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Low-carb diets

Week 4 - Summer Low Carb Bootcamp - Wherein we totes commit

440 replies

BigStickBIWI · 19/05/2013 23:49

OK. It has come to my attention that there has been a lot of slippage going on over the last few days

Low carbing is not a very forgiving way of eating. It isn't like following a low calorie diet, where one meal or one day can compensate for another.

If you're low carbing then you have to commit to low carbing all the time.

Once you reach your target weight, then this isn't necessarily the case, but whilst you're losing weight, you really do have to keep your carbs low. If you don't, then all you're doing is constantly messing with your blood sugars.

And, if you have a massive increase in carbs, you are constantly re-filling your glycogen stores, which means your weight could go up by as much as 7lbs. And you're stopping your body shifting from carb-burning to fat-burning, because you're having to deal with all those pesky carbs.

So, here is the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for you to confess all

Let's make sure that we really commit and get shot of that weight.

OP posts:
EwanHoozami · 20/05/2013 17:58

Marking place - hopefully I'll get time later to post some Low Carb Low Cost recipes. I kept a record of them for a while when I was particularly skint but determined to keep on LC. Turned out to be quite easy once I got out of the 'must buy hunks of lamb / beef / chicken' mindset.

Tonight's dinner is pennies for a start - Chicken Liver Curry (YUM)

Well done to all the losers and STS'ers.

back in a bit :)

bettybigballs · 20/05/2013 18:05

Can completely new people join in? I want to shift half a stone and LC has worked very well for me in the past.

Very inspirational thread.

BigStickBIWI · 20/05/2013 18:07

Of course you can join in! Welcome Smile

OP posts:
kiwigirl42 · 20/05/2013 18:23

Hi Bettybigballs - get on those scales and jump in.

just had chicken curry and fried mushrooms for tea. was nice. Coconut cream + tomatoes seems to be very carby for what it was (used coconut cream and tomatoes for sauce) so will perhaps use coconut milk next time as think thats lower carb.

Tigglette · 20/05/2013 18:36

Good to see so many folk still posting and trying to get on top of things. I've STS this week but had such good losses the first two weeks I've been expecting it so onwards and downwards. I'm travelling for work this week so meals aren't in my control entirely but I'm confident I can manage to stick to it.

B. yoghurt and ground almonds
L. Cheese and chicken left overs
D. Steak and onions and mushrooms with salad

bulletwithbutterflywings · 20/05/2013 18:45

B - bulletproof coffee
S - protein shake post training
L - smoked salmon and avocado with rocket salad and hm vinaigrette
D - coconut and ginger pork with cauli, mange tout and green beans.
And buckets of water!

MrsHerculePoirot · 20/05/2013 19:37

Marking place - 2lbs off for me!

LilyAmaryllis · 20/05/2013 19:41

So pleased you are back in charge of the shopping Queen!

robino · 20/05/2013 19:44

Just signing in! Stayed the same this week - could someone put it on the spreadsheet for me? Am lacking access to laptop at the moment!

Not disappointed by staying the same; I put on the frock I bought last year that looked terrible on and quickly got designated to being my "pool dress" and it is looking much better!

maidofmuss · 20/05/2013 19:49

Evening all! Well done to all those who've lost or STS, and hugs and sympathy to anyone struggling at the moment. Wishing your mum better soon, Lavender, and hoping you're money worries get sorted soon Black.

So, so tired today ? no idea why as I've been following bootcamp. Felt a bit like the first few days, with no energy and headachey. Any suggestions from seasoned bootcampers for how to boost energy much appreciated. Maybe I'm still not drinking enough water...
Today mostly leftovers:
B smoked salmon and cream cheese wraps
L leftover chicken breast (with skin) chopped up with celery, cucumber and a few radishes in full fat mayo
D leftover celeriac mash/spring greens made into a frittata (with chopped up spring onion and sprinkle of parmesan). Not too bad ? and very filling

Bought huge half price gammon ham in Tesco on way home. Cut in two and boiled pieces with bay leaf, chopped up carrot, celery, onion and some marigold. Just finished off in oven with dry mustard (and sprinkle of brown sugar ? will cut that bit off) crust. Looking forward to slice for breakfast in the morning! Also got some pork to make a pork and mushroom strogonoff later in the week (obsessed with food, me?)

BigStickBIWI · 20/05/2013 19:51
OP posts:
bettybigballs · 20/05/2013 20:00

not so fabulous weight entered into the fabulous spreadsheet, a bulk load of omelette wraps cooking away, chicken poaching on hob, AND I'M OFF!

only started at lunchtime so had an omelette for lunch and having meatloaf (v low carb, luckily), roasted cauli and buttered cabbage.

