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August 05 babies - all smiley and bright-eyed!

328 replies

Miaou · 10/11/2005 15:59

A new thread for the August 05 crew - link to the old thread

OP posts:
pookey · 14/11/2005 21:35

Suzi how come you go swimming so late - do you work?

D&C do you miss working? My boss rang me today to discuss my return to work. It's true what you said about leaving baby with DM, mine wouldn't mind if I rang to see how things are. Azure is up for a london meetup aswell where were you thinking of?

Eulalia · 15/11/2005 11:35

Thanks for the info everyone. Looks like most of our babies are the same but different ifkwim! Not too bothered about a structure - never managed one much with the other two ... though was panicking a bit last night as i had a school board meeting and had to take him with me. Fortunatley he fell asleep in the car on the way and stayed asleep all the way through and right up to my bedtime.

Twiga - thanks for your email - will reply shortly. Your wee (big!) girl is doing well - looks like she is overtaking my ds - he was last weighed at 12lbs 9oz at 14 weeks.

Hoping to take my ds swimming soon - was at the pool on Sunday with the other two but ds has a bit of a cold.

dazedandconfusedmum · 15/11/2005 14:58

Hi All

Silly time to post really as I need to be at school in 15 mins to pick up DS2 and I haven't got DS3 &4 in buggy yet!!!

What is all the Gina ford stuff about? Does she know something I don't Hee Hee!!!

What is her expert opinion on routine then??

pookey · 15/11/2005 15:29

thats a good question .... i dont think she had kids of her own she used to be a midwife? i have found some of her ideas helpful but couldn't get on with it in the first months because she insists on loads of expressing which is pretty boring!

DS is sooo teething he is irritable, not napping well, biting his hand, wanting to breastfeed then changing his mind, he nearly gagged on his saliva earlier and did 4 poos in the space of few hours! Poor munchkin man . Will give it a few more days then might ring doc again (Just incase something else wrong)

suzi2 · 15/11/2005 22:16

Pookey - it's a swimming lesson in Edinburgh but I live quite a bit away. We only have one car (get out the violins - my DH won't let us have another ) so I need my DH to take us. And he works.

It was only DSs second class - he hated it last week - but this week he didn't really cry. He just looked a bit sad... He went underwater twice though - which certainly cleared his snot .

We're pretty sure he's teething too. But the dentinox teething gel seems to help a bit. As does giving him a facecloth to chew!

pookey · 15/11/2005 22:32

lol poor thing just looked a bit sad - thats so sweet and awful IYKWIM

pookey · 15/11/2005 22:34

If anyone is interested DS total poo count today was 6

suzi2 · 15/11/2005 22:37

6 in a day???? poor thing - or poor you! we're lucky (?) if DS gives us one every 6 days! And hes fully breastfed. Very odd... and very frightening when they do arrive... you ever seen a weeks worth of poo??

Miaou · 15/11/2005 22:41

rofl - we are all sitting here talking/reading about poo .... this is what passes for conversation now we are parents!!!

ds slept through last night - very nice and all that, but I always feel worse after a good night's sleep! Hope it lasts (have a feeling it won't though - feeling very pessimistic today!)

OP posts:
pookey · 15/11/2005 22:50

lol A weeks worth of poo - you must need a mop and bucket to clean that up

So true Miaou, sleep is like the holy grail and when you finally get a good kip you feel like your head is full of cottonwool - whats with that? Congratulations anyway!!!!

ballymoy · 16/11/2005 10:45

Hi, just being intyroduced to mums net. JB was born in august and is now 12 weeks old. Got a bedtime routine and waking up routine but everything in the middle is to pots. Also got busy body mother in law who lives next door. Finds an excuse to pop in most days which really winds me up. I often feel like the incompentent mother when she is around. Sometimes feel bullied into giving JB to her for a couple of hours during the week.I know she means well but she can be overbearing at times. As money is no object to her she is forever buying him pressies and I have had to tell her to calm down. She also wants to know everthing he does during the day.. I'm gonna stop moaning now, I must sound ungrateful. I suppose because all my family is in ireland I feel they are loosing out and I begrudge her soo much time with him. Does that sound selfish??i

wilbur · 16/11/2005 10:52

ballymoy, I have a spoiling MIL too but it's not so bad as she lives a couple of hours away and only sees the kids once a month or so. In every other way she's brilliant, but I do get fed up with the endless little toys, games, clothes etc. It makes present for Xmas and brithdays less special IMO. Still she's their only Granny and I'm glad to have her really. Don't know how I'd feel if she lived next door! Can you ask your dh/dp to tell her nicely to give you some time as a family? ie butt out!

Hope everyone else is well. I read this thread the other day but got called away before I could post a message - life's like that at the mo, no time to sit down. Ds2 is just gorgeous though, I'm loving having him and so far he's a sweetie and is doing okay on the sleeping front so I'm just about holding it together. Potty training dd is a bit of a disaster though (might have to start a thread about that) so I do get a bit stressed on long days.

ballymoy · 16/11/2005 11:07

Chers wilbur,
I have asked my dh to have a chat and the last time that happened she broke down crying but did appreciate we needed family time. But it creeps on you again and then your back at square one.We are having christmas together this year (can't not as she lives next door!) and already she has bought/ordered 90% of the stuff for christmas dinner making me feel like a complete incompenent housewife. I haven't even started thinking about christmas yet.. don't have time!

kate100 · 16/11/2005 11:56

Hi Ballymoy and welcome to our gang. My MIL was exactly like yours is, when DH moved in with me she turned up with a full weekly shop, unfortunately she hadn't realised that DH had totally changed his eating habits after moving in with me and all the crisps, chips and biscuits took a very long time to be eaten. Then when DS1 was a baby she got him up as soon as he woke up and set off the alarm on the monitor, which caused us to panic as we thought he'd stopped breathing. She's also buying presents all the time. DH always has to remind her what we do and don't like and after the baby monitor incident she's been much better and is now brilliant with the boys and they adore her. Stick to what you want, it might improve things, it certainly did for me. I might feel differently if she didn't live a 2 hour drive away

Wilbur DO NOT mention the P word!!!! DS just doesn't get it or doesn't care. Yesterday he did his first wee in the potty and I thought maybe we're gettibg somewhere, but as he was telling his daddy he'd done a wee in the potty he then weed all over poor Ben I'm now trying bribery and will be making a reward chart this afternoon for his new Thomas stickers.

