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Someone just threw half a roast over my fence

132 replies

dilemma456 · 27/04/2010 11:18

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CalmCalmCalm · 27/04/2010 16:14

Didn't catch up with Pagwatch's mystery car until it was all done and dusted. This time I'm pulling up my chair.

I vote for domestic - DH has invited people for lunch and forgot to mention they were veggies until the roast was cooked. Doesn't explain the missing half though

TheBossofMe · 27/04/2010 16:18

I have GOT to hang around to see what this is about!

WorzselMummage · 27/04/2010 16:25

Maybe it fell out of a plane ?

AvrilHeytch · 27/04/2010 16:45

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NorbertDentressangle · 27/04/2010 16:47

Maybe it was still attached to the cow which she is now chasing round the garden

SoMuchToBits · 27/04/2010 16:53

Was it just thrown from the road? Or from someone else's garden? Who walks down the road carrying half a joint of roast beef?

StayingDavidTennantsGirl · 27/04/2010 16:55

I might clean it up and cook it a bit more, then trim and eat it - always supposing that I got to it before the dog did - if she got there first it would vanish in about three bites.

MrsRhettButler · 27/04/2010 17:05

dilemma just has to come back and give an update! i need to cook dinner

omnishambles · 27/04/2010 17:06

JackBauer, loved this, 'Seriously though, who cooks a roast in spring at 7am?'

Yeah cos the rest of the year - summer for example we're all up at the crack of dawn roasting meat

MadamDeathstare · 27/04/2010 17:15

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mummysontheedge · 27/04/2010 17:28

PMSL, I used to have a neighbour that threw whole raw cabbages(and other random food stuff) out of her window into her garden, but never into my garden! I thought she was just a lazy composter - maybe dilemma's neighbours are the same and just a bad aim
I need to know!!!!

LollipopViolet · 27/04/2010 17:29

Marking my place.

Dilemma, come back and update us!

I'd probably clean it, cook it and eat it too, assuming it hadn't landed in anything nasty (dog poo etc).

midnightexpress · 27/04/2010 17:33

OP have you ever read Nicholas Nickleby? Nicholas' mum is a widow and the man next door throws vegetables over the garden fence as a means of winning her heart.

BuzzingNoise · 27/04/2010 17:33

Marking my place. Now I just have to know!

I missed the green car thread. Why was it parked there?

JackBauer · 27/04/2010 17:59

omni, you know what i meant! Down here it's HOT. I wouldn't cook roast dinner in this.
I would in winter though so [sticks out tongue]

LadyGaggia · 27/04/2010 18:07

Your neighbours are trying to spell out that they have a bit of a beef with you?

dilemma456 · 27/04/2010 18:14

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MaMight · 27/04/2010 18:14

Do you live next to Wile E Coyote? Has he been dynamiting cows? If Wile E Coyote blew up a cow there would almost certainly be a brief shower of beautifully cooked sides of beef, burgers and hotdogs.

I can think of no other logical explanation.

KurriKurri · 27/04/2010 18:15

I've been out all afternoon, - was hoping the mystery of the flying roast had been solved[famous five emoticon] where is Dilemma?

KurriKurri · 27/04/2010 18:17

Oh she's back cross posted!

LadyGaggia · 27/04/2010 18:19

Oh from the road...Drive by roasting?

dilemma456 · 27/04/2010 18:21

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JustAnotherManicMummy · 27/04/2010 18:21

Do you think it could be a travelling carvery or summat then?

Dilemma I may need you to make an elaborate story up about some people turning up on your doorstep to ask for their beef back...

differentID · 27/04/2010 18:22

Sorry, but I am nominating this for Classics! It's too funny to lose in the mists of time!

fustyarse · 27/04/2010 18:24

arf at 'nearby eagle'!

oh, how I love these threads of mystery

dilemma - pleeeeeeeeease go and ask your neighbour what was going on!

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