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IVF June 2017

529 replies

Avocadosmoothie · 23/03/2017 20:47

Hello, is anyone due to start IVF In June? My consultant has put me forward to start IVF, my next appointment is April 26th and if I start on long protocol I would start stimms late May and egg retrieval would be mid June. Would love to hear from someone on the same path!

OP posts:
Lauralife · 03/06/2017 19:50

Lostworkerbee - Hi! What a coincidence to come across someone else at the same stage of treatment. What Meds are you using? I am currently down regging with suprefact and will then hopefully move onto merional on Monday fingers crossed!

Scottishgirl85 - Congratulations on the number of eggs that fertilised! You must be thrilled! Your news has given me some faith as dp also has a semen condition (low count/morphology/motility) and I'm nervous that we won't get to the fertilisation stage either.

Jessicajones1 - Hi! I'm also a newbie to forums. This is my first IVF cycle long protocol as well. I still haven't gotten my head around the whole thing. I'm trying to just go with the flow of things and stay positive. Fingers crossed we all do well!

Avacadosmoothie - Great news that you might be able to start treatment as you had originally planned!

Macarena1980 · 03/06/2017 23:49

Hi all, hope it's okay to join in, I had my egg retrieval yesterday, on my first ivf cycle. Got 10 eggs yesterday but only 3 fertilised, theclinic told me that the eggs were mature and my husbands sample was good quality so not explanation why do low... while I'm greatful for the 3 we have I'm just wondering what our chances are that these 3 will make it. Any words of wisdom? Nice to read everyone's comments and good luck for the rest of the ivf rollercoaster. Xx

lostworkerbee · 04/06/2017 08:59

Hi Macarena - I'm afraid I don't have any advice but just to say fingers crossed for you.

Hi Laura - I'm also on suprecur but should hopefully be starting on menopur tomorrow.

Great news Scottish.

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I'm struggling a bit as my sil announced on Friday she is 7 weeks with her second. Happy for them but timing feels very hard and part of me wishes they'd waited to tell us. That's probably quite selfish of me though 🙁

Avocadosmoothie · 04/06/2017 09:06

Macarena, just keep reminding yourself it only takes one embryo to make a baby. Also, if the other seven had scraped through this stage, they might not have been strong enough to survive implantation or trimester 1. When do you hear from the clinic on how the three are doing? X

OP posts:
Macarena1980 · 04/06/2017 10:25

Hi lostworkerbee, thanks I know how you feel about your sister in law, mine announced she was pregnant with twins just before we started... I was v happy for them but couldnt help feel a wee bit sad for us, guess it's just natural. Xx

Avacadosmoothie, thanks we don't find out till Tuesday night, the clinic don't phone everyday with an update... i would hope that if they didn't make it before then we'd hear but didn't actually check this. ET on Wednesday if we are lucky enough. Xx

Scottishgirl85 · 04/06/2017 20:04

Welcome macarena! Your timing is very similar to me, my transfer is Tuesday all going well! Try not to worry about having 3, although I know it's hard not to. It really only takes one. I often think having loads probably doesn't make much difference, as it's the strongest one or two that have the best chance anyway.

Bee, it's so tough going through pregnancy announcements, especially ones close to home. I don't get why people announce before 12 weeks, it bugs me that people feel so confident that all will be OK.

As for me, we got our day 3 embryo update. I expected to just be told how many were still going, but instead she read out the number of cells they each have, so it would seem all 11 are still growing. She said we have 1x10cell, 5x8cell, 1x7cell, 3x6cell and 1x4cell. She mentioned they like to see them at least at 7cell size by day 3, so I imagine we'll lose 4 or 5 at the very least by day 5. So I'm pinning my hopes on the best 6 and hoping they're decent quality. I'm sitting in hotel room eating chocolate and feeling only slightly guilty, I really think this is all just a massive game of luck...

JessicaJones1 · 04/06/2017 22:08

Good news for you Avocado

Good luck for Tues Scottish and thank you so much for your kind words.

Hi Lauralife I hope everything goes well for you. It is hard to get your head around it all. I'm the same as you.

Hi Macarena Sorry I have no words of wisdom but I think what Avocado said sounds good and very positive. Fingers and toes crossed for you.