A question for those of you who al ready have children. WHen I had ds1 the advice was to wean at four months, which I did as he was ready, he'd tried eating a sandwich at 14 weeks He got the hang of it in a week and he's still a really good eater now. Now the advice is to wait until 6 months. DS2 isn't ready, he's still content on milk, but what if it doesn't stay that way until 6 months? I want to wait as long as possible, but I'm a bit confused by the advice and am not sure what to do. Any advice gratefully received.

Em32 · 16/11/2005 12:03

Hello ballymoy
Re the MIL situation, I would give your MIL a specific time when she can have your baby and the rest of the time try and get out and do some classes so you aren't in when she pops over! (eg gymboree, music classes, aquatots) or go to babygroup at the local health centre, sit in Starbucks with friends etc etc Is JB your first? It is normal to feel very protective towards them at this stage. I'm much more appreciative of my MILs help now though as I've got two......
Anyway, anyone having any luck with sleep? - Chloe is still waking up twice most nights. She's 11 weeks and I'm knackered! Her brother slept through from 12 weeks but somehow I don't think she's going to.......She weighs over 6kg now (I think) so she's not small!

wilbur · 16/11/2005 12:41

kate100, glad someone else has potty reluctant children! I made a complete hash of helping ds1 and now dd is the same. I swear I would pay a fortune to get this sorted (we have endless pooing in pants ), it's so on my mind. Poor dd, I feel bad for her, although she doesn't seem to be worried about it. I just hate the people who say "oh, ds/dd was done in a week, we chad a couple of accidents and then she/he got it" Grrrrrrrrr.

wilbur · 16/11/2005 12:45

ballymoy - oooh that's naughty of your MIL to buy Xmas dinner if it's being held at your house. Is it too late to say to her "we are having x for Xmas dinner, but I would love it if you could do us something special for Xmas eve / Boxing day tea or supper on Christmas night"? That way she feels useful and important and you are still queen of your own kitchen.

josey · 16/11/2005 14:23

hi everyone been trying to catch up havent been on in a bit we went from so quiet to having that many posts my have have gone dizzy and i have had to stop i will plough my way through the rest later.
Hi to the new people.
Things are fine here dd is sleeping well during the night 8pm till 8am hates to sleep during the day though, and is very demanding, which is lots of fun and im enjoying her company. Starting massage classes and mum had got her bum down to the gym to try and part company!!!!!
hope everyone is fine when i get reading i will find out if your not better dash school run

Miaou · 16/11/2005 15:27

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pookey · 16/11/2005 15:39

Hi Ballymoy, welcome!

suzi2 · 16/11/2005 21:55

Welcome ballymoy. I'm a relative newbie as well!

Kate - DS is my first baby but I have been confused about starting solids so have read up a bit and also started a thread on breast & bottle feeding - I think I called i "not quite breast & bottle feeding but..."

Anyway, the WHO recommend 6 months minimum I beleive. A good site for info is:

Which shows all the research, advantages, signs etc. From what I have read/heard I can't see any reason to rush it as milk is more calorific that baby rice etc so it shouldn't make a huge difference to hunger. But, as I say, this is from reading and stuff - not from experience. I'll be putting it off as long as poss. Can't be bothered with the fuss and I have loads of allergies!

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 16/11/2005 22:11

Hi all. Wow you have been chatty, will have to catch up later. Waiting for MIL to come and watch the kids, because DH is getting "fixed" today.

I've been really sick, having both bronchitis and the stomach flu. Yuck.

I quickly browsed and saw that a lot of the babies are on the same schedule as Caitlin was. The only thing is she was sleeping from 9:15 until 4-4:30, but has been getting up earlier and earlier, so she's getting up about 1:15 now. She still is only getting up once and waking up about the same time in the morning, though. Its just discouraging, because I was thinking she was heading toward not getting up at all.


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pookey · 16/11/2005 22:17

Hi C&Cmommy

Can sympathise, might have been a one of glitch but DS woke twice last night, I really felt it today, I can handle one night time feed but two is another story! Wrapped him up extra snug tonight as think he might have been chilly. Having said that he was a lot happier today so maybe the extra feed did him good.

I bought him a little rudolph outfit from mothercare - really cute, DP tried to make me feel bad because its not made of cotton but sod it he will only have it on for a little while. Gonna take a picture to put in with family christmas cards. I had a look at getting his photo taken profesh but it is way too expensive!

Hope all well x

suzi2 · 16/11/2005 22:18

C&Cs mummy... My DS was doing that for a week or so... always frightened me as I was never sure if he'd go back to sleep at 1am!

Anyway, the last few days he's gone back to getting up at 4am ish. We think it may have something to do with the house temperature? i.e. when it's drops sooner he wakes sooner? We're experimenting with leaving the heating on overnight tonight to see what happens. besides, it's supposed to be -4 here tonight!

pookey · 16/11/2005 22:18

one off glitch

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