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Miscarriage/pregnancy loss

April 05 Miscarriage

130 replies

Diddle · 03/04/2005 11:26

Started bleeding 2 days ago, not much a no pain, then last night i was woken up with stomach cramps and heavy bleeding but no clots. then i could feel it, it just dropped out into the toilet paper. This is my 2nd Miscarriage in 2 months. feel so low and don't know what to think. Have a scan tomorrow will find out more then.
I'm exhausted. anyone else going through the same???

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Scorpio05 · 09/04/2005 16:18

I had a m/c last year but I now have a beautiful son I know its hard but you must stay positive Like everyone said it is possible to have periods all the way through a pregnancy. Im suprised they did not do an internal scan! Anyway I hope everything works out well for you {{{{{{big hug}}}}}}} Scorp!

peepee · 16/04/2005 11:41 new to this thread. Diddle pointed it out to me.

After having had some light bleeding I attended the EPU on wednesday and was informed that I had suffered a missed m/c. This is my fourth. I was 11 weeks pg. The doctor told me to wait to see if the pregnancy expels itself. Last night was the worst time ever for me.

I had bad cramps from 3pm. I was popping pain kilers like they were going out of fashion. The clots started at 5pm to 9.30pm. This was the heaviest of my m/c. DH wanted to take me to hospital but I refused.

Those of you wo are squeamish or shock easily look away.....


In the past the doctors have always questioned me about my m/c. So, I always look to see what is going on. This was the first time that I saw something resembling a fetus. It was exactly as depicted in all the books. I couldn't beleive it. I just knelt by the loo and cried. I then said a prayer and threw some holy water down the loo. It was then flushed away.. Is this odd behaviour or has anyone else had a similar type expereince.

I must go DH is back and wanting to get on the computer.

Take care......

Apologies if I have shocked anyone.

Spacecadet · 16/04/2005 13:23

diddle have you had your scan yet??

BEKsmum · 17/04/2005 01:26

Oh god, Peepee I don't know what to say to you, i'm so sorry, you won't have shocked anyone and I'm sure all those that have been in your position will understand.

I think you did the very best that you could and saying a prayer for your child is a lovely and personal thing to do.

Would it help you to sign a book of rememberance at your local church or to create some sort of memorial such as planting a special rose in your garden etc like CP3 has done.

If you need to talk to anyone or just let off steam I'm normally around alot so just mail me my address is in the Nov thread.

Please take time to look after yourself and let out your grief in what ever way works best for you.

i'm sure this has been no help at all but I couldn't ignore your post and can only send {{{{hugs}}}}} to you and your dh.

Diddle · 17/04/2005 09:41

pee pee- so sorry to hear your news, you haven't shocked me at all. I think what you did was completely normal. Will they investigate now? did they investigate after 3 m/cs?
I know how you feel, its a horrible feeling, but you know unfortunatly from experience that it will get better.
I hope that you and your family are ok.
Will you go to hospital or the dr's to make sure it is all gone and you're ok? or would you rather elt it all happen naturally? will you try again. sorry for all questions.

Spacecadet - i have my 2nd scan tomorrow afternoon. i know they wont find anything. have done a test and its negative, so we know the baby has gone, but i want to get checked over, so we have kept the appointment.

OP posts:
Spacecadet · 17/04/2005 09:52

oh diddle, im so sorry

Nemo1977 · 17/04/2005 09:59

diddle im so sorry hun tak care of urself.

About tests after 3 I didnt get any offered as I successfully carried my Ds after 2 mcs then had the last mc in dec. Was told if it happened again they would think about testing. Am now 5wks pg and praying it doesnt happen again.

Diddle · 17/04/2005 10:15

i think its really bad that you have to have 3 in a row. We were considering paying privatly for tests, but now are over the shock and upset we are just going to take it easy and try again soon.

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peepee · 17/04/2005 19:13

Thanks for all your support. I am glad nobody thought I was mad.