Thanks for having me. :)

ZimboMum · 20/05/2013 20:05

Has anyone followed the 12 min resistance training regime from John Briffa's book with any success? Seriously non-sporty but trying to up my walking where I can. Thought to try add these 12 mins in as well, but not sure if I would be better doing something else with that time?

WillieWaggledagger · 20/05/2013 20:12

i really really wanted a pizza flavour this evening but couldn't be arsed with making low carb pizza base etc. so i steamed broccoli and cauliflower, put it in a dish and topped with a few teaspoons of passata, mozzarella and oregano and stuck in the oven until melty and golden and bubbling

all the flavours were there, but without the stodge

WillieWaggledagger · 20/05/2013 20:14

maidofmuss sorry you're feeling knackered, you could be coming down with something, or perhaps hormone cycle?

water might help, plenty of fat too of course. maybe you just need an early night?

Yama · 20/05/2013 20:24

Taste Sensation Alert!

I bought Parlick Fell sheep's cheese from Sainsburys for dairy free ds and it is lovely. Poor lad isn't going to get a look in.

0% carbs and without the lactose of cow's cheese.

maidofmuss · 20/05/2013 20:25

You're probably right, Willie ? not been sleeping brilliantly last few nights. Also realised a few mins ago, I bought low fat Philly instead of full fat so my smoked salmon wraps were not as they should be this am so that could have made a difference!

Doshusallie · 20/05/2013 20:29

Lavender love to your mum, hope she is doing well.

B - 2 hb eggs
L - slices of Edam, on slices of ham with a lettuce leaf and coleslaw inside all rolled up x 3
Tea - chicken cooked with broccoli, and leeks, and peas although picked most of them out, with cream cheese

Snacks - pkt pork scratchings, 1 hb egg 2 glasses of red

Doshusallie · 20/05/2013 20:30

Oh and 1 teaspoon of PB which I can't stay away from

Doshusallie · 20/05/2013 20:37

Respect to Ewan for chicken livers....Envy. (That's a vom not envy btw)

MrsHerculePoirot · 20/05/2013 20:41

B - bacon
D - homemade cheese burgers on BBQ, lettuce, cucumber mayo
Didn't have lunch but picked at 2 low carb chipolatas and a lamb steak, some cheese with butter and a small tomato.

Not enough veg today for various reasons, will improve tomorrow, but also feeling a bit rubbish (sore throat) and going to bed now to read! Also nearly considered take away pizza for a crazy five minutes, but pulled myself together....

decaffwithcream · 20/05/2013 20:59

B - small cup lidl yoghurt, omlette with spinach, serrano ham grated cheese, cucumber and mayo

L - out. cheese and coleslaw and brocolli. Only option.

D - pan-fried pieces of smoked coley in butter with courgette ribbons, added cream, spinach and grated cheese on top. That was lush. All the tastes of a chowder but more substantial than a soup.

S - salmon pate and cucumber rolled in thin slice of some strange cheese. lidl yoghurt.

Rough day. The extent of my cheating so far has been 2 squares of dark chocolate 2 weeks ago and 1 square last week but I really wanted some good dark chocolate today. Or just to be able to pick something readymade up in the cafe without having to ask for different things. STS but have STS for the last 16 days so expected that. It would be a surprise if the bloody scales moved even a quarter of a pound at this point. Clothes looser though and visible difference in body.


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HeirToTheIronThrone · 20/05/2013 21:10

Amazing dinner tonight - chicken thighs roasted with lovely crispy skin, celeriac puréed with a splash of double cream and shredded cabbage blanched then tossed in garlic butter. Yum yum yum. Just tried on my dress for the important party in June and it's quite tight so need to put in some mega effort.

MrsFlorrick · 20/05/2013 21:11

Evening all.

Oh it all started off so well today but ended badly so

B: mushroom omelette.
L: tinned sardines in oil with avocado and lettuce drizzled in truffle oil.
Pre-dinner (5pm with the DC): an ENTIRE Comte cheese (200g). Argh.
D (7:30pm with DH): cod with butter and parsley en papillotte with broccoli spears and wilted watercress in butter and garlic.
And a couple of cheeky teaspoons of peanut butter.

And BIWI no I did not need to peanut butter or the whole cheese.
My youngst DC has started tantrums and awful behaviour and has also decided that sleeping at night should now be with interludes of running around your room naked screaming "cold cold cold". Because he is cold because he takes all his fecking kit off when he wakes in the night.

And yes it's making me eat cheese in large quantities.

In my defence (or the cheese defence) I did swim 2km in under 60mins in the pool as well this evening. Does that redeem me?

Bessie123 · 20/05/2013 21:20

lavenderbriggs I just re-read the thread and must have missed your previous post about your mum. Great news she is feeling ok, I hope all continues well.

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