tries to boycott it - he insists that there's no baby in my tummy but that HE'S the baby!
The big one wants another brother; I suppose it's only natural for them to want a same sex sibling at that age.

chilling I can't believe that anyone managed to get 3 seats across the back of a golf?! I found even the bigger estates (Passat, Mondeo, V70 etc) weren't quite sufficient!

workingonitagain · 29/08/2013 07:37

I meant brave Smile

workingonitagain · 29/08/2013 07:36

apparentlychilled ive been feeling very tired too but pit it down to running after the kids then after my 28 week blood test i was told i anemic and now on iron and will really have to make to make the effort to eat a bit better as so far my diet is the worst in this pregnancy. Just craving junk and carbs all the time Smile i didn't realise there are so many families where dps are away a lot. It makes me feel better and realise i can't milk it that much Smile

im off for my whooping inj with the 2 monkeys. I hope it wont hurt too much as i want to show them how brace mummy is Grin

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 22:35

Haha, maybe we are I am, lovelylentils! Grin

We told our kids when I went for my 12 week scan. Older one very excited and little one knows there's a baby in there and kisses and strokes it often Smile


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lovelylentils · 28/08/2013 22:20

Not really Pirates. Some days he talks about the baby being a boy and other times refers to it as a girl. We've asked him what he'd like it to be and he changes his mind each time.

Hyperhelpmum · 28/08/2013 22:00

We told ours v early about 5 weeks as I was in hospital with hyperemesis and didn't want DS aged 4 to be scared ( he is very imaginative) I'm feeling exhausted and sick and can't wait for this pregnancy to be over. Have felt ill for 29 weeks now and just SO fed up. Wish we'd got the s max. Not sure I like our new Peugeot 5008 but then it's a 2012 plate, 5000 miles on clock and cost £12000 so can't complain. Anyone else due November 12th ish?!

PiratesMam · 28/08/2013 21:57

lentils does he have a gender preference? Because DS has a sister I am SURE he's going to demand a brother this time, which I have a sneaky suspicion isn't going to be the case!

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