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Infertility investigations/IVF in Scotland

999 replies

justbeingelle · 12/11/2019 22:54

Just thought I'd start a thread for those who are undergoing infertility investigations/IVF in Scotland because it seems as though it can vary from the rest of the UK.

DH and I have been TTC since June 2018. Started investigations around July 2019. I have a large ovarian cyst which will be removed, hopefully after Christmas. Getting a laparoscopy and dye to check tubes too. I have very regular periods and I am ovulating. DH has a low sperm count, but the ones he has are good quality. Still awaiting results from ultrasounds, genetic tests etc so still feel like we're at the beginning of our journey. This is our first time TTC and we've not had a hint of a BFP.

Anyone else?

OP posts:
NG9876 · 21/12/2019 19:45

Hi @melandshoe - rubbish news for you but good you have an appointment soon. Hopefully they'll be able to give you some options xx

Pinecone88 · 21/12/2019 23:17

Hi guys, I had to call the hospital again as I still have not received anything, well they still have not sent anything out. I got so frustrated with all this waiting and calling weekly to find out what's happening...had to have a cry in the office toilet 😭 Felt better afterwards though.
The nurse on the phone did say that she checked my notes and I will start the nasal spray January on my 21st cycle day. I checked my calendar and it means that the package needs to arrive by the 6th of January, but due to holidays I doubt it will 😝
Anyways that's my week, how are you guys?

Pinecone88 · 21/12/2019 23:20

@MelAndShoe Sorry to hear that, finding this out before holidays sucks. I hope you get some answers and options at your next appointment. Keep us posted 🙂

nextweek · 03/01/2020 08:48

Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok. I took some time away from the boards as was struggling with everything and found Christmas particularly hard this year.
Just been catching up on everyone's posts and hope everyone is making a bit of progress and were able to enjoy Christmas and New Year. Fingers crossed 2020 is a good one for us all!

NG9876 · 03/01/2020 09:49

Hi everyone,
Christmas and new year was tricky this year but I'm trying to be positive hoping this is our year. I've told few more friends about our infertility and it's been bit of a weight off my shoulders to be honest. Has everyone else shared with others or keeping it to yourselves? Xx

Scotgirl1 · 03/01/2020 14:51

I found this Xmas a bit difficult too. I honestly thought I’d either have a baby or be pregnant for this one. We haven’t told anyone so finding it hard and part of me would like people to know so they can be a bit more understanding. Comments like “Christmas isn’t Christmas unless you have kids” was one I had! I also feel like everyone is wondering why we don’t have any yet. Makes you paranoid. Trying to be positive - one month down on the waiting list already. Fingers crossed this is our year ladies xx

NG9876 · 03/01/2020 15:44

@scotgirl1 We're at the same stage as you really - one month down! Fingers crossed xx

nextweek · 03/01/2020 17:59

I really thought I would he pregnant bu this Christmas to, now not it even sure if I will be by next Christmas! We're on the waiting list now for IVF/ICSI and been told our next appointment to talk about starting will be some time in June, but I'm not sure on what the timescales will be for actually getting started after that?
We've told some family and quite a few friends about our situation, sometimes it's good to be able to talk about it, but other times people ask questions when I dont want to talk about it so it's hard to navigate it all sometimes.

NG9876 · 03/01/2020 18:47

We were told the most people are reaching the top of the waiting list for Glasgow within 6 months so I imagine you will be starting soon after your next appointment. I was expecting to get some kind of letter through after being put on the waiting list, but nothing.
I get what you mean. I feel like the friends I have told are just avoiding talking about it to be honest.

nextweek · 03/01/2020 19:41

I'm really hoping we start soon enough to get at least a couple rounds in before next Christmas (as much as I'd love it to work first time I know realistically the odds are it wont)

Pinecone88 · 03/01/2020 21:27

Hi guys,
Christmas was fine for me, except for Christmas Eve when friend's message made me cry. I downloaded Mindful IVF App and started meditating with that, it has really helped me stay positive and focused.

I received my letter with protocol and nasal spray today, so some progress! They want me to start with my January period and then 21st day start the nasal spray. My 21st day is at the beginning of February so still quite a while. I do have my 21st day from December period next Monday, so I will give them a call and find out if I can start earlier, not holding my breath on that tho :D

I hope 2020 will bring you all courage, patience and result you are waiting for :)

nextweek · 04/01/2020 12:54

@Pinecone88 That's great that you're getting started soon, one step closer!! I'm going to check out that app you mentioned, I need something to help me cope better

Scotgirl1 · 04/01/2020 13:33

@Pinecone88 you must be so pleased to be getting things started. How long do you do the nasal spray for?

