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Fledglings Flying Festively - the December Flylady thread

804 replies

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 30/11/2018 21:13

A warm welcome to the December (dare I say Christmas?!) Flylady thread. This is a lovely friendly thread where we loosely follow the Flylady system (see the Flylady website ) in the hope of having organised homes and lives.

We are a long running thread but always welcome new members; the more the merrier Smile.

The new slimline structure seems to work well so I will stick with that. I will leave some links in this OP and then some quick links in the daily posts. Please do familiarise yourself with the Flylady website, especially if you are new. The Flylady is (understandably) keen that people do look at the website.

On the website there is information for beginners. You can also sign up to the Flylady emails but we would advise caution as there are hundreds of them.

We post our achievements (ta das) and our to do lists and any other general chatter about life / flying.

Information on getting started:

The launch pad is also a good starting

Fly stands for Finally Loving Yourself. The general idea is that short bursts of tidying / organisation are more achievable than marathon efforts. Flylady advises 15 minute bursts is effort but you can tweak this to fit your own circumstances.

Be kind to yourselves, jump in where you are and be careful not to crash and burn! Especially at this time of year.

A daily summary (which should update automatically every day) is available on the Flylady website at flight plan here.

The link to the current zone and missions is here.

Re. zones, do what works for you. I don’t always stick to the zones myself and do what works best at the time, with varying degrees of success!

daily focus

missions for the week

Flykids mission

I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone that it is getting close to Christmas so there are holiday missions here.

December’s habit is usually pampering yourself but has not uploaded yet; I’ll link it tomorrow.

beginner babysteps.

The best place to look for an overall summary is the launch pad.

Happy flying everyone.

Also a huge thank you to SC for a lovely November thread. FlowersCakeBrewWine

OP posts:
TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 03/12/2018 22:42

YY foxes!

OP posts:
MeetOnTheSIedge · 03/12/2018 23:41

I've only skimmed through today, but we had some unexpected bonus cleaning this morning. First of all I was cooking eggs in our new microwave, I haven't got the settings quite mastered yet (had it just right with the old one) and they exploded, all over the inside, so I had to clean out the entire thing.

Just after I finished that, DH caused me to tip an entire Aeropress full of scalding hot coffee grounds and water over, it went on me, on the counter, on the floor and into two drawers that weren't completely shut. Luckily I wasn't scalded, but it meant that DH had to clean out the cutlery and tupperware drawers and contents (it really was his fault!) as well as the floor and counter while I ran my hand under a cold tap and got changed (and ate the remnants of my exploded eggs).

I have also managed one load of washing, been to work, done cooking, taken DCs to swimming/hockey and me to dance class. So quite a productive day all in all. Ready for bed now.

Bowerbird5 · 04/12/2018 00:48

Oh no Meet. Do you know I was just thinking at the weekend how many times I would be quicker if things didn’t happen when I was busy. There were about three random things happen to me that I then spent ages sorting out/clearing up.

Wow 🤭looks in envy at the lists people have made.

Ta Da
Up at 6:30
Bed made
Showered then cleaned basin, toilet and rinsed shower.
Took out dirty towels, replaced.
Fed animals and made porridge seed balls for Henny.
Threw more on humungeous pile of dirty washing.
Brought in a load of wood.
Lit fire. Swept hearth.
Vacuumed all of downstairs.
Went to work.
Made bed as left to air.
Made roast breast of duck and veg but potatoes not ready. Need to find out more about temp of hot plate.
Fed cat

SC I have about five of DD lovely coats. Three red Victorian style. We have used them in school plays for carol singers. One LA blue from when she was tiny and a green one she hardly wore.i should get them cleaned and put away. She looked so gorgeous with her golden ringlets bobbing about.She had matching hats too.squishy LA or a red or black beret.

Bowerbird5 · 04/12/2018 00:50

Kitchen update. Fairies flew in while I was at work and put work tops in. Pity the water nymphs didn’t float by.

Cagliostro · 04/12/2018 01:00

OMG I am getting so bad at actually going to bed

ta da
✅tumble drying
✅took Caglets to town, got some stuff in primark (any recommendations for supportive preteen bra type things? All we found were thin crop tops)
✅tae kwon do (taxi back made it bearable)
✅tried new English app with Caglets
✅delegated (laundry and reading book)

IVEgottheJINGLEBELLS · 04/12/2018 06:47

[santa] 🎄

SlightlyCoddled · 04/12/2018 06:51

Morning all!
Cag good luck with the decorating prep!
Foxes that is so lovely about "boss of the angels"! Smile
Sass very frustrating about tip! (My to do list is for whole wk btw not for one day! (Can't claim to be that productive! Smile)
Zoo love the sound of your chickpea dish!
Bower exciting about work tops (and you are making me regret not hanging on to one of the coats now; your daughter's sounds so lovely!)
Ouch Meet hope your hand is ok?
Festive Toostressy and Zoo Think I must be a miserable unsociable cow because I literally danced with joy at not having to do the school run any more! [Horrible mother emoticon.]

Well so much for my loud crowing about decluttering triumphs and charity donations. Serves me right! It's a long story but after lots of phone calls and waiting about, the collection van did not turn up yesterday! (Did I mention they were very organised? Suffice to say that was not my experience yesterday!)

In the end I had to leave for gynae appt and dh (who was busy himself) was left to sort it out. He's organised the office handyman and his van to take it (for a price) this morning.
Sigh. Wish I had stuck to usual strategy of selling it all at second hand sale and splitting the proceeds now! Heigh ho! Can't be too cross because they are a charity operating on a limited budget. The main thing I am miffed about is that if we were going to get it there under our own steam all along, I wouldn't have have done the decluttering so close to Christmas! But yesterday was the only slot they had when I rang eight weeks ago! Never mind!

