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133 replies

Ablemaybel · 13/02/2019 09:20

Just that really, do you believe, have you ever experienced anything.
I'll start with mine, didn't actually happen to me but to my son.
My father died several years ago, he had been ill and house bound for the last few years of his life.
At the time my son who had a very special relationship with his grandfather was traveling, and was in Argentina.
At around the time my father died my son said he woke with the feeling he wasn't alone. At the end of his bed (he was living with an Argentinean family) there was a bright light that hovered. He said he felt very warm and safe, and at that moment said he knew his grandfather had died.
The only time I've experienced anything was when I was pregnant with my son. We lived in a flat at the time. It happened during the day when I was alone. We had a large walk in cupboard, more like a small room which we used as a wardrobe. My husband plays guitar which was stored in this room.
I was in the bathroom (next to said room) when I clearly heard the guitar strumming different notes. Remember feeling very uneasy, but turned on light and looked in room. The guitar was propped against the wall in its sealed case. This happened years ago, can't think of any reason why, but I didn't imagine and it really shook me up at the time.

OP posts:
GemmaXOX · 13/02/2019 14:43


Yikes!! that sounds like a horror movie! Can't deal with the concept of kids seeing dead people, Scare the crap out of me!

BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 14:44

I'd love to join paranormal investigation group. Not brave enough to though. ( Proper one. Not 'Most Haunted' type)

spiderlight · 13/02/2019 14:46

One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me and DS was when we were walking home from school about two years ago when he was 10. A small blue rubber ball suddenly seemed to drop from nowhere and bounced directly up and down repeatedly on the same spot on the pavement immediately in front of us, as if it was being directed by someone bouncing it off their hand rather than bouncing around randomly on its own. We both just stopped in our tracks and stared at it until it stopped and then DS picked it up and we kept it. This was in broad daylight on the corner of a busy main road, and the perfectly vertical bouncing made no sense if it had been thrown out of a garden - and in any case there was no-one in the front garden of the house we were passing. We weren't under a tree either or anything it could have fallen from. It was just the weirdest, randomest thing. We tried and tried to replicate it when we got home but it just behaved like a perfectly normal rubber ball.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 13/02/2019 14:47

I've never experienced anything myself, but I've heard enough from people who I know would never make things up.

And I recently heard some really woo stuff - a friend's little grandson, taken for the first time to a site of Greek/Roman antiquities, who piped up straight away, 'I used to live here!' And came out with all sorts of things about the area, pointing out where he'd lived and played, and even the name of a friend he'd played with.
All made complete sense in the context of the building remains (houses, bath house, caves, etc.) And the name was right for the era and country.
None of the family had ever been there before, and he was not yet able to read, so couldn't possibly have read anything.
Needless to say, all the adults got the shivers! The child was entirely matter of fact about it.

ClarabellaCTL · 13/02/2019 14:54

@GemmaXOX the Cathedral bit scared me, we hotfooted it out of there!

ClarabellaCTL · 13/02/2019 14:57

@BlueMerchant it was a little unsettling but I found it comforting too. He's 9 now and hasn't said anything like that for a long time so I think perhaps he has outgrown that ability now.

spiderlight · 13/02/2019 15:37

@GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER when my son was nearly 2, we got lost coming home from a friend's house (it was Christmas Eve and the motorway was busy so DH decided to take a back route), and ended up at a Roman amphitheatre at dusk. He was fast asleep in the back of the car but we woke him and got out to let the dogs stretch their legs. He was running in and out of the chambers, giggling away to himself, and then he stopped dead at the opening to one and ran back to me half-crying and said 'Soldiers. Soldiers in there.' We'd not said anything at all to him about what the place was because we'd found ourselves there entirely by accident.

BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 16:01

Don't know how non- believers just disregard stories like this. There has to be 'something' in it. Children wouldn't have a clue about these things they come out with. It's all so interesting...and spooky!

Pinkbells · 13/02/2019 16:14

I am absolutely totally non believing in any of this stuff (I think the heightened mind can play lots of special tricks) but there is one story that is interesting, that I was told by my parents. We used to live in a very old house with bare oak floorboards. As a toddler they used to give me my bottle of milk in my cot, before my nap. I went through a phase of throwing it out of the cot, which made a loud sound, then a rolling sound - very distinctive. Once I did that, and they were downstairs. They heard the band, then the roll, and the same cry. Then the crying abruptly stopped and when they came upstairs I was lying in my cot with my bottle. This happened not long after a visiting friend asked who the man in black was who he had seen in the corridor upstairs. Very odd!

GemmaXOX · 13/02/2019 16:28

DH just reminded me,

We Heard a Death Rattle in our bedroom the night my Nan died, must of lasted around 30 seconds, Which feels like a lifetime when your scared out of your mind!

Anyone who has had the unfortunate displeasure of witnessing someone die knows how heart breaking and terrifying the rattle is.

BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 16:49

Oooh. The man in black...and you don't believe!. I've goosebumps. The death rattle experience truly terrifying. Reminded me of when I worked on an emi unit. That sound truly horiffic. One lady who was unable to get out of bed un-aided rang the buzzer one night. We found her very distressed complaining a fellow resident was coming into her room and using her toilet. He had died the previous week. Maybe she was dreaming/cinfused but it was very very creepy.

IvanaPee · 13/02/2019 17:06

Don't know how non- believers just disregard stories like this

It’s not that I disregard stories, but I think they’re psychological.

Like, if a loved one is sick or in hospital they’ll be on your mind even subconsciously.

And sounds in an old house are easily explainable.

Children have great imaginations...

I believe people genuinely believe that these things are happening. And I think the mind let’s people comfort themselves.

A lot of this stuff seems to happen at night when someone’s been asleep or is dozing off. So to me it’s logical that they’ve already dozed or were still asleep and dreamt or imagined a lot!

Ablemaybel · 13/02/2019 17:12

GemmaXOX that sounds terrifying!
And yes I also believe young children can see and hear things that we as adults don't. I've also had stories from friends, and past work colleagues that pets sometimes seem to sense the supernatural.
This is all very interesting, so many people have experienced things that can't be explained.

OP posts:
Ifeelnothingbutrage · 13/02/2019 17:15

I have one that happened only a few weeks ago.

I was out in the car, DH was driving, DD (24) was in the back with DD(6) I was in front passenger seat. We were driving along a road and as we went to go around a bend a man with a bicycle walked out in front of us.

My DH did an emergency stop and then we saw 3 children with bicycles and a woman at the side of the road that were trying to cross with the man so we let them cross.

As they got to the other side, the adult woman turned her face to the car (but not her eyes) and said thank you. I noticed that her hairline started very far back and she had burns on her ears and head so I said to my DH and DD 'that's lovely that woman is so comfortable to walk without covering up' and they both said 'WHAT WOMAN?'.

Both of them are adamant that there was a man and 3 children and nobody else. But I can describe everything about the woman including what she was wearing!

It was very unnerving!

Villanellesproudmum · 13/02/2019 17:15

@spina loads, it’s built on the grounds of a old civil war, her young son sits chatting to ‘army men’, I’ve stayed over and had a lamp fall on me, although can’t be sure if I knocked it but it was some distance. I’ve walked into the kitchen and the kettle has been switched on, honestly! Freezing drafts from nowhere just go past you and lasts seconds.

My daughter saw a mist go across one of the reception rooms, she called it a floating ‘jelly fish’. I could PM you the village and you can see if you can guess the house 😁 there are 5 for sale to choose from.

I also always have a cough and a pressure headache at her house, only in her house, no asthma and it goes as soon as I leave.

I’d doesn’t feel scary though just busy, I’m sceptical but there is one room which always unnerves me. I later was told by someone she bought in, a scared soldier lives in there just doesn’t want to leave 🤷‍♀️

Bananalanacake · 13/02/2019 17:22

I have never seen one myself. But I heard that ghosts only show themselves to those who aren't scared of them. Has anyone else heard this?

IvanaPee · 13/02/2019 17:33

But I heard that ghosts only show themselves to those who aren't scared of them.

It’s probably true because if you’re not scared of them that means you believe in them as opposed to thinking it’s a trick or the mind, IYSWIM?

Papergirl1968 · 13/02/2019 18:55

Those who are interested in reincarnation might enjoy the book Forgetting Time, by Sharon Gaskin. Fiction but very thought provoking.

Papergirl1968 · 13/02/2019 18:56

The Forgetting Time, sorry.

BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 19:32

I think the reason lots of things tend to happen at night could be because our bodies and brains are winding down ready for sleep and we become more 'open' to these other worldly things that we are too otherwise occupied to sense? However in many cases 'things' happen in broad daylight as lots of posts have shown. My experience of getting my hair pulled by my deceased great-grandad happened on a bright afternoon and was also a shared experience.How can we explain shared ghostly experiences? Would love to hear what people's views are.

BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 19:39

How does a non-believer explain two people seeing a ghostly apparition or having a shared ghostly encounter? It's so interesting!

IvanaPee · 13/02/2019 20:01

Mob mentality!

It’s quite easy to convince someone they saw/heard/felt something, I think. Especially if they’re already inclined to believe it.

If I saw a shadow on the stairs, for example, I wouldn’t think it was an other worldly being.


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BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 20:06

Agree it's possible and indeed research has proved it in many trials. Don't agree that's true of every case though. Using myself as an example, I had my hair pulled. At the same time my mum's legs were physically lifted in the air as she was trying to help me.

BlueMerchant · 13/02/2019 20:09

Mass hysteria? Confused

IvanaPee · 13/02/2019 20:13

I also think it’s very easy to misremember things!

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