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One-child families

Balancing little one and own interests

12 replies

Falmatt · 29/01/2022 11:14

So massive reader here with gorgeous 4 month old DS. Also voracious reader!
I love my boy to bits, but am also looking forward to reading a whole book in one sitting again (I'm telling myself teens to manage expectations). Currently sneaking undisturbed hours at night (bad idea - but I just can't stop - because I feel like a zombie in the mornings)
Can any mums (or Dads) of onlies share stories of how and when they were able to get back into pre-baby pleasures?

OP posts:
JustAnotherUserinParadise · 29/01/2022 11:17

With a 4 month old I was all about the contact naps! Book propped up on sleeping baby...
As soon as she started going to bed early and reliably sleeping I read in the evening

BestZebbie · 29/01/2022 11:18

By toddler hood they go to bed before you do (even if they then get up!) and you could do some reading then.
By a couple of years into school age you can have "reading time" in the day where you sit and read your own books silently together (for fairly short periods, and you might need to help them or discuss their book).

riotlady · 29/01/2022 11:30

Yep, lots of reading during contact naps here too! Kindle makes things much easier if you don’t have one already. DD is 3.5 and I have averaged 40ish books a year since she was born so not quite “book in a sitting” level but pretty good

Falmatt · 29/01/2022 11:36

These are honestly the most reassuring messages I've had since he was born. IRL everyon's told me to pretty much kiss it goodbye!

OP posts:
bookish83 · 29/01/2022 12:19

I read my kindle during most naps! 4 naps a day meant a lot of books 😊
Now not on contact naps I read during normal nap time and in the evenings. Way more doable than other hobbies but i do find sometimes i have to be in a concentrating mood more than pre baby

JustAnotherUserinParadise · 29/01/2022 14:56

I think you might be in middle of the the worst part OP - I think around 4 months babies get more aware and less sleepy and need more entertaining during the day, but aren't yet going to bed early enough and reliably sleeping at night. It'll pass!

Maybe not 6 hour marathon reading during the day but you'll be able to carve out an hour or two most days if that's what you want in a couple of months I'd guess!

Happyhappyday · 17/02/2022 21:24

Around 6 months for me when DD starting reliably napping 1.5 hours twice a day as well as no night wakes. She’s 3.5 now and DH and I alternate bedtimes a few times a week so we each have two evenings a week after 6:30 when we can go out. I also find lunch time on week days when I have time to get exercise etc in by myself.

Just10moreminutesplease · 17/02/2022 21:36

Contact naps are perfect reading opportunities!

Then they start going to bed early without you (for us this was at 6 months ish, but everyone is different).

And don’t forget to hand all responsibility over to your DP sometimes so you can enjoy some uninterrupted reading time.

Honestly, having a baby doesn’t have to mean giving up the things that you enjoy. You deserve a chance to unwind… even if that means the washing doesn’t get done for a couple of days Flowers.

MagratLancre · 20/02/2022 09:27

My DS is 6 and I read a lot. When he was younger, I'd read when he napped (usually on me!) Now he really likes being read to, so my evenings are often spent reading, but mostly Rainbow Fairies or kids graphic novels or stuff like that!! He's usually asleep by 10pm then I read on bed a bit before I sleep.

Falma · 24/02/2022 18:23

Thank you all for your brilliant messages!

Feeling very hopeful as I rock (teething!) little one to sleep

sarahb083 · 07/03/2022 09:11

I have a 13 month old and now feel like I have plenty of free time. I agree with the PP who said 4 months is probably the toughest age. Within a few months, your baby will likely have a reliable sleep schedule (through likely not through the night!)

Because you're post on the one child families board, I'll also say that I think it's much, much easier to have your own interests with one child.

Lavellan · 25/04/2022 14:30

It's a great time to treat yourself to some audio books and you can listen to them during the day while you're in the house or the car. My library does audio books as well, and they have a book club where they recommend one each month.

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