Day went from bad to worse and gynae appt was dis-arse-ter too! Hormones I've been taking haven't worked sufficiently (to shrink everything) so I am going to have more invasive procedure they were trying to avoid. Was prodded about so much I was in pain andcame home to bed and threw up. And to cap it all, surgeon was running late and so I still don't have a fixed date.

I give up Confused

Sincerely hoping today is a better day! Have a good one everybody!

SlightlyCoddled · 04/12/2018 06:52

Hey I've got your tree up yet?

IVEgottheJINGLEBELLS · 04/12/2018 07:04

I do indeed 🎄

I also have a five year old lay flat on her face on my kitchen floor as she does not like the four available breakfast options Hmm

SlightlyCoddled · 04/12/2018 07:22

Oh dear I've I hope your day gets better! Smile

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 04/12/2018 10:34

Yes, hope breakfast improved Ive.

SC Flowers for gynae and clutter collection issues. Re. school run, if it makes you feel better I am largely unsentimental about children growing up; it’s more the chatting with other mums I will miss when the school run finishes! I have a good few years yet though with DD2.

Bower, yay for kitchen fairies.

Meet, Star for turning those spills into cleaning opportunities! Or as Flylady wouldsay, for turning stressors into blessers.

Hello to everyone else Smile.

Must get on, back later.
OP posts:
Stilllivinginazoo · 04/12/2018 10:55

SCFlowershope you are feeling a bit better today

SlightlyCoddled · 04/12/2018 15:13

Feeling fine today thanks Zoo Smile. Not sure that corresponds to Flying output though as spent half of morning shopping, half nattering on phone, and have just seen a friend for tea. Blush. Beautifuly mild, sunny bright day here too! How's your toe/cold?

SlightlyCoddled · 04/12/2018 16:10

Toostressy arf at "stressors in to blessers" Managed to somehow miss that gem! Grin

Stilllivinginazoo · 04/12/2018 17:51

Toes on mend thanksSC dodgy hobbles gone,just can't bend n flex toe properly without discomfort so it's getting there!
Bloody colds the problem now.sinus,ears,chest,a cough.irritatjng on all levels and sucking all my energy out faster than a Dyson ever could!!
Dd2 is really struggling.shs been to school,but looks like sh** and is miserable and now in bed watch dvd with hot chocolate and marshmallows

foxessocks · 04/12/2018 18:42

So much illness around Sad

Ta da
Toddler group
Meal plan for next week
Food shop for next week (including a few Xmas food items)
Tried on top I ordered
Folded loads of washing
Washing on X 2
Dishwasher on
Cooked dinner - roast chicken, mash, veg
Tidied toys a LOT

The dc have actually been pretty good playing nicely together with puzzles and ds saved some of his sweets for dd when she came out of school (he clutched them all the way to school I could see he was trying not to eat them!).

foxessocks · 04/12/2018 19:32

Ok if you were 4 or 2 where would you put a TV remote??? It has completely vanished Angry

Stilllivinginazoo · 04/12/2018 20:04

In bin?dolls house/garage?down sofa cushions?
Hope you find it foxes
Meatballs here tonight,tho lil zoo only ate half her pasta as throat play up and headaches started...
Dd2 having soup and ice cream with berries

DS did 3hours again today(same yesterday) and for first time he's done proper schoolwork for 2 of the hours(English/maths) third hour he's done art within his curriculum...I'm really hoping he can maintain this...

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 04/12/2018 20:20

Oh no foxes. In a toy kitchen oven? Down the side of a bed? Under the bed? In the DVD player itself? Possibly give them a similar thing and see what they do? When mine were similar ages they did it to my phone. Eventually (after days!) I watched them like a hawk while they were playing and found it down the side of the bed.

OP posts:
TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 04/12/2018 20:33

Well done to your DS zoo and glad you feel a little better today SC.

Well today I attempted to involve the DDs in the spirit of Christmas:-
Helped DD1 make some Christmas craft for school. To be fair she did almost all of it herself but I had to hoover twice afterwards to get rid of the glitter and the whole contraption she made looks close to collapse.
We went shopping for a wreath for the door after school. DD2 was grumpy (despite wanting to be there) and I was preoccupied with dealing with both DDs so didn’t realise a bauble on it was dented. Have no receipt and it may well have got dented on the walk home so I think I’ll have to live with it.
I put up outdoor lights while DDs were at school. Can I get one of the sets to stay lit up? No.
Plus my Dad who is very into science messaged this morning to say the moon was great and I should get the DDs to look at it. Didn’t manage this before the sun came up and so when he asked if they saw it had to fudge an answer.

So not a successful parenting day but in the grand scheme of things not too bad of course.

OP posts:
Cagliostro · 04/12/2018 20:39

In a wellington boot or a toy/dressing up handbag

foxessocks · 04/12/2018 20:53

Thanks everyone! Turned up at last in the box of Duplo!!


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TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 04/12/2018 21:55

Brilliant foxes!

OP posts:
Bowerbird5 · 04/12/2018 22:06

😢 came home today expecting the kitchen fairies to have been and hopefully connect my tap and 2ashing machine but no one has been here at all. I know because I left pies out.

My day off tomorrow but I am going in. We are going on a trip.

Tired and in bed by 9:10 as need to be up early.
Ta das
Bed made
Dishes washed
animals fed, me fed.
Swept floor

I’ve did your day improve. I had a lovely vision.
Zoo glad your toe is improving.
Waves to SC, meet , Cags, too stressy, foxes- glad you found it.anyone else I have missed.

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 04/12/2018 22:07

Oh that’s annoying Bower. Hope trip goes ok tomorrow. Very good of you to go in on your day off.

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