@nextweek I think you have two appointments so say one in June and then the other in July and after that you get started on your next period

willithappen · 04/01/2020 14:21

Hey folks. Another fellow Scot here looking to join in

I thought we were further on in our process than we are but seems like it's not after reading through everyone's experience. Both my partner and I have had tests with our GP and been referred to Aberdeen Fertility clinic. Doctor did that referral end of Oct, got letter through mid Dec about an appointment in Aberdeen (first appointment) on 21st Jan so I'm assuming that's barely even the start for us. I got a load of paperwork through with my appointment letter too.

I think we have just MFI, 1% morphology but count and motility were good/above average. I don't know if they'll do any other tests on me. Day 21 tests came back 29.7 for ovulation

I've had it in my head I'll hopefully be pregnant by Christmas 2020 but I'm looking at everyone's time length I'm not feeling positive on that :( also watched a doc the other night following four couples who did the process and only one had a pregnancy from it so just really deflated at the minute

nextweek · 04/01/2020 15:05

@scotgirl1 thanks for that, that sort of timescale is not bad, not as long as I was thinking!
@willithappen welcome! I'm Aberdeen to. It doesn't sound like you're too far behind where some of us are. If I remember correctly I first went to the GP in June for blood tests and husbands SA. We then had our first appointment at the clinic early October, we've had a couple more appts since then and that's us just on the waiting list now with our next appointment likely to be June. Its really not too long, but it feels like forever sometimes when waiting for appointments! The staff at the clinic have all been really nice.

willithappen · 04/01/2020 15:12


Thanks for the advice! Lovely to meet someone else in Aberdeen who can help. Did you got all those forms through originally too?
My blood test was done 10th Oct. So we may be looking at around September for a shot at it then if there isn't any complications in between. Aberdeen is a 6 month waiting?

mrsawhite · 04/01/2020 15:39

Hi all

We are at the very start. After TTC since October 2018. Have finally admitted defeat. And making an appointment with our GP on Monday. Scares me what they may find and or say. Also in Aberdeen

willithappen · 04/01/2020 16:22


I understand how you feel. The best way to look at it though is that this is the first active step in taking control of things. You may find it's something small that can be fixed easily or it may be that a larger route is needed but this is the first start for it and by having answers you may just feel more in control of things

nextweek · 04/01/2020 16:35

@willithappen yes we got all those forms and they've said it's about 6 months wait list. At our first appointment we saw the nurse first who checked weight, height, medical history etc before we saw the dr who talked us through our tests results. You might not always get the same dr, I know that bothers some people who prefer to see the same person, we've seem twice different ones so far.
@mrsawhite Hi, don't worry too much, getting blood tests are thr first step then you'll know better what you're dealing with. Wishing you lots of luck!

Pinecone88 · 04/01/2020 17:48

@nextweek Thanks, finally things are moving. Let me know how you get on with the app, hope it is helpful.

@Scotgirl1 Yes, receiving the package has made it more real, we are really doing this! It's says I have to use it 3-4 weeks and then it's 10 days of injections. I am on a Standard Protocol.

justbeingelle · 06/01/2020 19:05

@NG9876 @Scotgirl1 looks like we're all at the same stage. Christmas was tough, it's been two christmases now where I at least thought I would be pregnant. I've been quite distracted because I've been recovering from an operation so I guess that's a plus in a strange way?

We've only told close family. We haven't told any friends yet, not sure why. We found out we'd have to have ICSI at the beginning of December just before I found out I needed the operation mid December. I think we've been just trying to process needing ICSI, then getting through the operation and Christmas.

OP posts:
justbeingelle · 06/01/2020 19:09

@willithappen we've been the same, around 6 months from GP apt for referral for treatment. We definitely felt a sense of relief getting through all of the tests etc and being placed on the waiting list for ICSI, I think because we knew something was happening if that makes sense?

@mrsawhite I completely understand how you feel, but like others have said try and see it as a way of now taking control of things and getting somewhere, if that makes sense. Hope your GP apt goes well 💕

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justbeingelle · 06/01/2020 19:10

@pinecone88 so glad things are getting started for you, you know we're all rooting for you 💕

OP posts:
justbeingelle · 06/01/2020 19:11

Operation was for an ovarian cyst, having that removed can only help things right? Trying to tell myself that, even though our issue is male factor.

OP posts:
NG9876 · 06/01/2020 19:11

@justbeingelle It's been a busy/stressful time for you. Is that you on a waiting list now? I did feel a relief after telling close friends. That was our third Christmas after trying to conceive from Nov 2017.

Just back to work today - one colleague pregnant, another just back from mat leave and another who said to me as a joke, "well seen you don't have children." 😭

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