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IVF June 2017

529 replies

Avocadosmoothie · 23/03/2017 20:47

Hello, is anyone due to start IVF In June? My consultant has put me forward to start IVF, my next appointment is April 26th and if I start on long protocol I would start stimms late May and egg retrieval would be mid June. Would love to hear from someone on the same path!

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Veinarde · 31/05/2017 12:05

Haha Scottishgirl 😆 I can imagine the panic, I am glad it turned out to be ok to inject into the tummy! I have no experience with needles so I hope I will be ok & not mess anything up!
Wow you are almost there Scottish, hope EC goes well! Go they give you anaesthetic? My clinic doesn't, only local painkillers, I'm terrified!!

Veinarde · 31/05/2017 12:06

*Will they give you

Avocadosmoothie · 31/05/2017 12:56

Hi Scottish, time has really flown hasn't it, good luck with your EC tomorrow, I'll keep my fingers crossed!!! I was wondering - what is your AMH and AFC? I'm interested to see how it compares to number of follicles. My AFC and AMH are high so chances of OHSS are too, I'm really hoping that I can do a fresh transfer but I think chances are that I could need to freeze for a month.

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bluebird3 · 31/05/2017 16:05

Hi ladies. Can I join? I'm due to start stims any day now. Expecting af by Saturday. This will be my 2nd attempt at IVF with ICSI on the antagonist protocol.

First attempt I few failed despite everything going well. 18 eggs collected, 11 mature, 9 fertilised. 3 blasts but only one top quality so 1 put in and they wouldn't freeze the others as not top quality. That was my one and only NHS round so we are now self funding. My dh has a low count and I'm not convinced I ovulate regularly. 1 blood test said no ovulation and the 2nd was borderline.

Veinarde · 31/05/2017 16:12

Hi Bluebird, sorry to hear about your unsuccessful cycle, fingers crossed for you for the next one! So you are on the short protocol. I am also waiting for my AF - possibly next Monday I will start Menopur. This is my first IVF, private and abroad in Norway. Our NHS queue was too long - scheduled for Nov 17!
Was your first cycle also on the short protocol? How did you find stimming? Any discomfort/ side effects?

bluebird3 · 31/05/2017 16:21

Hi veinard. My first cycle was also antagonist protocol and I used gonal-f and certrotide. I found stimming fine. The Gonal-f was in a pen and was easy to inject. For both the needles are small. Just depends on if you hit a blood vessel...that hurts a little and leaves a bruise. Otherwise no real side effects other than feeling very bloated and a bit achy the last day or two before ec. It was an easier process whilst in it. I've found recovering from the failure much harder. My OTD was my birthday and getting another negative with no frosties was really hard.

Avocadosmoothie · 31/05/2017 17:11

Hi bluebird, welcome!

For those on short protocol, does anyone know how often we will be scanned or have blood tested in the run up to EC?

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bluebird3 · 31/05/2017 20:03

Hi avocado. At my clinic you're scanned on day 2 and if things look good to start then you begin stims on day 3. Then scanned Day 10. Depending on how many follicles and how big they are, they might ask you back day 11 or 12. All being well they give the go ahead for the trigger shot. If the follicles still need more time then they might ask to come every day or every other day after that.

Avocadosmoothie · 01/06/2017 11:17

Good luck today Scottish!!

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Scottishgirl85 · 01/06/2017 15:04

Thanks everyone! It went well, got 16 eggs. Procedure was straight forward, under general anaesthesia so I quite enjoyed the wee snooze and they gave me a doughnut afterwards! In quite a lot of pain/discomfort now so lying in hotel room with lovely warm breeze blowing in. Feels like really bad period pain. Will hear tomorrow how many fertilised, so scared!
Avocado, I was scanned on day 7 and 10. No baseline scan and no bloods at all throughout. Sounds like all clinics are different. My amh is 13 and no idea of antral follicle count, never had that measured.
Welcome bluebird, so sorry about your last cycle. It must be so so tough. I'm so worried about how I'll cope. A friend said the emotional side is so much harder than the physical side, totally see where she is coming from now! Wishing you every ounce of luck. Our protocols sound really similar, I also did gonal f and cetrotide.
Hope everyone else is doing well xx

Veinarde · 01/06/2017 15:11

Nice to hear EC went well Scottishgirl! Enjoy your well deserved rest! Hopefully you will get good news in the fertilisation rate!
My drugs arrived and now in the fridge, feels so real and scary to be starting soon!!
My clinic said I should do 2 scans minimum but it's up to me how many I book, as I am paying for that separately being with overseas clinic.

Avocadosmoothie · 01/06/2017 15:16

Scottish, congrats, that's excellent news!! Hope the pain eases up soon!

