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August 05 babies - all smiley and bright-eyed!

328 replies

Miaou · 10/11/2005 15:59

A new thread for the August 05 crew - link to the old thread

OP posts:
Miaou · 03/01/2006 17:22

OK, I was bossy and dictatorial and did it - here is our new thread

OP posts:
Miaou · 03/01/2006 17:18

OOOh, meant to add, shall we start a new thread? Shall I be bossy and dictatorial and do it now?

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Miaou · 03/01/2006 17:17

ooooh good luck with the pilates kate!

c&c'smommy - I tend to be the other way round - the eternal optimist (bloody good job, ds has been up four times for each of the past two nights - grr!). He likes to have two huge sleeps in the day though, now that he is being weaned. When the dds go back to school next week I will be able to start working on my business again (it's been on ice for the past six months) so I'm really pleased he is more settled (even if it is just during the day!).

Weaning is going well - far better than it did with the dds, I'm glad I held off for that extra five weeks. So far he has had apple, pear, banana, parsnip, carrot, broccoli and potato, and today I have been preparing sweet potato and butternut squash - he loves his food which is great, though I'm a bit concerned that his milk intake has gone down quite a bit (hence why I don't mind him keeping up his night feeds for now, means he is still getting enough milk).

Do your db's reach out for things yet? Ds will grip things if put in his hands, and swipe at baby gyms/faces etc but won't reach out for toys yet. Not worried, just interested really.

OP posts:
kate100 · 03/01/2006 11:25

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!! We're hoping for a quieter 2006, no new babies, bad backs or broken limbs. On the resolution front I'm going to lose my baby weight and take up Pilates to help my pelvis go back together, it also helps flatten your tummy again, so I'm going to give it a whirl!

We had a lovely New Year, we went to DH's parents and we were all throughly spoiled for the time we were there. I even had 2 lie ins, I can't remember the last time I had one. Unfortunately, MIL has given us all her cold, so we're all feeling a bit down today.

DS2 is teething like mad, he will put anything that he can fit into his mouth, yesterday it was an envelope, tasty! he's alsl been grizzly and the only time he's ahppy is when he's on his feet, not very practical.He seems to be getting the hang of solid food, he now holds his mouth open for the spoon and looks very excited when he knows it's coming. So far he's only had baby rice and apple, but today we're going to try carrot, I'm not sure he's quite ready for pancetta

C&Csmommy, I hope that things get better, it sounds as if they're going in the right direction at least. DH owns his own pharmacy, he took over in May last year, so we've had a very busy year. May be this year will be a bit quieter.

Moschops sorry you're feeling so bad, it does get better, I'm not a huge fan of little babies, so I always feel it gets better when they can do more and for me that's about now as they start to interact a bit more and do things on their own. If you feel really bad ask for help or ask other mums how they feel, I bet they all felt the same way at some point. I know I did have and some days still do.

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 03/01/2006 05:22

I'm such a pessimist about my children sleeping. I always go to bed thinking they'll wake up a whole bunch of times until they actually have slept through for a couple of months.

What really got me was going to the Dr. they gave me a handout about my 4 month old. One of the statements was many children this age are sleeping through the night. That one really bummed me out. I guess I have to remember that the actual definition of sleeping through the night is only a 5 or 6 hour stretch. I don't feel as sorry for myself after reading your post, Miaou.

Miaou · 02/01/2006 22:40

Hello blossom! Haven't seen you about for a while, I was thinking about you and your dds just the other day. Nice to hear from you.

Sorry to hear about the flooding c&csmommy, what a pain!

Ds is gorgeous, smiling and eating well - we are still feeding 2+ times per night, but it's not bothering me (yet).

OP posts:
blossom2 · 02/01/2006 22:26


hope 2006 is a fantastic one ... cant believe our little ones are coming up to 6 months ...

C&Cmum - i know what you're going through. DD2 is the same at the moment, i never know when she is going to eat or sleep, and not keen on purees, but she has become very affectionate, adorable and just a smilely baby!! rolling like crazy and sitting well. DH thinks she's going to crawl soon ... hmm not looking forward to that

pookey · 02/01/2006 16:42

Glad you haven't been too badly affected by the flooding C&Cs Mommy. At least you can go to bed with the hope your DD might sleep through!

