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Help needed find a boy's name

159 replies

lucy123 · 18/11/2003 14:42

I know we've covered this before, but I'm still stuck, so I thought I'd start a parallel thread to Ghosty's

names I kind of have in mind...


I'm kind of constrained by the fact that the name has to work in Spanish (although I don't mind if he has an English given name as long as I like the equivalent in Spanish). Cameron obviously is not Spanish, but apparently there is a famous Flamenco singer with that name.

Also I have a thing about family names (as ds will have dp's surname) so the name has to work well with Robert, David, or William as a middle name. Actually I would like Albert or Kenneth as a middle name but dp is against this.

Oh yes, Joseph is another possibility (Jose or Pepe in Spanish).

But I'm stuck!

OP posts:
WideWebWitch · 29/12/2003 10:01

Or what about Ferdinand? Ferdy is a cool sounding name (sorry if it's already been mentioned, haven't read the whole thread). It works in Spanish and English doesn't it?

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 10:06

Yes, I was worrying about the Star Trek connection - dp wouldn't mind as his suggestions so far are Darth and Yoda. But it would be vaguely after Danielle Dax (musician) and because it sounds good.

Lucas is good but I don't have a story to go with it, IYSWIM. Any famous Lucases I could name him after?

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 10:08

And I like Ferdinand, but suspect that dp would hate it. Might sound a bit naff in conjunction with dd's name though. Think of the most famous Spanish King and Queen.

WideWebWitch · 29/12/2003 10:14

well, senora, wouldn't it be after george lucas? excuse lacks of caps, 1 handed typing...

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 10:18

Maybe... (I think that's why dp doesn't object to it anyway)

JanH · 29/12/2003 11:20

Morning, SenoraP!

NOT Xavier - nobody could pronounce it over here and you would be assumed to be a rabid Catholic! And A-Dan would become Aden. If you are still intending to live back here some time it does need to be one that won't be mispronounced and drive you mad.

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 11:25

Really, JanH? Xavier is pronounced with a z in English, which I quite like - in fact I like it better than the hard h Spanish pronunciation. I'm not really bothered if the pronunciation changes slightly (dd's does anyway).

But maybe you're right - this is why I posted anyway! I'll have to look up the meaning of Aden - that would work in Spanish.

dinosaur · 29/12/2003 11:30

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JanH · 29/12/2003 11:51

Oops - sorry, nothing wrong with Xavier as a name, just that I think some people would say it "ex-avier", not Zavier. Unusual names/spellings/pronunciations do tend to be got wrong one way or another - eg a friend called her son Arren because she didn't want him to be called Aaron, with a long A, but he gets spelt Aaron anyway. And some Aarons are supposed to have a long A and some are supposed to be short. DH's sister is called Karen, pronounced to rhyme with Aaron with a long A. Some Louis's are Louie, some are Lewis. It's OK if you don't mind people getting it wrong...

Of your current () shortlist I like Lucas, Tomas and Rafael best - have never come across Alden - is that a Spanish name? The meaning is nice.

Chandra · 29/12/2003 12:50

I would remove Ferdinand from the list, (actually Fernando in Spanish), is a bit old fashioned now and everybody will end up calling him Nando. Are you familiar with catalan names? most of the times sound great both in Spanish and English for example BerNAT which is Bernardo sounds exactly the same in English and Spanish, Andreu, Marc, Pau (paul), well there's an endless list butif you really want to get more confused there's a website that features more than 500,000 baby names (

codswallop · 29/12/2003 12:52

you know rafael is a "hero in a half shell" ninja turtle dont you?
was carlos binned?

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 13:08

codswallop - the mutant ninja turtles are never still going are they? Now there's a fad I thought would last about a week.

Anyway decided against Carlos because it doesn't sound quite right in English to me and I've decided I want a name that doesn't have to be translated - chandra, I figured that Spanish people could pronounce Ferdinand? Fernando is even more naff in conjunction with dd's name.

Janh - I think you're right. He will have an unusual surname anyway and I once read that people with funny names spend over a year of their lives spelling it out to people.

Alden is traditional English apparently - I just found it on a website (going to write my own baby names website: all are a bit rubbish in one way or another).

I would really love to call him Carson as it means "son of a marsh dweller" (we're from the fens). Shame it doesn't sound nice really.

alohappychristmas · 29/12/2003 14:18

I like Rafael. Raffy for short? Also Alden.

JanH · 29/12/2003 14:19

Carson sounds fine to me! How does it work in Spanish? Does DP like it? Very unusual (I think?)

I'm sure I've read a book with an Alden in it - American possibly - he might get Aiden though...(again, a perfectly good name, before I upset someone, , just not what it's supposed to be.)

JanH · 29/12/2003 14:21

I know a little girl called Rafaela (not sure of spelling) - she has Italian connections. They call her Rafters!!!

The Turtles did go, btw, but are making/have made a comeback recently.

popsycal · 29/12/2003 15:27

Go for Tomas (Tom is my ds...)

SenoraPostrophe · 29/12/2003 15:34

so no consensus then!

I'm getting very close to just picking one out of the hat!

suzywong · 29/12/2003 15:43

I used to read all the names in the final credits of films, that is one way of getting a really long and varied list.

In the end I chickened out and let DH choose them (sorry this is no help to you)

Dsons have cool short versions of rather long and posh kennel names as we tried to combine both cultures (English and Chinese)

Good luck

WideWebWitch · 29/12/2003 16:00

what about taking the S off and making it carlo?

suzywong · 29/12/2003 16:01

Yeah, Carlito, no one would mess with him then, especially if you got him a long black leather trench coat
(that is what a Spanish friend calls our DS1 I think it's very cool)

codswallop · 29/12/2003 16:22

the turtles call him Raf

I like that

what about Gabriel - always wanted that but chickened out. Is there a spanish version of that?

Jerry halls 5 year old is called that

codswallop · 29/12/2003 16:22

have checked - there is!


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dinosaur · 29/12/2003 16:25

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NGPY · 29/12/2003 16:33

Hello, you've probably seen this , but just in case.

Think my favourite is probably Luis, but I see that's not on your list!

JanH · 29/12/2003 16:53

NGPY, Luis was on SenoraP's very first post (at the bottom - when she was lucy123) - also Lucas and Cameron.

I just went to your link and noticed:

"Names courtesy of Dax Technologies, makers of Baby Bits? and other parenting software."

So there you go - has to be Dax - it's a Sign!

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