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So DC3 is on the way...Anyne else?

114 replies

BreasticlesNTesticles · 25/08/2013 19:48

Found out I am pregnant with DC3 today, have DD1 aged 3 and DD2 aged 2.

Planned for, but still in shock. And very early so I can't tell anyone yet!

Just wondering if anyone else is in a similar position?

I am flummoxed, and yet you would think I had got the hang of it by now wouldn't you Grin

OP posts:
MacCrackles · 27/08/2013 16:03

Hi everyone! Found out yesterday that we're expecting DC3 so v early days. DD will be 5 and DS 3 by the time MiniCrackles (hopefully) arrives.

Although excited I'm also full of doubts which I wasn't at all before. Main doubt is around having enough time for each of them, being "left" behind by friends with only 2, expenses etc. ahhhhh!!!

On the other hand I've always wanted 3 as I came from a bigger family and love having big get togethers and lots of grown up siblings.

Are we mad?! I know everyone is going to say that to me!!

Oh yes, DH slowly coming round to the need to sell our A6 for a S-Max!!

Peacenquiet2 · 27/08/2013 16:44

I can relate to what most people here are saying even though the age gap between my dcs will be pretty reasonable. Im 11 weeks with dc 3 which was unplanned although will be very much loved. Ive struggled to get my head around it and as yet have told no family as i know they will all day im mad to give up my freedom ile be gaining when dc2 starts school full time next year.
Dd will be 7 and half when this one arrives and ds 3 and half but that still does'nt stop me from panicking about school runs, shopping, coping in general.
I honestly take my hat off to those ladies who have 3 under 3 as i think i would need sectioning in those circumstances :-).
On the other hand i can see the long term benefits of get togethers in years to come with a bigger family. Im one of 3 and loved growing up with siblings to share christmas excitement with, etc.
So although im struggling to be excited yet im sure it will all work out for the best in the long run.

Hyperhelpmum · 27/08/2013 23:41

Picking up new car tomorrow! But excited actually! Investing in some booster seats with isofix connections as current one rated as a 'don't but this seat' on which? and DS2 growing out of stage 2 seat as we speak. There's another £180 out of the account :( didn't think this through financially at all!!!! Are we all crazy/ destined to be bankrupt?!

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 27/08/2013 23:59

Hi, Im on number 3. but that's where our similarities end! I have a 15 year age gap! Grin
People say Im barking, but Im not sure Id change with someone with 3 under 5! Grin

TobyLerone · 28/08/2013 00:03

Glad you're here to back me up with the massive age gap, Saggy :o

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 28/08/2013 00:15

Grin I didn't realise you were upduffed Toby! I think that we are the sensible ones! built in baby sitters Grin

TobyLerone · 28/08/2013 00:16

Too right!

PiratesMam · 28/08/2013 06:50

Massive age gaps are great - I'm 12 years older than my little brother. As soon as my older brother and I got home from school, around the time my mum was just getting fed up of the baby, she'd hand it over and then get on with other things. Baby was delighted to see us home and we'd entertain him for hours. Grin

Mind you some of my friends were scandalised that my mum had a baby at 40! ShockShockShock 'Twas quite unusual then so long ago

That said, I'm expecting the 4yr old to help me. Is that wrong? [innocent face]

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 07:01

I was 12 when my brother was born and I bloody HATED being default babysitter so be careful! We loved having the baby around but he was and is so lonely as my brother and i are so much older. On the positive side it put me right off being a teenage mum, haha! Grin

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 07:02

Not that I thought I'd ever be a teenage mum, you understand... Just made it very clear how hard it is having babies. When I was older and at uni I did love taking him and picking him up from school when I was on my vacations Smile

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 07:03

pirates - my 4 year old helped when her first brother was born so I'm sure she'll help with this one!

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 07:05

She's 3 now but will be 4... Gah... Must be time for some caffeine!!