Avocadosmoothie · 05/06/2017 15:52

Hi all! What has everyone's clinic said about how soon you can take a pregnancy test after ET?

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Veinarde · 05/06/2017 17:19

OMG my AF just arrived!! Starting my injections tomorrow! So excited :)

Hi to all new joiners! Good luck with your treatments xx

bluebird3 · 05/06/2017 17:42

That's great veinard. Good luck with the first injection tomorrow!

avocado my clinic says 14 days after ec collection, so 9dp5dt.

I'm on day 3 of stims. Next clinic appointment on Saturday. Grow eggs, grow!!!

mynameisscott · 05/06/2017 18:12

Hi everyone. Been great seeing all your updates over the weekend. There wasn't much happening with me, but AF arrived yesterday meaning I start stims tomorrow morn. I'm already in a bit of a panic as the clinic said they'd scan me next weds - day 8 of stims but day 11 of my cycle - I'm sure I normally ovulate around day 11 but is it possible to do so when taking the hormones? I don't want to lose all my eggs! Wondering if I should phone the clinic tomorrow and ask for an earlier scan. Anyone else been in a flap about this? This has never crossed my mind before and now I can't stop thinking about it.

Avocadosmoothie · 05/06/2017 19:18

Thanks bluebird, that will be a long 9 days if I get that far.

Veinarde - super exciting! Can you do the injections anytime of day so long as the same time everyday?

Scott, I'm not sure on this but I would guess it's no problem as you're regulated by the injections and won't have a normal cycle

OP posts:
Scottishgirl85 · 05/06/2017 19:38

Good luck with starting stims Scott and Veinarde!! Time goes very quickly from that point onwards!
Scott - I was scanned on day 7 of my cycle (day 6 of stims) and was instructed to start cetrotide (which prevents ovulation) on day 8 of cycle because my follicles were already a good size. Perhaps a quick call would help clarify as day 11 for a first scan does seem late, but maybe your protocol is very different to mine?? It might be worth double checking to put your mind at ease. Although normal cycle is completely overridden so don't worry about that.
Hope everyone else is doing well x

lostworkerbee · 05/06/2017 20:02

Hello. So I had my scan today and all good to start stims today. The nurse said lining was thin and she could see 13 follicles but left ovary was playing hide and seek so there could be more. I don't know if this is good or not but guess ok as we move to the next stage...

My next scan will be next Monday, so day 8 of stims and then again on day 10. So I would definitely check with your clinic Scott as day 11 sounds late. I'm sure they won't mind you checking and it will put your mind at rest.

Glad to hear time goes quickly from this point Scottish! How are you doing?

Hope everyone else is well x

mynameisscott · 05/06/2017 22:41

Thanks everyone, you're right Scottish and Avocado it isn't a normal cycle anyway, but I'll definitely phone for peace of mind. Best of luck with your transfer Scottish and will be thinking of all my stim buddies these next few days! X

Veinarde · 05/06/2017 22:55

Scottish, good luck tomorrow with the transfer! I hope you'll have some embies to freeze as well xx

Bluebird, how is it going with the stims? Feeling anything yet? I guess day 3 is still very early. We're you advised to drink full fat milk? I am starting today :)

Scott, i don't mean to worry you but I was just researching on this as I have to book my scans separately (treatment abroad). I found normally first scan is around day 5 or 6, then depending on results day 8-10, then you expect the final scan around 12 - 13 and trigger. It's best to clarify with the clinic so you won't be stressing unnecessarily.

Lostworkerbee, good number of follicles to start with! Good luck starting stims!

Avocado, I am waiting for the clinic to give me a go ahead on the start of the stimulation. I am expecting to do the first injection tomorrow evening. They advised around the same time each day but can do either morning or evening. Any news from your side? Xx

Macarena1980 · 06/06/2017 14:29

Hi all,

Just had an update from the clinic this morning they checked the embryos yesterday and all 3 were growing well, I'm so relieved. Fingers crossed for ET tomorrow morning!

I'm still feeling a bit crampy after the ER on Friday, has anyone still had this after 4 days?

Scottish girl - I hope today goes well for you! Will keep my fingers crossed

Avocado - I'm sure my clinic told me that they didn't recommend before the 2 weeks but if I really couldn't wait not to do before day as 11 the drugs could impact on the results.

