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Low-carb bootcamp

Low carb Bootcamp - our last weigh in!

127 replies

BIWI · 21/12/2015 05:58

Greetings from a wet and soggy Sydney! It is at least hot, but I would like it more if the sun was shining!

Here's the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for the last time this Bootcamp.

I won't be around to post much, so wishing you all a very lovely, happy and merry Christmas

Xmas Grin

OP posts:
NigellasGuest · 06/01/2016 21:36

cod in lemon with crunchy cauliflower for me tonight. Rest of family had baked potatoes, baked beans, peas.
I'm still on the wagon.... not feeling very slim but hopefully a whoosh is imminent...

milkmilklemonade12 · 06/01/2016 22:23

I drank four litres of water today. Four.

All I do is pee.

BIWI · 06/01/2016 22:44

Nigella - why don't you make the family the same meal as you?

OP posts:
BIWI · 06/01/2016 22:46

... as that sounds lovely! Why do they have to have potato, beans and peas? It makes what you're eating obviously a separate diet, plus you risk torturing yourself with the carby stuff that you 'can't' eat!

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NewYearNewName16 · 06/01/2016 22:51

L: Mince with small tin tomatoes, herbs, leek and grated cheese on top. Cucumber, D: handful hazelnuts and whipped cream

S: Olives and sliced salami

Ate a bit too much. Will cut down tomo.

ChesterDrawers · 07/01/2016 10:24

Bastarding hormones got me yesterday, so hard to have AF during first week back on LC. The damage was not too bad in all, probably about 50g of 85% chocolate and half a bottle of red wine which DH decided was medicinal after I started sobbing into my spag bol Blush

So we will to fight another day:
B: eggs, butter, bit of cheddar
L: Left over spag bol (no tears, hopefully)
D: chicken curry, cauli rice

milkmilklemonade12 · 07/01/2016 10:52

Got a bit of a headache today. Still.

B: Mushroom and cheese omelette
L: courgette noodles with cream cheese and prawns
D: chicken Parmesan

Snacks: LC vegetable sticks with mackerel pate, can of tuna.

Bit dairy heavy possibly but I've never had a problem in the past; if I don't lose weight I'll cut down more. It doubles up as a good dressing as I'm not a huge Mayo fan.

NigellasGuest · 07/01/2016 11:07

Oh Biwi if only!

it's so difficult - DH has an uncurable illness and did try low carbing a few weeks back but it didn't work out, DD1 has an eating disorder (undiagnosed) and has an extremely limited diet. Baked potatoes with beans, peas, is one of the 3 meals she can eat that her sister and my DH will also eat. So what I did last night was for me, relatively speaking, quite straightforward. Because they all had the same thing. And I have no desire to eat what they have TBH, so I'm not tempted at all by their food. I just feel smug that I'm not having it hahaha!

I make my own meal a bit later, after all their mess is tidied up, and I really relish it. Also I have more of an appetite later, and there is less time to spend wondering if I am craving something carby for dessert!

Life is quite tough and I'm trying to look after myself.

NigellasGuest · 07/01/2016 11:13

sorry, I should also say well done to everyone carrying on despite obstacles.
But it felt good just to get that off my chest! (re. my last post).

Chester bad luck about the hormones - they are bastards but you've done fine! Sometimes only wine and chocolate will do! I do occasionally find that a temporary lapse triggers a loss after STS, as long as I get back to LC immediately after. milkmilk I am a big dairy fan and haven't found it has affected weightloss so fingers crossed you'll be ok.

BIWI · 07/01/2016 13:46

Oh bummer Nigella Sad
Sorry - didn't know about any of that

OP posts:
milkmilklemonade12 · 07/01/2016 15:01

nigella I'm really sorry to hear about your DH and your DD1 Sad that must be really difficult for you, I can't imagine.

I've been quite busy at work and had my breakfast quite late, so I have switched out my lunch for my snacks and had 2 mini lunches throughout the day. It's ok because I can just leave my lunch in the fridge for tomorrow

Got chicken parmesan tonight, except I haven't got any parmesan so it's any ropey old cheese I can find in the fridge Wink
Having it with salad because I've eaten all the courgettes.

Wombatinabathhat · 07/01/2016 16:36

The courgetti with cream cheese and prawns sound lovely milk
Nigella it sounds like you have your hands full Thanks well done on being able to even give it a go.

B: 2 Boiled eggs
L: Chicken/courgette/aubergine curry
D: Roast gammon and cabbage
S: Babybel, pork scratchings

Billionnairewannabe · 07/01/2016 19:36

Nigella think you're doing tremendous trying this with all that to deal with.

B - cheese omelette with spinach
L - homemade herb chicken kebab
D - pastry less quiche with garlic mushrooms & Spring greens fried in butter.

That link was great BIWI. I can nod my head in complete smugness agreement with it now that I'm a convert.

ShebaQueen · 07/01/2016 22:24

Flowers Nigella, I had no idea, it must be very tough, stay strong, you are doing amazingly well.

I have been feeling headachey again but have upped my water even more, I'm literally sloshing tonight, but I do feel like I might have lost a little bit of weight.