MummyPig24 · 28/08/2013 07:10

My dad and his brother (3yrs younger than him) are 17 and 14 years older than their next brother, then they have a sister 20mths younger than him. My dad was out at work and then in the navy but the little ones loved having such big brothers.

My grandad has a sister close in age, then after 20 years another 2 sisters!!

And there's me thinking that 6 and 4 years is going to be a big gap. I'm beginning to look forward to school going back next week, we've had a great holiday and this week is really busy, but I'm tired and my patience is wearing thin now.

evalluna · 28/08/2013 07:12

Hi, I am 6 weeks pregnant with number 3, have 2 aged 2 and 4 (will be 5 and 3 not sure if that counts as 3 under 5?) Having a bit of a stress about (among other things) my car, anyone know if there is any way to fit 3 car seats in a hyundai i30?? Does not have a full seat in the middle at the back but has 3 adult seatbelts. Not sure if the 3 year old will be big enough (responsible enough) for a booster seat, she is still in a toddler seat at moment.

LisaMWill · 28/08/2013 07:20

Hi! I'm 12 weeks today with number 3, Dd1 is 2.8 and dd2 is 13 months. no scan date yet so still nervous as I haven't had any sickness only nausea and I was terribly sick on my previous 2. Got 19 months between my 2 dd and I'll have 20 months between my youngest and this one.

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 07:24

Mummypig- that's what friends of mine did, had two close together then a huge age gap and another two close together. I always thought that might be good but we're not having four so three close together it is! Grin

Welcome evalluna, sorry I'm not sure about your car x

BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 07:26

Welcome Lisa- you win the prize for the smallest age gaps! I love the 19/20 month gap between my two! That's rubbish about your scan date though, can you chase it up?

TobyLerone · 28/08/2013 07:57

Lisa, you're not in Kent, are you?

Madasabox · 28/08/2013 08:10

I have a just about 5 year old and a just about 2 year old and am 5+5 with DC3. Worried about it all the time though as backpain is immense so constantly feel like I am about to come on and I don't remember that from last time. DD starts school next week, so will just have the 2 of them at home except of course.... the summer holidays!

thecakeisalie · 28/08/2013 08:21

I can totally see the appeal of bigger age gaps, I like the idea of having older kids who can help. For us though we wanted our kids a little closer together just so we've done the baby years and they can all grow up together. We've decided 3 is where we want to stop so its a bit of a relief to think, providing everything is ok, this will be my last pregnancy and newborn stage. I have to say I'm a bit worried about going back to having a newborn but excited too.

Has anyone else found their a little anxious this time around? I almost feel like I'm more anxious this time around because I feel I was so lucky with ds1 & ds2 to have straight forward pregnancies, labours and I haven't suffered a miscarriage - its made me a little paranoid I'm going to have had a mmc or something is going to go wrong. Not helped by not having a scan date at nearly 11wks!

LisaMWill · 28/08/2013 08:27

No not in Kent... Sunny south Wales! I know the midwife got all my notes mixed up did Chase them yesterday but they were busy!! I love my age gap hence why I wanted a similar one but now my little one is walking she's turned bonkers so slightly scared now!

LisaMWill · 28/08/2013 08:39

No not in Kent... Sunny south Wales! I know the midwife got all my notes mixed up did Chase them yesterday but they were busy!! I love my age gap hence why I wanted a similar one but now my little one is walking she's turned bonkers so slightly scared now!


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BlackholesAndRevelations · 28/08/2013 08:40

Lol at little one being bonkers! I must admit I found it easier on day trips out etc when dc2 started to walk.

TobyLerone · 28/08/2013 09:15

Ah, I only asked because all Kent NHS Trusts are having problems with their radiography/sonography/x-ray departments at the moment. I have a scan on Sunday (repeat 20 week scan due to the baby being awkward) so they're obviously trying to catch up.

Madasabox · 28/08/2013 17:52

the cake yes I am! I feel much more anxious this time. Am only 6 weeks, but it's exactly that.... was so lucky first time round, feel sure I am due some bad luck (touching wood in case I have just jinxed myself)

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