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August 05 babies - all smiley and bright-eyed!

328 replies

Miaou · 10/11/2005 15:59

A new thread for the August 05 crew - link to the old thread

OP posts:
Miaou · 16/11/2005 22:20

c&cmommy, sorry to hear you have been so ill - bronchitis sounds horrible! Is Caitlin settling into more of a pattern now? Calum is so unpredictable, I never know when he is going to sleep really.

OP posts:
suzi2 · 16/11/2005 22:37

Pookey - where did you get the outfit? I can only find santa ones!

pookey · 17/11/2005 08:50

Hi it was the ealing mothercare, you could go to your local branch and ask them to order one? Its a bit like a fluffy babygro with a tail and a hood with antlers and a red nose! also has a little teddy to strap on their arm.

beachyhead · 17/11/2005 12:10

Hello, I've been very remiss as I've only just got broadband. Georgie is sleeping through the night still which is fab and has a very set food routine. I stopped bf at about 9 weeks and now she has four bottles a day. She sleeps for about 3/4 hours a day and through from 9pm to 7am, when she gets rudely awakened for the school run........

Am really enjoying her and her smiley face......Am on for a London meet up if any one can, Azure, I think you mentioned it....

kate100 · 17/11/2005 15:42

Hi all, you chatty lot. Still confused about weaning, I understand all the signs and what have you, but I don't understand why the schedule has changed. Anyway, I guess 6 months it is, if we can make it that far.

We braved the Debenhams sale today, me, Ds1 in the buggy, ds2 in the baby carrier and my mom on her scooter. Can you imagine what we looked like?! Still, I've got the children's clothes and pj's for christmas day. I've got ds2 a little pudding suit with a matching hat with holly on it, very cute

Wilbur, ds1 just doesn't care, he knows he's done a poo and knows when he's going to do one, but is quite happy to go in his pants and then sit in it, lovely. I'm thinking of abandoning it all together and trying another time.

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 17/11/2005 16:58

The only thing Caitlin does in a "routine" is go to sleep at 9:15. It never worked to put Colin in one, he pretty much established his own at 3-4 months, so I'm not pushing her into one. The thing I've noticed is she usually sneezes several times which wakes her up.

Miaou · 17/11/2005 17:30

Can I ask, re feeding - how many feeds do you do in 24 hours? Ds is fully breasfed and has 7 - 8 feeds per day (according to the books I read, I should be down to about 5!!)

OP posts:
josey · 17/11/2005 20:08

hi think i have caught up now
i weaned ds early but he does have skin complaints which they say is a sign of early weaning from what i have read or told its anytime from 17weeks depending on baby.
routine isnt strict is now fully bottlefed 5 times a day 7oz bath 7ish down 8 for half past and thats her till 8am.
not very good with tummy time but does like lying across your knee on her tummy really good for her wind.
as for those of you having mil trouble, i know what you mean, mine storms through the house not thinking there could be a sleeping baby and if she is asleep when she is in she huffs and tents to slam the door shut when leaving. My mum also lives far away and yes i have that feeling that she is missing out etc and i sometimes get annoyed at dd for smiling at mil!!stupid of me i know, main prob with her is i have ds older who is not her grandchild and since dd has been born she is treating them differently, but on the other hand she is very good at helping out her heart is in the right place just wish her mouth and brain were!!!!
C&Cmommy im interested DH fixed? is that what i think you mean? or have i missed an earlier posting?

pookey · 17/11/2005 20:21

Hello out there dazedandconfused mum!!!!
Beachyhead I am up for a london meetup, I live in Ealing (west London)it was Dazedandconfusedmum's (watford)idea but she hasn't posted for a couple of days.

Miaou DS has only been breastfed today 12:30am, 6:00, 8:00, 11:00, 2:30 pm, 6:30 6 times. If your DS has slept through the night again he might need a while to adjust to taking bigger feeds during the day? I want DS to drop the 6:00am feed and wait until 7:00 instead of 8:00. Plan is to reduce that feed gradually but he gets grumpy if I try to stop him before he is ready

I bought a really nice coat from new Look today only £30, a billy bargin! Size 16 though ... am I the only one still wearing maternity trousers? I think I have gained weight since giving birth

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 17/11/2005 23:26

Caitlin's about 7-8 feeds, too, but her problem is she falls asleep during about 2 of them, and there is nothing to do to keep her up, so they are very short ones.

Josey-I'm sure it means what you think. He had a vascectomy yesterday.

moschops · 18/11/2005 09:21

hi all...

my ds has gone a step backwards in the sleep dept too. he was going from 8ish pm till 7am no problems, but the last two nights we've had a feed at 4.30 and 3.30 am.

as regards weaning my HV said we would start ds on baby rice at 16 weeks as he has been showing classic signs of being ready.

my friend visited the other day and said her HV (now retired, real 'old school' in her ways) says weaning should start when baby reaches about 15lb as their body then needs something a little more substantial than formula. Ds was 14lb 6oz at his last weigh in, so on Wednesday i expect he'll have hit that benchmark, which my HV seems to work to as well.( my friend seems to think on this score, at least, i have a good HV)

its frosty here today!! i have bought ds a sweet book about Jack Frost for christmas and have written in the back that his first frosty day was on the 14th......thought it would be a nice thing to remember in years to come. now the fun has begun as relatives have started asking what to buy him for xmas........i guess at least they are asking. he's too young to appreciate it but both sets of grandparents are being good about it as both dp and i were the same age as ds on our first mum says i fell asleep with a cuddly toy completely non-plussed about the whole day!

pookey · 18/11/2005 10:31

Having said DS feeds 6 times he then woke at 10:30 pm for another unexpected feed bringing it to 7 what is going on with our hungry little babas - cold weather?

