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Miscarriage/pregnancy loss

April 05 Miscarriage

130 replies

Diddle · 03/04/2005 11:26

Started bleeding 2 days ago, not much a no pain, then last night i was woken up with stomach cramps and heavy bleeding but no clots. then i could feel it, it just dropped out into the toilet paper. This is my 2nd Miscarriage in 2 months. feel so low and don't know what to think. Have a scan tomorrow will find out more then.
I'm exhausted. anyone else going through the same???

OP posts:
Trix1 · 13/06/2005 20:39

Hi Cori, my dh had to have blood tests so they could test for chromosome issues. I did not think there would be any problems there as we already have a ds.

Good luck with you results

cori · 08/06/2005 22:15

Hi ,
Peepee and Trix1. Can I ask what your DHs were tested for, nobody has suggested that my DH should be tested for anything.

Trix1 · 07/06/2005 22:08

Hi peepee, I too had those tests done in March and dh husband had one test and our results came back fine. They could not find any reason to why we have suffered two miscarriages. I dont know if it would have been better if they had found something wrong because then we wouuld know why this had happened and if there was anyting we coudl do to prevent another miscarriage in the future.

Good luck with you results.

Diddle · 07/06/2005 14:31

peepee - wondered what had happened to you, are you going to try again?? you should join s on the TTC after a m/c 2 thread, we have a great laugh, and its just nice to chat to people who know how you feel.
Hope that you're tests will be helpful, and i agree with the needle thing, i hate them.
Hope that you're okay

OP posts:
peepee · 06/06/2005 14:56

Checking in to say a quick hello. Have been to hospital today with DH and had our blood tests.....He had one and I had fourteen samples taken from me. NOT FAIR!I hate needles!

It's a waiting game now. Got an appointment on 26th July. Am a bit apprehensive. I have no idea what we will do if they don't give us a possible reason for all the m/c. I am really trying not to think about it.

Though I don't write in alot I am always checking to see what you guys are up to. It is great getting the support from people who are experiencing the same.

cori · 19/05/2005 21:41

That message hasnt come through yet.

Arabica · 19/05/2005 20:04

Hi Cori, have sent you CAT message plus directions from you to me! If you feel it's too far to travel, I could ask Sherry (the homeopath) if she can recommend anyone who works centrally or up your way.

cori · 19/05/2005 10:00

Hi Arabica.
I live in Harrow, am not sure exactly where Stoke Newington is.

Can you CAT me the details, I may give her a call if I dont get a recommendation locally.

Diddle · 17/05/2005 08:11

Whiskey - I can imagine how hard work must be, especially when you're mind needs to be on work and all you can think about it what has happened. I'm a childminder and working with children has been very hard. Just makes me want one more. It didn't take us long to conceive once we started bd every 3 days, the first time we caught on the 2nd month and the 2nd time we caught straight away after the m/c. So we didn't have to wait long, hopefully the same will happen this time.
Sorry don't know anything about IVF but wish you all the best of luck.

OP posts:
Arabica · 16/05/2005 21:17

Hi Cori, was just skimming this thread and happened to see you were interested in a homeopath. I can recommend someone who works in Stoke Newington--she's been a great help to me with my post-miscarriage stuff.

wendy11 · 16/05/2005 21:10

Sorry to gatecrash but if it is any help we tried for 5 years, were due to start IVF May 2004 on NHS and I found out I was pregnant in April. Unfortunately our little boy was stilborn in September as his kidneys has failed to develop. We went back to see out consultant as to wether IVF was still an option and were told that the fact we had conceived naturally would not have any bearing on us going down the NHS IVF route. The fact we had been pg before could actually increase our chances of the IVF working. I started IVF treatment in April and we have an anticipated egg collection date of 2nd June if everything goes according to plan. Get in touch with your GP or consultant and see what they have to say and the best of luck for the future.

Whiskey · 16/05/2005 20:52

Hi Diddle

I'm not too bad thanks, wot about you? It was my first day back at work after a week and I felt that I really couldn't face it, but I managed even when I was told that one of the girls has just announced that she is 3 months pregnant and of course she is on top of the bloody world and keeps smiling .

Yes we were actively trying, but nothing ever happened. We have had tests and nothing is wrong and we are due to go to the hospital to start IVF in October as they can't do anything until I am 25. I don't know if this pregnancy will make them say no know and I am too scared to ask them .

I know it will get easier but I just want it to be easy now, but I know that is not going to happen. I know wot you mean about men, DP has not really mentioned, bless him he keeps telling me that at least we know that we can conceive, which is so true but I can't help thinking that I wished it never happened to go through that .

That sounds like a good system, can I ask how long it took for you to conceive afterwards?

Do you have any children? I don't, I am aunty to lots of kids including my sisters two.

You take care and if you are feeling low, just email.

Whiskey · 16/05/2005 20:44

Hi Cori

Thanks for that web site I'm going to go on it now thanks.

I still have my break downs, some days I'm fine but then I will just remember everything and I just can't hold back the tears.

I still get really tired around 3pm but theres not much I can do when I'm at work.

But keep your chin up, things can only get better as they can't get any worse

Diddle · 16/05/2005 13:52

whiskey & Cori - How are you both feeling today?

OP posts:
Diddle · 14/05/2005 10:30

whiskey - so sorry that this pregnancy didn't work out for you. It is absolutely normal to feel so mad at the world. It will get easier, but it will take time and everyones different.
I never had a really heavy bleed either, I lost my first 15 weeks ago and my 2nd 6 weeks ago. I still, like Cori have breakdowns, have had a particularly crap week this week. Everything upsets me, especially seeing pregnant women.
I can only synpathise with you waiting so long for it to happen, have you been actively trying all this time? My DH and I have a system where we have sex every 3 days and eventually we will conceive. We are going to start trying again in a couple of weeks.
I know what you are going through and its easy for me to say that it will get easier but it really will.
I hope that you and your DP can grieve together, I have found that my DH tried to hide it all away to save my feelings and not upset me anymore than I already was. Be prepared for this, men are funny things aren't they?

