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Help needed find a boy's name

159 replies

lucy123 · 18/11/2003 14:42

I know we've covered this before, but I'm still stuck, so I thought I'd start a parallel thread to Ghosty's

names I kind of have in mind...


I'm kind of constrained by the fact that the name has to work in Spanish (although I don't mind if he has an English given name as long as I like the equivalent in Spanish). Cameron obviously is not Spanish, but apparently there is a famous Flamenco singer with that name.

Also I have a thing about family names (as ds will have dp's surname) so the name has to work well with Robert, David, or William as a middle name. Actually I would like Albert or Kenneth as a middle name but dp is against this.

Oh yes, Joseph is another possibility (Jose or Pepe in Spanish).

But I'm stuck!

OP posts:
Rhubarb · 29/12/2003 17:05

What does everyone think of Arthur?

dinosaur · 29/12/2003 17:07

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popsycal · 29/12/2003 17:08

i have loved alfie for ages
but now with shane ritchie i am not sure..

popsycal · 29/12/2003 17:09

still ove it though but not sure i would use it
i also love harry

Rhubarb · 29/12/2003 17:09

Could be Art for short. I wasn't too keen either, but dh is persuading me and we can't agree on any other name. However I can still change my mind.

dinosaur · 29/12/2003 17:11

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dinosaur · 29/12/2003 17:11

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popsycal · 29/12/2003 17:11

shall i do a run down of some boys i teach..

dinosaur · 29/12/2003 17:13

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JanH · 29/12/2003 17:26

There is a kids' cartoon called Arthur - he is some sort of animal - have just checked with the boys and he's an aardvark apparently???? (Looks more like a mouse to me but there you go.)

Arthur is a Stanley kind of name and that's quite popular now - you could set a trend, Rhubarb! But he would get all those Arthur knock knock jokes - arfa minute, arfan hour etc...

dinosaur, Blake is nice. Or, how about Blaise - a friend of mine once went out with a lad called that - he would be over 50 now - what trendy parents he must have had! (Or French, possibly.)

JanH · 29/12/2003 17:27

btw dinosaur, the baby in the Tesco ads (the old bat's grandson) is called Francis, isn't he?

Chandra · 29/12/2003 17:33

Ferdinand in Spanish sounds as ... as Pantaleon (so sorry... there are more than 6 Fernandos (as) in my family and all of them hate their name), Gabriel is lovely tough, it's pronounced gabriEEEl.

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 17:33

Yeah dp didn't like Luis. He thinks Rafael is a bit poncey too.

I once met a lad called Gabriel and my aunt made him show her his id to prove that really was his name - poor boy.

I also like Arthur - traditional yet unusual. Could be Arty?

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 17:41

Think I might have to play safe and go with Tomas or Lucas. I'm a bit upset that Thomas is so popular in the UK - doesn't seem to be so common in Spain though.

BTW Blake is good (not for me, for dinosaur - would be pronounced "bla-kay" here)

Chandra · 29/12/2003 17:49

Lucas is lovely!!! If I ever had other child I would like to cll him that

WideWebWitch · 29/12/2003 18:43

Dinosaur, I think Ava is a fab name! (just called my dd that) Ah, Rhubarb, this answers the question I asked you on the other thread about a name. Art is nice, not sure about Arthur. Dh wouldn't go for Bailey then? Shame.

popsycal · 29/12/2003 19:39

SP - thomas is a great name.....

fisil · 29/12/2003 19:50

Love those old names - a friend had an Arthur last year, and I think it is gorgeous. And Stanley is ds' middle name! What about Archie?

fisil · 29/12/2003 19:54

Humph. Just tried NGPY's link, and they don't have ds' name.

popsycal · 29/12/2003 19:55

oooooh i love archie!!!!

Demented · 29/12/2003 23:58

Senora, for what it's worth from your list I like Lucas, Xavier, Adan and Alden (I've got an Aidan so that probably explains why I am drawn to Adan and Alden).

Rhubarb, has that wee boy of yours still not got a name? Bailey's lovely, no chance of convincing your DH?

Angeliz · 30/12/2003 00:05

What about Tristen,(i am desperate for someone to like this name as i love it) Or George or Lewis?
( Not sure if any would work in Spanish!!??)


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nutcracker · 30/12/2003 00:05

LUCY123 - LOve both Lucas and Cameron. My ds3 is called Harry Thomas )(harry after my grandad). I also like :

  • Elliot
  • Joseph
  • Lewis
    Unusual names I know are : Kane, Cade, and Caven. My dd1 has boy in her class called Fabio.
popsycal · 30/12/2003 00:07

oooh nutcracker i like harry (after my grandfather)and already ahev a thomas!!!

nutcracker · 30/12/2003 00:11

DD2 insists on calling Harry Harry Thomas as she heard it that much when i was pregnant. Really suits him too. I absolutly love thnking of baby names, I could go on all night.

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