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Help needed find a boy's name

159 replies

lucy123 · 18/11/2003 14:42

I know we've covered this before, but I'm still stuck, so I thought I'd start a parallel thread to Ghosty's

names I kind of have in mind...


I'm kind of constrained by the fact that the name has to work in Spanish (although I don't mind if he has an English given name as long as I like the equivalent in Spanish). Cameron obviously is not Spanish, but apparently there is a famous Flamenco singer with that name.

Also I have a thing about family names (as ds will have dp's surname) so the name has to work well with Robert, David, or William as a middle name. Actually I would like Albert or Kenneth as a middle name but dp is against this.

Oh yes, Joseph is another possibility (Jose or Pepe in Spanish).

But I'm stuck!

OP posts:
Angeliz · 30/12/2003 00:12

Elliot is on my list if i had a boy.....also lobe Fabio

nutcracker · 30/12/2003 00:14

My dp wouldn't let me have elliot as it reminded him of E.T ( i happen too love E.T)

bossykate · 30/12/2003 08:31

what about mateo?

codswallop · 30/12/2003 08:57

i england they would pronounce it matey - o like the bath foam!!

bossykate · 30/12/2003 10:57

oh coddy, surely not!

Twinkie · 30/12/2003 11:06

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SenoraPostrophe · 30/12/2003 11:10

Maybe coddy is right!

I asked my mum what she thought of Xavier last night and she asked my sister if she liked the name within earshot. She said "Zaviaaah" which has completely put me off that name: I think you were right, Jan.

Seem to be settling on Lucas, as dp prefers it to Tomas (though I really like Tomas).

Will be one of: Lucas Robert, Lucas Roberto, Lucas William or Lucas David.

(It's a good thing you can only have one middle name in Spain or I'd be here till he's 7)

Rhubarb · 30/12/2003 12:13

Dh wouldn't go for Bailey, said it was a second name and he was also convinced that I was just naming him after the drink!
There are lots of 'good' Arthurs, such as King Arthur, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Guinness (!) and so on. I've nothing against the name but it's not one I would have chosen myself. However 5 name books later and endless unhelpful suggestions from family, one of us is going to have to compromise. Arthur is better than some of his other suggestions, such as Samson and Vincent. I just can't seem to imagine myself calling a little boy Arthur, it seems such an old man's name.

Custy is still trying to get me to go for Rubin

StressyHead · 30/12/2003 12:31

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Twinkie · 30/12/2003 12:59

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JanH · 30/12/2003 13:17

Rubin or Reuben?

dinosaur · 30/12/2003 13:23

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JanH · 30/12/2003 13:27

REUBEN m Biblical, Jewish, English
Pronounced: ROO-ben
Means "behold, a son" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament he was the eldest son of Jacob and Leah and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

"Behold, a son" - I bet those were Rhubarb's exact words when he popped out

sarahu · 30/12/2003 14:09

I like Tai, Taj, Nico, Ben, Nat, Xavier, Manuel, can't think of the others right now after all the red wine

Not sure how some of those would work in Spanish, but hey!

SenoraPostrophe · 30/12/2003 14:19

We can't have Manuel! Poor lad would never recover from my entire family making jokes about being from Barcelona etc.

Janh - lol at "behold, a boy".

SenoraPostrophe · 30/12/2003 14:24

Rhubarb: giving last names as first names is a Scottish and Northern English tradition (it's where lots of very common names like Keith, Cameron etc originally came from). Since Bailey is a Scottish name (sometimes) it should be a first name too. You could name him after Bill Bailey?

Anyway perhaps you could run that past your dh and perhaps you'll bore him so much that he'll give in?

popsycal · 30/12/2003 14:27

bailey was the name of a character on that american programme which jennifer love hewitt and neve campbell were in....what was it called?!?!?

nutcracker · 30/12/2003 14:33

Yes it was POPS, that is really gonna bug me now cos i know i know it.

Twinkie · 31/12/2003 09:50

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popsycal · 31/12/2003 10:52

PARTY of five!!!
well done!!

Twinkie · 31/12/2003 10:54

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Twinkie · 31/12/2003 10:58

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Tinker · 31/12/2003 12:00

Have to admit that I think Bailey is awful, sounds like a made up name.

Met a little Rufus the other day, he was gorgeous. Think Reuben is pretty cool and Art or Artie is quite zeitgeisty, bit like Alfie etc.

JanH · 31/12/2003 12:18

I do like Rufus. That's made me also think of Todd (cos Todd means a fox and Rufus is red, still with me?) which was one I considered for dd1 (only she was a girl, obviously!) - sounds a bit too American though maybe - but it is an old English name.

TODD m English
Pronounced: TAWD
From a surname meaning "fox" from Middle English todde.

(TAWD? Where'd they get that from?)

Arthur is growing on me too.

WideWebWitch · 31/12/2003 12:33

maybe TAWD is how a royal would pronounce it? I like Rufus too.

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