Hope everyone else is well!

MrsDarcy4092 · 06/06/2017 14:58

Hi all

I started long protocol yesterday! It's our first attempt at icsi. We have male factor infertility - severe OATs.

I am using bureslin and first injection was Rather undramatic - barely felt it. About an hour after I felt totally exhausted which lasted about 16 hours despite 8 hour sleep. But that might be conincidence? Yesterday was my first day back to work after a weeks holiday so maybe I was just tired. Did anyone get tiredness as a side effect?
I have baseline scan 19th june with menapour starting then with egg collection 3rd July.
We have been ttc for 3 1/2 years and I've lost 5 stone to get here!!!
I'm having acupuncture and head massages just to help me keep chilled and I'm trying to eat a high protein low carb diet.
So good to find people on similar time scales?

Avocadosmoothie · 06/06/2017 17:52

Macarena, fantastic news!

Exciting that others are starting stimmming now too.

What is the reasoning behind the full fat milk?

Veinarde, have you been given any tips for avoiding OHSS?

OP posts:
Scottishgirl85 · 06/06/2017 18:14

Veinarde, Scott and Bee - how are you finding the injections? Hope all going well!

Fantastic news macarena!! All the best for transfer tomorrow. It's similar to a smear, in fact my experience was better than a smear! And it's over in minutes, absolutely nothing to worry about. Hopefully you'll feel less crampy tomorrow, I started to feel much better at day 3. Good luck!

Welcome Mrsdarcy! Glad injections going well. Sounds like you've had a long journey to get here and amazing to have shed 5 stone, well done! What clinic are you with?

As for me, I have 1 top grade embryo on board and another 4 in the freezer! They're letting the rest grow for another day to see if they can freeze any more tomorrow. It feels so weird to think our embryo is inside me. To be honest it's really messing with my head. I swing from feeling hopeful to thinking about when we can fly out for a fet... I think this part will be the toughest for me, as it's out of my control.

Avocadosmoothie · 06/06/2017 18:18

Oh Scottish that's fantastic news, congratulations for getting this far!!!!

When did they advise you test? Did they have any dos/donts for immediately after transfer?

OP posts:
Scottishgirl85 · 06/06/2017 18:30

Thanks avocado. It's a very strange feeling. Was told to carry on as normal but no strenuous exercise. OTD 20 June but ye right waiting that long!! Think I'll test a week today. I have a niggle already that it hadn't worked which I know is silly. I'm annoyed at myself as was determined to be hopeful throughout.
Got lovely pics of embryo in lab and embryo as a tiny white dot in my uterus, it's a bit surreal!
How are you? Have you heard yet if you can start this month? x


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mynameisscott · 06/06/2017 18:50

Hey Scottish that's ace! Great news for you too Macarena, good luck tomorrow. And welcome Darcy congrats on getting here. We've been struggling on for about the same amount of time and this feels like the most positive step ever. 

I did my first injection myself this morning, was a breeze, have been feeling really weary from the Prostap last week but no other ill effects (I actually think I'm feeling less hormonal than in a normal month!!). Had to do a big presentation at work too and was a bit worried I'd be feeling really weird but it was fine. Doing another injection this eve, then twice again tomorrow then just in the evenings after that. 

I also checked in with my clinic today and they reassured me that I'm totally under their control and the prostap makes it impossible for me to OV so next Wednesday is fine for a scan. Phew.

Avocadosmoothie · 06/06/2017 18:53

What stage was the embryo at? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Well, I'm 90% sure that I will start injections next week but won't know for sure until the very last minute. I'm super excited but quite worried about OHSS!

OP posts:
Scottishgirl85 · 06/06/2017 19:01

Well done Scott!! I was a wuss and got my husband to do all the injections! Great news about scan too, something you don't need to worry about now. Hope we didn't panic you, I've not heard of those drugs so your protocol is very different to mine.

Avocado, it was at hatching blastocyst stage, grade 1. So fab you'll likely start this month. The clinic will control you, try not to worry about ohss. It's a good thing that you're aware of it in the case that it does happen though. My tip would be to drink a lot of water!

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