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just taken ds to his first settling in session at nursery - could do with talking it through!

106 replies

Tutter · 26/03/2007 11:47

am planning on starting ds at nursery 2 mornings a week after easter

he's 22mo. am expecting ds2 in july (hence starting ds1 in nursery - just to free up some time for me and newborn when he arrives)

he's pretty confident and happy - not clingy. he legged it to play with toys when we got there so i retreated to the office without saying goodbye

he was fine for half an hour - apparentl playing happily on his own but then got upset - was looking for me. after 15 mins they came to get me and we headed off

was only going to be an hour's settling period anyway

but now am feeling all hormonal and upset and wondering if i'm doing the right thing. i don't have to send him after all - am at home and have no plans to return to work

any advice/words of wisdom/reassurance would be appreciated

OP posts:
Tutter · 05/04/2007 17:05

yes, near-ish marlow. nearer henley in the end

move may have contributed to him being unsettled, but tbh he'd been fine until the nursery visits started (we moved early december)

OP posts:
Porpoise · 05/04/2007 17:09

Well, I hope the next session is even better!
Isn't it always the way, though? You worry yourself sick about each new stage and how wrong it's all going and then, just when you decide it's reached crisis point, they go and 'get it' and you feel rather foolishly relieved!

Porpoise · 05/04/2007 17:10

PS Have you been to the Hand and Flowers yet?

FrannyandZooey · 05/04/2007 17:11

Good stuff Tutter! I know you and he will work it all out for the best, in the end

Tutter · 10/04/2007 08:05

latest (and hopefully final, for now at least) chapter in ds1's nursery saga:

we have decided not to take nusery any further at this stage. ds has been so unsettles and unhppy since we started the settling process - is like a diff child. won't let me leave his side, wants to be carried (hard as i'm getting bigger) and isn't interested in anyone else, inc daddy

dh laid back and is happy to do whatever - he thinks a nanny will make my life easier when ds2 arrives (and, in his words, "if it makes your life easier, it makes my life easier")

so - that's what we're thinking right now

felt awful calling the nursery this morning - they've been great, really patient and helpful, but i just don't think either ds or i are completely ready

thanks for your help on this (esp you franny)

OP posts:
FrannyandZooey · 13/04/2007 22:42

Oh Tutter I expect this thread has fallen off your watch list by now, but I just found it and I am really happy you have made a decision

I really admire the way you have stood back and looked at what ds was telling you, rather than just plunging on with the plan regardless

(and yes I do know you are lucky to be in a position to do that and that not everyone is)

I do think when it is the right time he will have no bother settling in - it is quite young for a little boy to start nursery, really

and I think the nanny will be FAB - what a help for you - she can do all sorts of things to help you out - so much more flexible etc

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