B= buttery scrambled eggs and spinach
L= tuna mayo salad
D= minute steak with garlic butter and cheese, kale and mushrooms (added a glug of cream to them, delish)

NigellasGuest · 08/01/2016 11:05

Thanks all for the words of encouragement and kind thoughts! ThanksThanks

I find doing BC or just LC-ing gives me a bit of control back, IYSWIM. I go through stages of falling off the wagon in a spectacular fashion - normally resorting to drinking wine if I'm stressed, which then leads to bad food choices, which then leads to me piling on 2 stone. Then I galvanise myself and go back to this brilliant WOE. So I swing between 11 stone and 9 stone.

I have GOT to stop yo yo-ing like that, because at my age, each time it's harder to lose the lbs! (52 yrs old this year). And there might come a time when I put the weight back on and it's just impossible to get rid of it again.

So, this time my aim is to lose it FOR GOOD. I do not want to be a frumpy fat old granny just because I've had a bit of bad luck in life! Plus, life isn't all that bad - I am quite privileged in lots of ways (financially secure, don't need to work but do work when I feel I need to as have own business with a fantastic business partner).

Enough about me, but I have found this extremely helpful because I never ever talk about it (except with fantastic business partner).

I had sardines for breakfast because I had to open a tin to give a bit to an ill cat, and needed something to encourage him to take the medicine.

Sorry to go on, I will stop now, but again Thanks Thanks Thanks to all you lovely fellow LC-ers. xxx

ChesterDrawers · 09/01/2016 08:42

Nigella Flowers

10st 7 this morning so just two pesky lbs to get back to my end of last BC weight before the start of the next one, that would be great.

L: omelette with leek, mushroom, streaky bacon, cheddar and Brie
D: sausages, Swede mash, asparagus, brocolli and cauli, all roast in olive oil

No idea what I'm eating today, cupboards are a bit Mother Hubbard so may require a trip to the supermarket. I quite fancy fathead pizza but will see what DH thinks about that.

NigellasGuest · 09/01/2016 12:46

All the best for that final 2lb Chester

Last night had LC moussaka (used beef instead of lamb though).

I need to up my water intake I think. I'm just about making 2 litres a day, but I think I used to drink more than that when LC-ing.

BIWI are you still in Oz?

BIWI · 09/01/2016 17:05

Arrived back home first thing this morning!

OP posts:
milkmilklemonade12 · 09/01/2016 17:32


B: avocado with smoked salmon
L: broccoli and blue cheese soup
D: LC moussaka
Snacks: LC veg crudités, 2 babybels and a pepperami. On third litre of water now and have also drunk 3 cups of herbal tea.

Welcome back BIWI!

NigellasGuest · 09/01/2016 19:05

BIWI may I offer you a LC brownie as a welcome home present!

I used this recipe


but didn't have any cocoa powder, so instead, I melted the same weight of
this chocolate which is 14g carbs per 100g and I used 50g for the whole tray

I also added some ground almonds because I figured that having melted chocolate instead of cocoa powder would make it too runny.

Low carb Bootcamp - our last weigh in!
Low carb Bootcamp - our last weigh in!
BIWI · 09/01/2016 20:07
OP posts:
ShebaQueen · 09/01/2016 20:21

Welcome home BIWI, how was your trip and did you enjoy the wedding?

Nigella those look fab!

Me today -
B = buttery scrambled eggs with spinach and bacon
L = courgetti spaghetti with some leftover bolognaise
D = will be a chicken "experiment" I am trying with a sauce made with cream, blue cheese, mushrooms and kale

I definitely feel like my tummy has gone down a bit after a week back on plan, so I am hoping for the best on Monday when I weigh. I feel so much better too Smile

Have a good evening everyone.


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TooExtraImmatureCheddar · 09/01/2016 20:32

I have found a low-carb alcoholic drink. It's called Merlyn cream liqueur. Alcohol (barley malt spirit) plus cream. Perfect! And it's yummy, like Baileys but without the coffee/chocolate flavouring.

Today is day 1. I have put on a ridiculous amount of weight since Halloween and it has to come off before my holiday at the end of May.

B: Scrambled eggs w smoked salmon
L: bacon, fried eggs, lc sausage, mushrooms
S: Lidl Greek yoghurt with strawberries and a slug of double cream
D: Roast pork, crackling, roast swede and celeriac.
2 x tea with milk, 1 x Merlyn. So far, 1.75 litres of water. I'm really struggling with the water and have been peeing every 20 minutes all day. I think I was really really dehydrated to start with.

I did a big shop today for lc goodies but bought no snacks. I snack far too much and even if it is lc it's always processed eg chorizo sticks/BabyBels etc, so this time I'm trying to knock that on the head.

StuntNun · 09/01/2016 20:44

If anyone fancies a more structured approach to weight loss then my company, Ways of Eating has a 12-week Low Carb program starting from £79. The first week is free so if you fancy giving it a try then you can sign up here.

BIWI · 10/01/2016 08:12

I had a fantastic time, thanks! Wedding was lovely and the weather was glorious on the actual day - which was very lucky, as it's not been a really good summer in Sydney, and we had a lot of rain when we were there.

I shall draw a very large veil over what I ate and drank whilst I was there, however. Blush

Suffice to say, I shall be Bootcamping with a vengeance this time!

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