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Life-limiting illness

A thread in memory of biscuitsandbandages who tragically lost her battle with leukaemia on Thursday 27th November

254 replies

Mumsfret · 28/11/2014 20:17

Biscuits gathered so many supporters and followers as she went through the trauma of diagnosis and bravely endured attempts at a cure. Her Mumsnet army can post their condolences here. It may serve as a comfort to her family to know how much she was admired and loved.

On Biscuits' last thread, Kundry kindly posted a link to a donation page set up in her memory, for those who wish to respect her request to donate to multiple causes close to her heart, rather than send flowers. Oxfam (training doctors and midwives in the 3rd World), a book reading prize for the school her DSs attend, and Leukemia and Lymphoma research to help banish this disease from future generations. The link is:here

RIP Biscuits Thanks

OP posts:
IndianaJone · 03/04/2016 06:03

Think of her regularly too. I pray her children are happy and growing well and strong.xx

cleanmachine · 18/04/2016 09:56

Still thinking of you biscuits. Hope the crumbs are doing just fine with me biscuits. X

MrsHazey · 14/06/2016 23:58

I still think about you Biscuits, and how brave a lady you were. Love to your family.Flowers

DownstairsMixUp · 15/07/2016 18:26

In tears reading this, what a brave and amazing lady Mrs Biscuits was. Rip and sending best wishes to you and your family. X

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