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Lauralife · 02/06/2017 10:11

Hi everyone, can I join? I'm due to start stims this Monday if all goes well with my scan. This is my first IVF/ICSI cycle and I am on the long protocol. I have suspected endometriosis which is blocking my left fallopian tube and my partner (technically fiance -but I don't feel posh enough to use that word on a day to day basis!) has semen issues. Our consultant has predicted a 35% percent chance of success.

lostworkerbee · 02/06/2017 11:40

Hello. Can I join too? Very similar to you Laura - I am also due to start stims on Monday subject to scan and I'm on long protocol. This is our first round of ivf having been ttc number 2 for four years. Quite nervous about the next few weeks but also impatient to get going. Best of luck to everyone. x

Avocadosmoothie · 02/06/2017 17:43

Scottish, how are you getting on? Have you got any pain today? Flowers

OP posts:
Scottishgirl85 · 02/06/2017 18:02

Welcome Laura and Bee! Fingers crossed you both get to start Monday, once you start time flies! What clinics are you at?
As for me, of the 16 eggs collected, 13 were mature and 11 fertilised, I'm so happy with that! Hubby has severely low sperm count (almost undetectable) and 0% morphology, so I was worried nothing would fertilise. They did icsi with picsi. Now just to hope they develop normally. Next call from clinic will be day 3 which is Sunday.
Avocado, still uncomfortable, probably not helping myself as keep forgetting to take paracetamol. Managed a whole day of sightseeing in 28 degree heat though! It's nice to be distracted by having a wee holiday whilst we wait on the next stage. Come on embryos! 😁

Scottishgirl85 · 02/06/2017 18:08

One thing I hadn't realised was the progesterone tablets. I've to use 4 tablets twice a day administered vaginally, lovely...! And need to lie down for 20-30mins to let them absorb, don't know how I'll fit this in twice a day when back at work!

Avocadosmoothie · 02/06/2017 18:36

11, congratulations, fantastic numbers!!!! Oh yes I've heard about the progesterone - another IVF joy! Go embryos!!

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JessicaJones1 · 02/06/2017 20:05

Hi Avocadosmoothie (and everyone else!).

I was recommended this thread by Veinarde. I hope you don't mind me joining in? (Thanks Veinarde!).

I think I'm a bit behind you Avocadosmoothie. I'm starting IVF on 8th June . Just had the drugs delivered today. I have my schedule but have an appointment to explain it in detail next week. I'm still trying to get my head around it all.

I'm new to the forum so really don't know where to start. I've read all the previous posts and wish you all the best of luck. Smile

Avocadosmoothie · 02/06/2017 20:32

Hi Jessica! My IVF was pushed back a month so I don't actually start until July 10th ish. Which protocol are you on? Are you unexplained? Welcome to the group! There are quite a few people in this thread, we're bound to see some BFPs!

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JessicaJones1 · 02/06/2017 20:47

Hi Avocadosmoothie.

I'm unexplained and on the long protocol. Looking forward to seeing some BFPs here. Smile
Will this be your first go at IVF?


Avocadosmoothie · 03/06/2017 15:14

Hi Scottish, how are you today? How does it work with your clinic, are you getting daily updates from your clinic on embryo development or will you just hear from them when you need to come in?

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Scottishgirl85 · 03/06/2017 18:09

Welcome jessica! Wishing you all the best with your cycle. We're here to support you through it and I can honestly say it's really not that bad from my experience this time round. You're just kind of swept along with it.
Thanks avocado, after yesterday's day 1 update on fertilisation, next update is tomorrow which is day 3 and then embryo transfer is booked for 11am on Tuesday. It's weird that I have it booked in and don't even know if there will be anything to transfer, but I guess either way it will be an appointment to discuss next steps. Getting nervous about the update tomorrow, but I've surprised myself by barely thinking about it today, I think it really helps that we're having a lovely holiday at the same time to keep our mind off things! Hope you're doing well? x

Avocadosmoothie · 03/06/2017 18:46

Hi Scottish, well done for taking your mind off it for a bit! Do you feel back to normal after EC now? I am quite nervous about OHSS especially as I am at high risk. Well, I have some news, my injection teaching appointment has been brought forward 3 days which means I should be in time to start this month as originally planned! I won't know until last minute but there is a chance I will start injections the week after next which I'm excited about! How is everyone else? X

OP posts:
Scottishgirl85 · 03/06/2017 18:57

Oh great news that it's likely being brought forward!! How exciting!! Good that you get injection training too, there is no training when you go to clinic abroad, hubby did a grand job of working it out! I'm still uncomfortable but I think it is improving every day. I've been surprised that it's had this lasting effect. Just hoping the discomfort is gone by embryo transfer as I want to believe it's all back to normal before using an embryo! Got my fingers crossed that you can start this month! x

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