Diddle, though I have now had four only three were delt with by the hospital therefore they will only recognise that I have had three. I will be going back to the EPU on the 27th (date I was due to have my first baby) to make sure all is clear. Once that it does they will give me an appointment and take some blood samples. Does anyone know if this is the only test they do or are there others?

I have been in loads of pain with this m/c. The others all seemed to be relativly pain free. I have realised that when the pain is bad I tend to pass quite a large peice of the pregnancy. I just want it all over and done with.

DH told me today that he thought that i was obsessing about this too much. Though we do not have to try hard to get pregnant it seems to have taken over our lives. Over the past eight months everything has been about pregnancy and m/c. He wants us to slow down and leave it for a while.
I am sure we will have no choice in the matter now as we will be guided by the doctors!

I am off in the morning for 4 days in Somerset. Not that I wil be doing much walking. It feels very uncomfortable wearing trousers and a pad at the same time. I am just going to chill out and be spoilt by DH.

Speak soon

Take care and thanks again for all your support.


Diddle · 17/04/2005 20:02

pee pee - I know waht you mean about the pain i was much the same, it was only there when i passed something larger than normal.
I hope that you enjoy your time away. Just take it easy and give your body a chance to recover.
I'm sure your DH is thinking of you and what you have been through, and he's probably right that its taking over your life, but if as its so important to you that doesn't mean its a bad thing.
I hope the docs take good care of you, it will be such an emotional day for you, with it being an "anniversary" for you.
Just take it easy, and have a great few days.

let us know how you are on your return, we're here if you need us.


OP posts:
edd · 19/04/2005 00:14

I am so sorry for your loss, after suffering 6 miscarraiges in the past year and a half, I know what the pain and eshaustion you are going through, keep talking and try and be good to yourself even though you dont feel like doing this. I have been very depressed and angry and all sorts of feelings, it does get easier but only in your own time. Mind yourself XXX

HellKat · 19/04/2005 06:06

Morning all.
I noticed this thread and hope you don't mind me joining you. It's been a great source of comfort to my fellow girls from the other thread.
Story in short- Had my 11 week scan yesterday and was told our beany boo had died 3 weeks previously. They don't know why. I'm ringing the epu later to arrange for a d&c as I don't want to wait in limbo anymore. I'm not actively mc as yet (just backache and spotting) so would rather help it along as opposed to wait.
This is my fourth now and apparently the hospital won't run tests as after third, I had a healthy pg (ds is now 1) so it's sort of like that scraps out the other 3 and they start from no.1 again. However, I've a fab gp so hopefully he'll insist on tests.
Not feeling numb anymore just plain shitty but I'll get through this. As we all are on this thread.
By the way nice to meet you all and yes, as soon as we're allowed, Dp and I will be on the ttc thread.

Diddle · 19/04/2005 06:52

morning hellkat, i can't get over how positive you appear to be. i have come to the conclusoon that you i shock and will fall apart any second.
Keep taking the paracetamol and i would arrange a d&c too. Don't blame you. Hope you managed to get a decent nights sleep.

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HellKat · 19/04/2005 08:17

I'm not that positive just realise there's absolutely nothing we could've done and have turned very philosophical and calm about it. Still feel crap inside though but it does help knowing that it's no ones fault.
Now, I plan on getting fit again then ttc'ing asap.
Just be glad when it's over. That's the horrid bit, knowing that the next worse thing is yet to come.

Diddle · 21/04/2005 13:33

Peepee - are you back from Somerset yet? Hope you managed to get some well deserved rest and you and your DH have spolit each other rotten.
Let us know how you are getting on.

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peepee · 22/04/2005 21:04


I am back. Had a really lovely break. The weather was fab.

Have my appointment on wednesday and am dreading it. It is going to be a horrible day.
Does anyone know what kind of tests the hospital do after a third m/c? And how long they take to start sorting you out? Does it take months?

I am dreading going back to work on Monday. Have had 4 days compasionate leave and a weeks annual leave. I still need more. I really do not want to be going back into shift work.

Taking the cat to the vets in the morning. I have a feeling that I will be getting more badnews regarding her ailing health. DH is taking her in as i don't think that I could cope with anymore bad news.

