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Infertility investigations/IVF in Scotland

999 replies

justbeingelle · 12/11/2019 22:54

Just thought I'd start a thread for those who are undergoing infertility investigations/IVF in Scotland because it seems as though it can vary from the rest of the UK.

DH and I have been TTC since June 2018. Started investigations around July 2019. I have a large ovarian cyst which will be removed, hopefully after Christmas. Getting a laparoscopy and dye to check tubes too. I have very regular periods and I am ovulating. DH has a low sperm count, but the ones he has are good quality. Still awaiting results from ultrasounds, genetic tests etc so still feel like we're at the beginning of our journey. This is our first time TTC and we've not had a hint of a BFP.

Anyone else?

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Mrsmch123 · 15/12/2019 18:11

I think it will most likely be March. As I still have another appointment after the January one. At that one they discus what protocol I will be on. I can then start with my next period.Not long now😬

Scotgirl1 · 15/12/2019 18:27

@Mrsmch123 that’s great, how exciting. You didn’t have to wait too long at all. What hospital are you at?

Mrsmch123 · 15/12/2019 19:05

We initially got referred in January. But had to have all the investigations as my gp only done progesterone test. It's not been long at all. We are at Glasgow royal. What stage are you at @Scotgirl1?

Scotgirl1 · 15/12/2019 19:26

@Mrsmch123 we are also at Glasgow Royal. Got referred in June, had first appointment in September and was officially put on the waiting list this month after some further tests. I’m hoping I move as quickly as you did. Thanks for sharing, that’s so good to know. I just want it to be now and it’s hard being patient! How are you feeling about it all?

justbeingelle · 15/12/2019 19:48

We'll also be at the Glasgow royal. I think ours will be more complicated because DH has to have his sperm aspirated then any swimmers found are frozen for ICSI.

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justbeingelle · 15/12/2019 19:49

Is that normal procedure for ladies also going through ICSI?

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Mrsmch123 · 15/12/2019 19:51

I'm excited to be starting soon!im hoping I just take it all in my stride lol. The waiting list doesn't seem to be that long at the minute which is good. We have mfi so are having icsi. Which are you having?

justbeingelle · 15/12/2019 19:56

@Mrsmch123 that's good to hear about the royal, I was thinking it'd be months and months 😂 good to know!

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Mrsmch123 · 15/12/2019 20:16

@justbeingelle I thought that to so was pleasantly surprised when the letter dropped through the letterbox😀just need to keep my weight stable over Xmas and my all inclusive holiday in 2 weeks time🙈as I am at the very limit of the acceptable weight.

justbeingelle · 15/12/2019 20:45

@Mrsmch123 so around 6 months in total from being placed on the waiting list? That's fantastic. I'm the same, well actually I've got around 1 stone to lose. I've not been great this week, need to get my bum in gear! Hopefully your holiday will let you relax before it all begins Grin

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Mrsmch123 · 15/12/2019 20:54

Yeh. It's soo hard at this time of year tho....there is just loads of good food around. Yip we are using it as the last chance to go a bit mad🙈

Scotgirl1 · 15/12/2019 20:56

@justbeingelle if sperm count is low then I think they are always frozen incase it gets worse

@Mrsmch123 we are having ICSI due to MFI too. Make sure you still treat yourself on holiday and over Xmas! It’s a difficult journey so you deserve it 😊

Pinecone88 · 15/12/2019 22:01

Thank you for the support guys, I will keep you posted.

@justbeingelle We have MFI as well and will be going through ICSI, but nothing like that has been mentioned, so I guess it just depends on how low the motility is 🤔

Thissucks1 · 16/12/2019 22:56

What do you mean, keep your weight stable and some to lose? Do they make you lose weight if your "over" ? What's acceptable?

Mrsmch123 · 17/12/2019 21:41

@Thissucks1 your bmi has to be below 30. If it's over then they will not offer you treatment. You don't loose your place but more get postponed until you are within the bmi.

NG9876 · 17/12/2019 22:25

Just catching up on everything. Great you've had some more info @Pinecone88! I'm on for a moan tonight - it feels like everyone around me is getting pregnant. How do you stop yourself being bitter and jealous? It's hard to be happy for them when you're so sad for yourself.

Pinecone88 · 17/12/2019 22:35

@NG9876 I feel that for me it comes and goes. It can sometimes ruin my mood if somebody announces their pregnancy, but after I am done being upset I realize that them getting pregnant in no way affects my chances.
It's basically like being jealous of other people's success - just because they are successful does not mean I can not be 🙂

But yeah it's fluffin' hard 😆

NG9876 · 17/12/2019 22:40

@Pinecone88 Very true! Worse when they moan about it or say it was a surprise Angry

Pinecone88 · 17/12/2019 22:45

@NG9876 What gets me is the constant rubbing of the belly even when the conversation is about work, it's just automatic I assume, but still seems like they are bragging 😁

NG9876 · 17/12/2019 22:55

@Pinecone88 Oh my. 😣

justbeingelle · 17/12/2019 22:58

@NG9876 that bothers me too sometimes. I think it depends on how I'm feeling about things in general. The woman I sat next to in work was pregnant (first month trying) and that really got to me at times because I had to spend 8 hours a day with her, 5 days a week, with others in the office talking to her about it lots especially towards the end. It was quite difficult and I knew logically that she wasn't doing anything wrong and she didn't know about my situation. I wasn't angry towards her, more like pangs of sadness that it wasn't me if that makes sense. Whereas other women in the office have been pregnant too and it hasn't bothered me. I have nothing helpful to add except the way you're feeling is completely normal. I think it's something we've all felt, this TTC rubbish is such a rollercoaster.

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justbeingelle · 17/12/2019 22:59

@Thissucks1 yep, what others said, your bmi has to be under 30.

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Thissucks1 · 18/12/2019 21:55

Thanks, I may need to see my mouth shut for a while to be acceptable according to the nhs BMI checker.

Thankfully I'm self employed so I dont need to see these happy women with their beautiful baby bumps floating about the office, but given we've been ttc for almost 3 years, I have seen many friends, colleagues and school mums sporting their bumps having conceived after a month of two. As you say, it's not anger towards people it's just the 'why not me' thing. Whether its deliberate or a surprise to them, they are so very lucky and I hope they all go on to be great parents and appreciate exactly how lucky they are to have their children.

Sounds stupid but since we started ttc, each christmas, fathers day or his birthday, I've been hopeful to get a bfp so I can make him something which tells him and give him on one of these occasions. Theres no chance for Christmas again this year so I'm staying hopeful that for his birthday in feb or fathers day, I can use that occasion to give him what I know he/us really wants. Smile

NG9876 · 18/12/2019 22:49

Thanks guys. You're right, some days are good, some days not so much. @thissucks1 - I agree. I'm not looking forward to the bells this year. The first year of ttc it was exciting in anticipation of the year ahead, last year was knowing we were going to have to go to the dr but still in hope and this year just feels a bit more sad and scary xx

MelAndShoe · 21/12/2019 19:18

Hello. New to all this. Been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure and referred to infertility clinic. Still occasionally ovulating but eggs are likely v poor quality. Waiting for a scan. And have first appointment at Glasgow royal and end of December which seems v fast to me! Was only diagnosed a few weeks ago.

From all my reading it seems donor egg is most likely to work. But will need to see what they say.

Such a hard time of year I find. Sending lots of love x

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