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Low-carb bootcamp

Low carb Bootcamp - our last weigh in!

127 replies

BIWI · 21/12/2015 05:58

Greetings from a wet and soggy Sydney! It is at least hot, but I would like it more if the sun was shining!

Here's the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for the last time this Bootcamp.

I won't be around to post much, so wishing you all a very lovely, happy and merry Christmas

Xmas Grin

OP posts:
NigellasGuest · 30/12/2015 14:53

Hi! I'm back on track today following a family gathering yesterday, where I had 2 small glasses prosecco / white wine; various puddingy things Blush; too many nuts (including with what tasted like a very sweet coating)! and, when I got back home, remants of DD birthday cake plus 3 of the toffees you get in Quality Street (toffee pennies - the disc shaped ones in gold wrapping). And one biscuit! (gipsy creme). I did decline mince pies and Christmas cake though!It was however my worst day over the Christmas period so far - even on Christmas day I was good - my worst crime was a limited amount of super quality dark chocolates that were a gift, and which I relished very sensibly.

I can conclude that it was the fact that it was a big family gathering that was my downfall yesterday. Thankfully those are few and far between!

Today: lots of water, coffee with double cream, omlette made from 2 eggs, butter, coconut oil and philadelphia cheese. Planning to make coconut flour loaf later and possibly the carb free pizza base again - I have a fridge full of cheeses.

Wombat I will join you for hardcore on the 2nd!

Wombatinabathhat · 30/12/2015 16:17

Thanks Nigella Glad i won't be alone Grin

NigellasGuest · 30/12/2015 16:23

No probs Wombat - how much more do you want to lose?
I want rid of another stone!

Wombatinabathhat · 30/12/2015 16:56

Yes, I'd like to lose another stone (and the 4/5 pounds I've likely regained since Christmas) Grin

ShebaQueen · 30/12/2015 17:58

Hello all, I did pretty well over Christmas until yesterday when we went out for dinner and I lost control a bit and ate too many carbs and drank quite a bit too. Paid for it with awful indigestion last night. Back on track today but have not weighed yet, bit nervous!

I'd like to lose whatever I've gained over Christmas plus about another stone so I'll be kokoing.

Wombatinabathhat · 30/12/2015 19:19

Just for info - it seems there is a thread running which will be starting a mini boot camp at the beginning of Jan

NigellasGuest · 30/12/2015 20:45

are they doing Uber camp?

BIWI · 30/12/2015 22:10

This is where I am currently - enjoying some lovely weather (and aghast at the news reports of the weather at home Shock

We don't get home until 9th Jan, and I have a lot of stuff going on when I get back, so I won't be starting the next Bootcamp until Monday 18 January. I also need to check that Sayrra will be available to run the spreadsheet again as I know she's really busy in RL.

Low carb Bootcamp - our last weigh in!
OP posts:
TwoflowersLuggage · 31/12/2015 12:48

Just wanted to say Thank You to BIWI et al.

I haven't really followed the plan this time due to real life getting in the way too much - but I still managed to lose 8lb...

Just having the thread to read and the spreadsheet to complete makes a huge difference. So Thank You and a very Happy New Year to everyone.

StuntNun · 31/12/2015 16:11

I can take over spreadsheet duties if Sayrra hasn't got time, so long as she shows me the ropes.

Wombatinabathhat · 31/12/2015 16:17

Wow BIWI that looks fab.

Thank you Stunt

And to all boot campers - Happy New Year
Thanks Thanks Thanks

Billionnairewannabe · 01/01/2016 23:12

Happy New Year everyone!

Yes I'm up for starting again tomorrow. Have indulged a bit over the last couple of days & it's amazing how horrible it feels!
So uber camp it is tomorrow...I'm going to leave the weighing for abit as don't want to depress myself so early in 2016!

ShebaQueen · 02/01/2016 00:15

Happy New Year everyone!

View looks amazing BIWI, hope you're having a good time.

I too am worried about weighing. I definitely have done some damage, but fingers crossed not too bad. I agree Billionaire it has made me feel a bit rubbish, very sluggish with indigestion. I'll back back on bootcamp properly from Monday.

Wombatinabathhat · 02/01/2016 10:23

Are we staying on this thread?

I weighed this morning and am shocked that there hasn't been too much damage caused by my over indulgence.

Back to it!

ShebaQueen · 02/01/2016 15:00

Hello Wombat, I'm happy to stay on this thread for now. I weighed this morning too - I'm 3lbs up which is much better than I expected and has inspired me to get going again.

StuntNun · 02/01/2016 15:33

Me too Wombat, I'm 2lb up on my pre-Christmas weight but there has been much booze and chocolate so that seems quite reasonable.

ChesterDrawers · 02/01/2016 17:43

Checking in with a 5lb gain since December 18. Been terrible really, so no surprise - was hard to get back on it when I've had so many things on.

Learned a few interesting things though, most shockingly that even the dryest white wines are SO sweet, they are almost undrinkable Sad

Today is first day back on it, with aim of getting back to end of BC weight for start of the next one. Easing in gently with a fair bit of dairy, even though I know it's not great for me in terms of weightloss.

B: coffee with cream
Brunch: omelette with streaky bacon, mushrooms, shallot, cheddar, Stilton and a splash of cream
S: olives, chunk of cheddar
D: pork medallions, sage butter, leeks and mushrooms in creamy cheese sauce, swede chips in olive oil

Wombatinabathhat · 02/01/2016 17:49

Welcome back everyone.
I'm starting tomorrow. I had a segment of a chocolate orange today. It was awful, really sweet and sickly. I won't be missing out by not eating all the chocolate that we still have in the house. DH has a sweet tooth so he can have them.
Good luck all

NigellasGuest · 02/01/2016 22:44

DH and DD had shop bought apple pie tonight- I made do with Total and double cream with a sprinkling of ground almonds

earlier on I had a cheese omlette (using coconut oil,which makes it really light and fluffy) and later, lamb chops baked in double cream with celeriac chips and mushrooms.

feel completely satisfied, full, and no sweet cravings!

Wombatinabathhat · 03/01/2016 17:45

Well done on avoiding the pie Nigella

B: Bacon and fried egg
D: Steak with mushrooms cooked in butter and broccoli

Cup of tea with milk.
My first day with no snacks since Xmas day Grin

ChesterDrawers · 03/01/2016 18:19

Day two going well.

B: cheese, bacon, mushroom and shallot omelette
L: coffee with cream
D: roast beef, swede mash, roast brocolli, cauli cheese

Going to have a couple of gins later to mark the end of the holidays Sad

NigellasGuest · 03/01/2016 21:33

Thanks Wombat -
I'm envious of your dinner, I love steak! I had mince and veg. (omlette for breakfast, no lunch to speak of but some "loaf" made with ground almonds mid afternoon).
Well done Chester! gin isn't so bad is it, carb-wise!


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Billionnairewannabe · 03/01/2016 23:24

Well done Wombat Sheba Stunt on the scales success. I've been bc lite mostly yesterday & today so bracing myself for weigh in tomorrow.
B - ff yoghurt
Early tea - roast pork, LC cauliflower cheese & swede mash followed by raspberries & cream. Yum! Feel better for being back on it - although only managing 2 l of water so must increase!

PseudoBadger · 04/01/2016 06:55

Back on it very strict the last few days and have lost the 2 kilos that I put on over Christmas. Got to love Bootcamp!

ShebaQueen · 04/01/2016 07:59

Morning all, I am back on it super strict from today, just starting on my water now.

Well done Pseudo, I am hoping to do the same with my Xmas gain Smile

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