OP posts:
cori · 13/05/2005 21:54

Was thinking about Acupuncture too.
Had Acupuncture last year for psoriasis. I might make an appointment to see her next week.

Thanks for the advice about Vit C. Am taking supplements at the moment.

Whiskey, check out
The story of a woman who had an early miscarriage after 5 years of TTC. She then went on to have three healthy children after researching the best time to have sex to produce a viable pregnancy.
I am not doing too badly, have some mini 'breakdowns' during the day. I still feel quite sleepy. I slept for four hours today and will be going to bed soon.

cori · 13/05/2005 21:54

Was thinking about Acupuncture too.
Had Acupuncture last year for psoriasis. I might make an appointment to see her next week.

Thanks for the advice about Vit C. Am taking supplements at the moment.

Whiskey, check out
The story of a woman who had an early miscarriage after 5 years of TTC. She then went on to have three healthy children after researching the best time to have sex to produce a viable pregnancy.
I am not doing too badly, have some mini 'breakdowns' during the day. I still feel quite sleepy. I slept for four hours today and will be going to bed soon.

Whiskey · 13/05/2005 20:53

Hi Diddle

I don't think things were right from the start, as I should of had my period on the Tues and I took the test on Saturday and all along I had the same pains just like period pains, no more or no less. I went to the hospital on Thursday and he checked me out and said that my cervix was closed, but keep an eye on any bleeding. Got home and I started to bleed lightly. All the way through I never had a gush of blood and it was all quite light, a lot lighter then a period. Got up on Friday and I'm sure that I saw my baby drop out, but I didn't have much clots but I would be lying if I said that I didn't see any. I did a test today and it came up as negative, it has been the second day that I have been on my own as my partner went back to work yesterday and I feel so down and angry, I just want to have a baby (like the rest of us I know) but I am worried that this will take another 4 years, I couldn't wait that long again. My partner has been great he really has as I know that he is feeling just as shite as me. But how do you get over this and look forward to trying again?

How are things with you?

Whiskey · 13/05/2005 20:46

Hi Cori

I couldn't wait any longer I did a test today and it was negative and I feel really down as now it is final. I feel so angry, all those people who don't want to have babies and have a termination, is it quite normal to feel this mad? I just hope that it wont take another 4 years I couldn't bear it.

How are things going with you?

Spacecadet · 13/05/2005 20:24

cori about your infection. the anti-biotics will sort it out while you are taking them i recommend you take a vitamin c supplement as anti biotics can batter youre immune system.I have recently discovered that a lot of women have acheived success in concieiving after accupuncture.

mrsdarcy · 13/05/2005 20:14

We moved from London a few years ago so I'm quite out of date. I think the Active Birth Centre in north London recommended a homeopath to me when I was expecting DS1 (ie 5 - 6 years ago). They are at
Alternatively, I believe the Faculy of Homeopathy trains medical professionals in homeopathy. Personally, I would be quite keen on finding a homeopath who was also a conventional doctor. The faculty's website is at

I know that this might not be everyone's approach though.

cori · 13/05/2005 18:27

One lot of Antibiotics is for possible infection, the 2nd is to prevent an infection and the third is because I have conjuctivitis that wont go away.

I Love coffee too, am a real caffeine addict, also would drink loads of Diet coke as well.

I am trying to cut out things that might affect my fertility as it took me 7 months to get pregnant this time. I dont want to wait for so long this time around.

Mrs Darcy, thanks for the link, I will have a good look at it.
Do you know how I might find a good Homeopath in London, there are so many out there.

mrsdarcy · 13/05/2005 18:08

Cori - Sorry you have an infection. A lot of homeopaths recommend taking acidophilus supplements to help replenish the bacteria in your gut which the antibiotics destroys along with the infection. Three courses of antibiotics can't be much fun.
Have you heard of an organisation called Foresight? I'm quite dim with links so I'll just type the address:
An acquaintance who had a stillbirth recommended them to me after I lost my baby last year. They give dietary advice and do hair analysis, and also suggest a range of medical tests (you might have already had these tests - I showed my consultant a print-out from their website and she said I had been tested for everything on their list). I decided not to use them, partly because I wanted to ttc straightaway and they suggest following their programme for 6 months first. Also because I thought it would make me deranged and obsessive rather than focused and purposeful, IYKWIM .
Anyway, your detoxing reminded me of the organisation so I thought I would mention it.

Diddle · 13/05/2005 17:23

peepee - Sorry can't help you honey, not as far as testing yet. Fingers crossed that we don't get that far. How are you feeling?

Cori - sorry to hear you're going through an infection now. Looks like you're dosed up. I'm impressed you're cutting out caffeine, I struggled with that when I was pg, I love my coffee. Is the infection following the m/c? if that makes sense, is it caused by it?
hope its not making you feel too rough, how have you been?

OP posts:
Diddle · 13/05/2005 17:18

whiskey - you never know whats going on inside, you could still be pregnant, many people bleed and carry on to have full ter pregnancies with healthy babies. Have you done a test recently? If you have miscarried it could still show positive but at some point it will change to negative. Mine took a week to change. Keep an eye on it.
I stopped feeling pregnant a week later, roughly. I think once the bleeding died down, and my brain started getting used to the idea again of not being pg. I think to a certain extent it is psychological the way we feel when we're pg. I noticed the sick feelings etc less when i didn't know i was pregnant. Very strange.

If you don;t mind me asking, did you bleed a lot? were there any clots in there or tissue?

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