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Low-carb diets

Week 4 - Summer Low Carb Bootcamp - Wherein we totes commit

440 replies

BigStickBIWI · 19/05/2013 23:49

OK. It has come to my attention that there has been a lot of slippage going on over the last few days

Low carbing is not a very forgiving way of eating. It isn't like following a low calorie diet, where one meal or one day can compensate for another.

If you're low carbing then you have to commit to low carbing all the time.

Once you reach your target weight, then this isn't necessarily the case, but whilst you're losing weight, you really do have to keep your carbs low. If you don't, then all you're doing is constantly messing with your blood sugars.

And, if you have a massive increase in carbs, you are constantly re-filling your glycogen stores, which means your weight could go up by as much as 7lbs. And you're stopping your body shifting from carb-burning to fat-burning, because you're having to deal with all those pesky carbs.

So, here is the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for you to confess all

Let's make sure that we really commit and get shot of that weight.

OP posts:
bulletwithbutterflywings · 20/05/2013 13:55

Kato - I use protein shakes too (gettin hench! Lmao) I use bio synergy 100% whey which is pretty free of crap and 4g carbs per serving, a bit carby for this woe. I only use them post training though to keep carbs down.

ZimboMum · 20/05/2013 14:04

Just signing in to new thread. 2lbs up but hoping its just the 3/4/5 week thing and will sort itself out. Considering doing uberbootcamp for three days just to boost things a bit.

B: Bacon and eggs
L: salad with cucumber, 2 cherry tomatoes, mozarella and avocado with mayo
D will be: chicken thighs roasted with celeriac chips and some other veg.

KatoPotato · 20/05/2013 14:18

Thanks for the recommendation bulletwithbutterflywings I lift 3 x per week in the mornings. I'm following the New Rules of Lifting For Women - Getting Hench too! My trainer suggested cutting carbs as part of this so I'll speak to him, and I'll look into the bio synergy!

QueenofDreams · 20/05/2013 14:39

Ok, turned out DP hasn't finished doing an order. And there's no fish pie on there anyway Confused Anyway, doing it now

Is Turnip very carby? or ok. Can't seem to get swede on ocado for some reason.

captainmummy · 20/05/2013 14:42

Turnip is fab! I slice thinly, cover with cream and bake - its like a potato dauphinoise except better!!!!!

captainmummy · 20/05/2013 14:43

Queen - look at Katos post. Her trainer has suggested cutting carbs! Stick that at your dp!

QueenofDreams · 20/05/2013 14:45

ooh thanks Captain, think I'll order some. I've ordered beef brisket, looking forward to trying that. going to pot roast it.

QueenofDreams · 20/05/2013 14:46

bah humbug can't get turnips either. dammit.

Yoghurty · 20/05/2013 14:47

Heir- yes, you can absolutely use frozen cauli- just work out how many florets would make up a head, iyswim

bulletwithbutterflywings · 20/05/2013 14:48

Get celeriac Queen, its lush roasted or dauphiniosed (sp!?!)

WhyIRayLiotta · 20/05/2013 14:48

2lbs off this week. That's 5lbs since starting bootcamp. I really want to lose another 3lbs before the end of the month when I've a girly weekend away booked.

QueenofDreams · 20/05/2013 14:50

yeah bullet I've ordered that already. Seems ocado's range of root veg is sadly limited :( I'll try it dauphinoised I think. DP not keen on celeriac mash, he likes to add potato to it to tone down that celery flavour.

captainmummy · 20/05/2013 14:52

I did Tescos this morning - and can't get cereriac or turnips (well there were 2-3 turnips but withered old balls they were)

Had to get savoy cabbage, cauli, white cabbage and swede instead!

bulletwithbutterflywings · 20/05/2013 14:56

If he likes it with potato just take you portion out before adding potato :)

NewStartNewStory · 20/05/2013 14:58

It's end of season for some of these veg.

Struggling today. My own fault: vodka, 2hrs sleep, not eating breakfast until 11am, 3 cups of coffee (one was at least decaff), recipe adapting and testing for the carb eating people in the house not eating the stuff though!!

Just eating lunch. Salad. Was a bit heavy with the cheese and topped it with egg mayo. Hopefully this fat intake will help Hmm

Various versions of pizza for tea. Should be fun Hmm but a nice treat. And an early night planned. Really really needed, whether or not it will happen is another matter.

LavenderBriggs · 20/05/2013 15:07

Thank you for kind words. We're being very, very positive.

Quick question - for my Open University module I'm working on an essay on sports nutrition. I want to say "sugar is 100% carbs and has no nutritional benefit" but I can't find a proper academic reference for it - any ideas?

As a quid pro quo - here's my cous cous substitute. Grate a celeriac, add loads of ground coriander, ground cumin, some cinnamon, sweet paprika and sumac, put it all in a microwaveable bowl and cook for 5-6 minutes. Chuck in a great big knob of butter and eat with minty salad or lamb chops or lamb burgers.

BlackAffronted · 20/05/2013 15:12

Thanks for all the budget-cooking ideas. Im sure we willmanage to eat fine fo rthe next few days, and I will just look forward to having steak ect next week Grin

WillieWaggledagger · 20/05/2013 15:25

lavender - try looking up articles by robert lustig, or if you have access to his book 'fat chance: The bitter truth about sugar' he references lots of articles in that

WillieWaggledagger · 20/05/2013 15:30

lavender hopefully the OU gives you access to plenty of subscription journals? this article looks like a place you could start :, you can see the references here

LavenderBriggs · 20/05/2013 15:42

Ooh! Thank you. As my French friend says, I kiss your face.

I was getting things like this Mineral Leaf Composition of Sweet Sorghum in Relation to Biomass and Sugar Yields under Different Nitrogen and Salinity Conditions from my searches.


NewStartNewStory · 20/05/2013 16:07

Ooo fancy linking that Lavender?

middleagedspread · 20/05/2013 16:17

Does anyone get a real carb craving when they're feeling tired?
I'm desperately trying not to have a slice of the cake that's just come out of the oven with a big cup of tea.
may have had half a bar of G&B 85% & a giants handful of Macadamias-


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LavenderBriggs · 20/05/2013 16:34

Haha! I'm not going back to that page - it nearly made me cry the first time (I don't know where else it could be found - I use the OU library for everything).

middleagedspeed - step away from the cake. Have a glass of water. And eat a bigger lunch - that stopped afternoon hunger pangs for me (this might not help you this afternoon, but we're moving away from short-term fixes).

WestleyAndButtockUp · 20/05/2013 17:16

Losing weight, but eating too many raw almonds when hungry.

sybilfaulty · 20/05/2013 17:50

Didn't weigh this am as overslept and no time. Well done to all the losers. I'll weigh tomorrow.

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