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133 replies

Ablemaybel · 13/02/2019 09:20

Just that really, do you believe, have you ever experienced anything.
I'll start with mine, didn't actually happen to me but to my son.
My father died several years ago, he had been ill and house bound for the last few years of his life.
At the time my son who had a very special relationship with his grandfather was traveling, and was in Argentina.
At around the time my father died my son said he woke with the feeling he wasn't alone. At the end of his bed (he was living with an Argentinean family) there was a bright light that hovered. He said he felt very warm and safe, and at that moment said he knew his grandfather had died.
The only time I've experienced anything was when I was pregnant with my son. We lived in a flat at the time. It happened during the day when I was alone. We had a large walk in cupboard, more like a small room which we used as a wardrobe. My husband plays guitar which was stored in this room.
I was in the bathroom (next to said room) when I clearly heard the guitar strumming different notes. Remember feeling very uneasy, but turned on light and looked in room. The guitar was propped against the wall in its sealed case. This happened years ago, can't think of any reason why, but I didn't imagine and it really shook me up at the time.

OP posts:
IvanaPee · 16/02/2019 20:55

Ghost stories go back further than Dickens 😉

BlueMerchant · 16/02/2019 21:24

A story is anything told or recounted. Wink

IvanaPee · 16/02/2019 21:38

Ok, then fictional stories pre-date Dickens!

Decormad38 · 16/02/2019 21:48

The death rattle is called Cheyne-Stoke respiration in medical terminology

cushioncovers · 16/02/2019 21:49

I wonder if in several hundred years time people will see ghosts dressed in jeans holding a phone 🤷🏻‍♀️😄

IvanaPee · 16/02/2019 21:57

Nobody ever sees a ghost in yoga pants and a mum bun with a giant coffee and an iPhone in her hand, do they?! 😂😂

BlueMerchant · 16/02/2019 22:37

I can honestly say I've heard stories of sightings of spirits wearing jeans.
Bun, coffee, iPhone...not as yet but that's not to say others haven't.

IvanaPee · 16/02/2019 22:38

I just wonder why nobody has ever managed to get proof. Like, ever!

BlueMerchant · 16/02/2019 22:50

I think there is as much proof for as proof against. Just because there are things we don't yet fully understand and quantify doesn't mean they don't exist. We are constantly evolving and knowledge we have today would have been seen as total fantasy years ago.

IvanaPee · 16/02/2019 23:01

There isn’t actually any proof though, is there? That’s part of the issue!

BlueMerchant · 16/02/2019 23:16

Why isn't there any absolute proof that it's all rubbish? Why are there so many scientists working on investigating the paranormal? Why can't they simply disprove it all?
Really hoping to hear some more people's stories. There are some great ones on here.

IvanaPee · 16/02/2019 23:53

Well, how do you give evidence of something that doesn’t exist?!

Ablemaybel · 17/02/2019 00:34

Some years ago a friend of mine and her husband took photos of their bedroom. They had just finished decorating and had bought new furniture.
When she got the photos back there was a strange large bird like misty shape above the bed.
They took a few photos but there were only three taken with the bed in picture, and the shape only appeared in those three photos.

OP posts:
IvanaPee · 17/02/2019 16:55

Um. Shadow?

BlueMerchant · 17/02/2019 17:32

That was actually my first thought too Grin but surely the couple discounted that otherwise they wouldn't av noted it.

golddigga · 17/02/2019 22:23

Have just seen a dark shadow cross the top of my stairs ...

Lifecraft · 18/02/2019 13:37

Why isn't there any absolute proof that it's all rubbish?

You can't prove a negative. No one can prove I haven't got fairies at the bottom of my garden, that only I can see. But sensible people don't believe stuff because there's no proof against it. They believe stuff because there is evidence for it.

So I ask again....hundreds of millions of CCTV camera across the world. The same again and more mobile phones, with recording capabilities. And not a single clip of a fucking ghost that hasn't been proved to be a fake. Not one. Why?

BertrandRussell · 18/02/2019 13:44

“Why are there so many scientists working on investigating the paranormal? Why can't they simply disprove it all?”

They can disprove all the incidents they have investigated. They can’t disprove it all because a truly unexplainable something might happen tomorrow. There just hasn’t been one yet.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 18/02/2019 13:57

They can disprove all the incidents they have investigated. They can’t disprove it all because a truly unexplainable something might happen tomorrow. There just hasn’t been one yet.

This ^

In science, researchers postulate an hypothesis. It can never be proven, only disproven and rejected, or modified, because we never know what the next round of experimentation may produce.