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 02/01/2006 15:34

Happy new year.

We're doing fine here. Other people have been flooded, but the worst that has happened to my friends and family is one of their driveways had about 8 inches washed away because of a "river" that popped up by the side of a road. My favorite golf course is mostly underwater, but the worst has passed. It isn't the norm here. I guess it has only flooded this badly 3 or 4 times in the past 50 years.

Caitlin's teething really badly and is alternating between being up 4-5 times a night and sleeping through. You never know what you're going to get with her.

josey · 02/01/2006 11:03

happy new year!!!

pookey · 01/01/2006 22:41

Happy New Year!

My resolutions, apart from those already mentioned by Azure, are to be more positive, take ds to more activities and sleep for longer than 4 hours at a time [hopeful smiley].

The GI diet resolution starts tomorrow, there were too many nice things in the house that needed to be eaten

Azure · 01/01/2006 20:08

C&CsMommy hope everything's ok with you. LOL at the pancetta.

Happy New Year everyone. How strange to think our babies were born last year. I don't make resolutions but if I did it would be to lose enough weight asap to get back into my old clothes (so frustrating) and to win the lottery so neither DH or I had to work.

pookey · 30/12/2005 21:42

Wow c&cmommy sounds like caitlin is doing really well, and what a cheeky monkey with sophisticated tastes she is too .

On a serious note I hope you dont get flooded, is that a possibility that you have to prepare for each year?

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 30/12/2005 19:50

Fortunately we had 4 different kinds of bottles for her to try. She didn't like the Avent bottles I already had, but my friend had 3 different bottles to try, and she finally liked the Dr. Brown ones. I didn't like them because she swallowed too much air with them, so we eventually got her back over to the Avent.

We took her for her 4 mo. checkup today, and she's two-tenths of an ounce away from being 13 pounds, so that puts her back in the 50th percentile already after being in the 9th less than 2 weeks ago, so I am happy. She got up 4 times last night, but 2 of them were right after we put her to bed, and one was at 6 when DH was up. I know it is teething. She chews on her fist and then my finger all the time.

She got her first try of people food last night. Derick was holding her and left his plate unguarded, and she managed to get her hands around a piece of pancetta and to her mouth before he could fish it out. Daddy learned he has to be more watchful if holding her at the table.

Wish for me not to float away. The river running through town flooded, and most streams, creeks, etc. are supposed to go over their banks tonight.

Azure · 30/12/2005 12:26

We used expressed milk as well as formula yesterday and I'm expressing as I type. Amazingly last night was no worse than usual. We've tried different bottles and teats. I hope it just clicks soon with him as for you C&Csmommy. At least the weather is horrible so it doesn't seem so bad staying in.

josey · 30/12/2005 11:19

hi glad everyone has had a nice xmas though very sorry to hear you are having a rough time moschops, hope it gets better and dont feel guilty we all do it at some point, i dont think we would be human if we didnt.

suzi2 have you tired the kiddies e45 bubblebath, im not sure how young you can start it from but i used that for my DS and his skin was amasing after 2 baths.

with the ratio there was 9 of us round about that were due within a few weeks of each other and there was 7boys to 3 girls (one set was twins incase you think i cant count)

DD is teething and i can feel a sharp bit though not quite through, her cheeks are bright red and she is drooling so much the she is sicking up drool.

Im thinking about putting her through to her big cot as she has taken to lifting both legs as high as she can and banging them down in the middle of the night, last night it kept making her cry but she was still sound asleep, it used to be funny but now that she is bigger the noise is unreal, i think i will see if i can wait a wee bit longer.

pookey · 30/12/2005 10:56

Hi Azure hope things are going ok. Maybe you could express for a day and only give that milk so he isnt confused by the breast being offered aswell, that could be horrendous advice though so maybe see if there is anything about this on the feeding section or start a thread ... Have you tried any other types of bottles you can even get them shaped like a boob!

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 30/12/2005 01:29

Have fun, Azure. Caitlin was very anti-bottle and refused to drink from it, and I actually gave in and let her BF once because she didn't drink anything, but after her screaming in pain that didn't happen anymore. We went through about 3 days of her only drinking 10 oz a day, but oddly enough she slept through the night for 2 of those. I still can only feed her facing outward, or else she tries to root or pulls at my shirt, but I guess it has been only a few days more than a week.