Life is shite..........

Sorry having a bad evening......

edd · 22/04/2005 22:54

Sorry for you feeling low this evening, I have been there so many times. My appointment after my third m/c involved all bloods tests possible from myself and my husband and going over and over your past medical history, even though this had already been discussed. Bloods takes a long time to come through and I still went on to have 3 further m/c. Eventually they found out my blood was clotting was i became pregnant so they put me on daily injections and aspirin to thin the blood and it worked. I still will never forget the hell i went through but it will get easier, keep talking, crying and demand your answers, I had too,

Diddle · 24/04/2005 18:05

peepee - glad to hear you had a good time.
I hope that you had a good weekend too. Have been thinking about you. Yes life is horrible. I've had an emotional weekend, can't stop thinking about whats happened.
Look after yourself.

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cori · 26/04/2005 11:19

Looks like I need to join this tread too. Had a scan yesterday, no heartbeat detected. Baby probably died a couple of weeks ago. I would 17 weeks today.
I am in shock. I have had no signs what so ever. I still feel pregnant. I can feel the baby( If move positons in bed etc)
No bleeding, no pain nothing.
I will be induced later this week. I cant believe I am going to through labour. I have never been through labour, DS was ceaserean.
I just dont know what to expect.
How long will it take?
Has anyone been through this.

Diddle · 26/04/2005 12:53

Cori - I am so sorry to hear your news. you must be devestated. I have never lost a child as far along as you have, but i'm sure there are plenty of people on here that have.
My thoughts are with you at this terrible time. If you need to vent soem anger we are all here for you.

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peepee · 26/04/2005 14:11


I really feel for you. I am so sorry about what has happened. I don't have any answers for you but if you get no joy from this site ask your GP before you go into hospital.

My thoughts are with you.

Take care

Spacecadet · 26/04/2005 16:00

cori, i lost my baby at 16 weeks a month ago and im so sorry this has happened to you, you will prob be given a pessary to start contractions and they can be very painful but you will be offered pain relief, it should take less time than full term labour, im surprised that they are leaving you so long though cori, thatslike torture, i went in with bleeding and a scan revealed that baby had only just died, when i didnt misscarry on my own, they induced labour, then i had a d ans c.{{{hugs}}} are you on your own at home? or isdh or anyone else with you? have they offered counselling or anything?

jangus · 26/04/2005 16:05

Cori, I am so very sorry for you. I hope you have someone around to comfort you and support you.

My thoughts are with you.

cori · 26/04/2005 16:15

Thanks spacecadet.
I found out yesterday afternoon, at around 5.00pm
I could have gone in to hospital first thing this morning but I chose not too.
I am going in tomorow morning, They will give me a tablet that softens the cervix.
Then 48 hours later I will go into hospital to be induced.
I am at home by myself, DH is runs his own buisness, and too be honest I prefer to be by myself. DS has gone to childminder today.(usually only goes wednesday - Friday)

Spacecadet, Did you see the baby?

wendy11 · 26/04/2005 18:00

I am so sorry for what you are going through. We lost our little boy in September at 23 weeks and I too had to go through a labour and delivery. This was my first pregnancy so didn't know what was in front of me. I wish I had know because then I could have been more mentally prepared. I was brough into hospital on the Wednesday morning and they gave me a tablet to soften the cervix and then every four hours tablets were inserted vaginally to get the labour going. Nothing happened on the Wednesday and then on the Thursday they started again every four hours to insert the tablets and labour started about 4.30pm. The tablets can make you feel sick. It was not particularly painful at the beginning but certainly became more painful as the labour pregressed - use whatever pain relief you can get - I had gas and air and pethedine. I did not require a D&C as the placenta came away completley and I had very little bleeding afterwards although it did continue off and on for about 4 weeks. We got to hold our little boy and also had photographs taken of him by the hospital staff. They are now our most treasured posessions. We had a private funeral service and he is buried with my father although there is the option of cremation available as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this dreadful time.

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