Been reading a really inspirational thread about breastfeeding, the poor mum is going through hell but not giving up, so I have cut back on bottles for the past couple of days but now I think I have mastitis again

Moschops thats really sweet to note down your baby's first frosty day.

Noah hasn't settled for his morning nap think I am gonna get him from his cot and try again at lunchtime.

kate100 · 18/11/2005 18:27

Moschopa, what a lovely idea about the frosty day

DS2 is now the grand weight of 16lb 71/2oz and I cn feel every ounce of that weight when I pick him up!! He's a very heavy boy.

Had physio today, but I'm finding the exercises difficult, it's not that I can't physically do them but I have to rememeber to do lots of different things at the same time, contract my tummy muscle, move my legs in time with my breathing and count, all at the same time!!!

My best friend is coming from London to see us tomorrow, we haven't seen her for ages and I'm really looking forward to it.

I really need to go to the gym, I've been rubbish the past few weeks and I've got christmas parties coming up and I need to get into a dress. I guess I'll be feeling the burn for the next few weeks!!!

Azure · 18/11/2005 20:28

Hi all. Interesting to read about number of feeds. DS2 is still exclusively breastfed and usually feeds every 3 hours in the daytime and once at night (asleep 7-7.30pm, wakes 6-6.30m, with night-time feed around 1.30am). My main issue at the moment is that my breasts don't feel particularly full each time and I'm worried he's not getting enough, although he's a chubby baby so it must be ok. I'm very keen to move onto the bottle - unfortunately DS2 isn't. I'm still in either a couple of maternity clothes or larger clothes I've bought at Primark (I got a £6 paid of trousers from there yesterday). I joined a gym with a creche this week to try to lose the flab.

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 18/11/2005 20:35

Same thing here, Azure. Mine used to be much fuller and now they're all saggy-like and I wonder if she gets enough. I squirted myself in the eye the other day when I was trying to determine if enough came out. She's so much tinier than all your babies, and I worry about that anyway because DS was always on the 95th %ile for weight, and she seems so small, but has always remained in the same %ile since birth.

Are any of your babies showing signs of teething without drooling? I could swear she is (Colin got his teeth pretty early) but she doesn't have any of the drool. She was up 4 times last night, and it wasn't because she was hungry. She gnaws on her fist constantly, but it isn't because of hunger.

kate100 · 18/11/2005 20:50

C&Csmommy, DS2 isn't particularly dribbly either, but is definitely teething, chews his fist and has bright red cheeks. His gums are also starting to look white too where the gums are starting to pop through. DS1 is also teething, he's cutting his back molars and is chewing his cheek and making it bleed, poor thing.

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 18/11/2005 21:13

That describes what she's doing perfectly. Sorry DS is teething, too. Colin got his 2 year molars in early, so we've already been through it with him, and am glad it is over.

suzi2 · 18/11/2005 21:31

DS is teething - has been for weeks. But this week he's really miserable, gnawing his hand or anything else he can find. Tongueing his gums too. Teething gel settles him for a bit though. How loong does this last...

Miaou · 18/11/2005 21:37

It does get better suzi - they get used to the pain and discomfort (well, most do)

OP posts:
Panyanpickle77 · 18/11/2005 22:26

Hi, my DS was born on the 5th of aug 05. . . .can I join???

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 18/11/2005 22:45

The more the merrier IMO, Mrsaek.

moschops · 19/11/2005 08:53

Welcome ds was born on 5th August too!!

ds slept 7.30 till 5 last night so a bit better. the last two days he has taken to sticking his tongue out all the time!!! we think he might be training to be in a Kiss tribute

am trying to blitz the house and am just creating an ever bigger pile of stuff for a car boot, which is making the spare bedroom uninhabitable (at the moment it's where we incarcerate the cat/kitten when she needs time out)

also its SO COLD here......normally manage to wait till about 2pm before lighting our woodburner but we're having to do it first thing. actually dp is so he's the one who had to go out to the shed for wood at 6am.....bless him


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pookey · 19/11/2005 15:42

Moschops DS has been doing the tongue thing he kind of pouts his bottom lip and sticks out his tongue then sucks it back in!

DS is getting very naughty about nap time and seems to hate being zipped into his gro bag.

I do have mastits, I couldn't face the pain of his evening feed last night so gave in to powdered milk, he guzzled it so must have been really hungry but he brought it all back up through a bib, cardigan, baby gro, vest an on my clothes - that showed me as had to bf in the end!

Azure I wish there was a primark near me lots of my friends get really nice things there, glad i'm not the only one in maternity stuff .

Hi mrsaek

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 19/11/2005 18:48

Hello all. I'm so happy this morining. Caitlin slept from 8:30-5:30, was back in bed by 5:45 and didn't wake up for good until 8:20 this morning!!!!!!!!

Azure · 19/11/2005 19:27

C&CMommy I'm very . Had a memorable time last night. DH had gone out for a very rare boys night out and hadn't got in when DS2 woke up at 12.30am for a feed. While I was feeding him, DS1 woke up in hysterics having wet his bed. I had to calm him down, get him into dry clothes and take off the damp sheets while trying to breastfeed at the same time. Once I got that sorted I checked inside DS2's sleeping bag and discovered his nappy had leaked and he was all damp. Cue crying baby while I changed him completely. An hour and a half after getting up I finally get back to bed, only to discover that DH had been home all the time, just fell asleep in front of the TV and slept through it all.

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