Such is the wonder that is SCIENCE! Grin

BlueMerchant · 18/02/2019 14:03

"We never know what the next round of experimentation may produce" - exactly.

SchpockyEars · 18/02/2019 14:29

After suffering from a miscarriage and then years of unexplained infertility, I finally managed to get pregnant. I was an absolute wreck as I was understandably terrified of losing another pregnancy. I had all sorts of aches and pains and kept convincing myself I was about to miscarry again. Anyway, one evening I was watching a drama on tv and one character was pregnant and started bleeding in it. I immediately burst into tears and had a good old cry about it then went to my bathroom to grab a tissue. I sat on the toilet seat with my eyes shut and kept repeating in my head "please protect my baby" over and over again whilst thinking about my grandparents (who have all died). Through my eyelids the light changed and it looked like a shadow walked across in front of me twice. Then the shadow kind of stopped in front of me so it seemed dark on my eyelids and then it lightened again. It was basically as if someone was standing in front of me and then moved away. What was odd was that I instantly felt calmer and I knew everything would be fine. I don't know whether my head was playing tricks on me or whether there was something more to it but this all happened 7 years ago now and it's still such a vivid memory for me.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened over the years. I've had a lot of weird things happen, as have two of my three siblings. I don't know if maybe we're just really susceptible to this kind of thing?

Charom · 24/02/2019 10:21

I would often babysit my GD with her younger cousin. When she was 14 months old she came up to me with her hands cupped and said something about me being little. I remember her age because I had compared her to her DM and how many words they both said at twelve months. A few months later she said the same thing, “you little mama (grandma).” Every few months she would cup her hands in front of her, holding them up and saying the same thing. At around 2 years she stopped saying it for awhile. At the age of 2 years and five months she came up to me and said again and more clearly, with her hands cupped in front of her, that I was little. I had over the year wondered what she was on about and this time said to her, “no I am big and you are little.” She said to me, “no, I was your Mama (grandmother) and Igaak (Isaac, her then 17 month old cousin) was your son. I can remember it so clearly, I was standing near her bedroom door in the passage and nearly fell over in shock.

When she was four and I was babysitting she had a hard ball, the size of a golf ball and was trying to push it past her teeth into her mouth. I told her not to do that, I wouldn’t be able to get it out and didn’t want her to go before me (I was shocked at what she was doing and the words sort of fell out of my mouth.). She said “you go up, pointing to the ceiling and you come back down.” About ten minutes later she was hopping around still chatting to me and their cockatiel had gotten out of its cage and was on the floor behind her. I told my GD to be careful as she might step on it. I glanced at her face and she nodded, meaning it would come back too.

At the age of three she was with her mum and dad and baby sister. They stopped at an old very old pub for a meal. There was an unused empty, upstairs room and my GD went up the stairs to have a look. My DD said GD came back down the stairs and looked upset and worried. She told her mother she had seen a ghost. DD jokingly asked her if it looked like Caspar and GD said “no it was a lady with a grey dress.” DD went upstairs to have a look, hoping to see something too. She couldn’t see anything and then spoke to the publican and told him GD said she had seen a ghost. He said “you mean the grey lady.”

Another experience I had with this GD then around 18 months old and I was babysitting again. My SIL said they were expecting a load of wood to be delivered in the afternoon, could I open up the garage door. Later I went outside the back door, walked through the garage while GD was busy inside. Next second I glimpsed that she was outside and running/toddling (she hadn’t been walking more than a few months so wasn’t fast) towards me, she was still near the other side of the garage as I lifted up the roller door. I let go, usually it stayed up, it started to slam down. It’s hard to explain but I could see GD moving as though something was pushing her really fast towards me. I couldnt stop the roller door, it slammed down so quickly with a hard thud. I couldn’t see where she was, it was the worst feeling. I pulled up the roller door and she was on the other side just standing there. Such a weird and frightening experience, she could have been killed, the roller door would have crushed her.


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totaltime123 · 10/03/2019 22:48

I was in my room my daughter was there too and we heard a man's voice clearly day night night karen and also in the same building I've seen two figures glide pass the entrance to the lounge area it really has freaked me out my friend said I was protected and they were angels and the man was my dad who died when I was young never really experienced anything like it till I moved here

totaltime123 · 10/03/2019 22:50

It was nice to be told that though just had a stomach operation maybe they were watching over me

December2018 · 10/03/2019 22:54

Shamelessly placemarking... I love reading these 😍

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