Azure · 29/12/2005 19:50

Yes I've also been known to change from being a politely spoken person to the proverbial fishwife in the middle of the night when all I want to do is go back to bed and DS2 refuses to settle down. Moschops poor you going through such a rough time and C&CsMommy I hope you're through the worst now.

We've had a difficult day. After weeks of trying to introduce a bottle to DS2 without success we've resorted to harsh measures. I kept out of the way while DH tried to feed him and we didn't want to give a breastfeed until he had taken the bottle. Between a breastfeed at 9am and 6pm DS2 took a total of 7oz at most. I fed at 6pm with a top-up just now before he went to sleep. I expect it's going to be a bad night and bad day tomorrow.

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 29/12/2005 18:02

Sorry to hear that, moschops. In all the mess of sorting out her lactose intolerance, I've told her to shut up shut up shut up and that she was a big mistake and told DH to give her to someone that wants her. I can't say that I really enjoyed parenting the past month. I feel horrible about it, too, but they don't know or remember. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

pookey · 28/12/2005 21:58

Oh Moschops you poor thing. It is exhausting when they have those sleepless nights followed by a cranky day I often feel at the end of my tether and say similar things to my dp. My ds was acting like yours yesterday but today has been all smiles so hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you too. Dont worry about the crying in sleep thing it prob isnt nightmares just wind or perhaps his little gums hurting him. Hope you both sleep well tonight x

suzi2 · 28/12/2005 21:53

Oh moschops. Big hugs. you have pretty much described what my DS was like for a month or two there. He still likes to be held on my shoulder while standing and still cries when going to sleep. I think it must have been/be teething.

We all say things that we don't mean. Your DS knows you love him. Tiredness and frustration can do awful things to you. If it's any consolation, my DH came through at 2am (from the spare room) one night last week to find me in tears, DS in tears, and me screaming "will you shut the fck up you little bstard! I wish you were never born!" . Not proud of myself but was so severely exhausted. DS and I have made up since

Oh, the crying in the sleep thing was happening to us when his teeth were bothering him too. Hope some teeth happen for you soon - we're still waiting.


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moschops · 28/12/2005 21:33

ds has turned into a nightmare baby during the day.....i can't see any definite marks on his gums but think he must be teething. he has taken to wailing when he gets tired (especially about 3ish pm) and it gets to hysterical proportions. he also wants to be held on my shoulder all the time, and only if i stand up. if i sit down with him he cries/screams.he's dribbling lots, has starting being sicky again (had almost stopped that totally) and is chewing everything in sight. he's also not sleeping as well through the night, seems to be having nightmares and crying in his sleep.

today i cried twice and felt totally inadequate......actually told dp i thought having ds was a mistake as i just feel i can't look after him properly...... then i went into the bedroom and cried and cried.

colinandcaitlinsmommy · 28/12/2005 20:58

Pookey- I'm afraid all your boys would be fighting with the boys Colin's age for the girls, because there's about a 5:1 ratio of boys to girls that age.

Suzi-So sorry to hear about the eczema. I have a friend who's little girl has it so bad she had to switch to cloth diapers because the disposable ones were too harsh for her skin.

Your DH works pharmacy, too, Kate? Both DH and I do or did, and this is one of the few X-mases we've both had off.

We had a great Christmas. Colin got a crazy amount of toys. We had DH's mom, dad, step-mom and grandma over. His grandma's 90, and starting to lose her memory, so she couldn't remember who we were, but was really happy to be here.

Caitlin's managing to sleep through the night about once every other day. She always wakes up about 30 min after she's put down, but I don't really count that, since we're still up.

It is pouring down rain here, the river running through town is supposed to flood, and there is a canal system all around town, one of which runs behind our backyard. It is about 3 inches from overflowing, so I'm watching that worriedly, because our backyard slopes down from the canal to the house. Our neighbors say not to worry, that all we do is open both garage doors and the water will flow out and flood the other side of the street, because they are all on the downslope from us.

kate100 · 28/12/2005 20:28

I had a friend who was prescribed Canestan for her daughter and that worked really well for her.

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