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Fledglings Flying Festively - the December Flylady thread

804 replies

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 30/11/2018 21:13

A warm welcome to the December (dare I say Christmas?!) Flylady thread. This is a lovely friendly thread where we loosely follow the Flylady system (see the Flylady website ) in the hope of having organised homes and lives.

We are a long running thread but always welcome new members; the more the merrier Smile.

The new slimline structure seems to work well so I will stick with that. I will leave some links in this OP and then some quick links in the daily posts. Please do familiarise yourself with the Flylady website, especially if you are new. The Flylady is (understandably) keen that people do look at the website.

On the website there is information for beginners. You can also sign up to the Flylady emails but we would advise caution as there are hundreds of them.

We post our achievements (ta das) and our to do lists and any other general chatter about life / flying.

Information on getting started:

The launch pad is also a good starting

Fly stands for Finally Loving Yourself. The general idea is that short bursts of tidying / organisation are more achievable than marathon efforts. Flylady advises 15 minute bursts is effort but you can tweak this to fit your own circumstances.

Be kind to yourselves, jump in where you are and be careful not to crash and burn! Especially at this time of year.

A daily summary (which should update automatically every day) is available on the Flylady website at flight plan here.

The link to the current zone and missions is here.

Re. zones, do what works for you. I don’t always stick to the zones myself and do what works best at the time, with varying degrees of success!

daily focus

missions for the week

Flykids mission

I’m sure I don’t need to tell anyone that it is getting close to Christmas so there are holiday missions here.

December’s habit is usually pampering yourself but has not uploaded yet; I’ll link it tomorrow.

beginner babysteps.

The best place to look for an overall summary is the launch pad.

Happy flying everyone.

Also a huge thank you to SC for a lovely November thread. FlowersCakeBrewWine

OP posts:
HillsBesideTheSea · 01/01/2019 01:17

Sorry to hear you are mentally fried Woman

New Thread New Thread

W0MANlikeME · 01/01/2019 00:41

Name change again. Didnt like look of the other!

Physically i feel fine

Mentally i am a bit fried

Happy new year all x

SassitudeandSparkle · 01/01/2019 00:39

StarGlitterball HAPPY NEW YEAR FLEDGLINGS GlitterballStar

Bowerbird5 · 31/12/2018 23:55

Thanks Toostressy for looking after us this month.


Happy New Year.
I went to the local pub for a while with friends. It was fairly quiet and supposed to be a DJ disco and karaoke night he was more like Del Boy. It was dire. Came home DD in bed and doesn’t want to see the New year in. So Happy New Year to you all.

MsForestier · 31/12/2018 22:36

Something fizzy tomorrow while watching the New Year's Day concert from Vienna. Tonight I'm having a glass of red wine. Had the yearly bath too.

Spent the day working out what renovations I need to do next year to house. Christmas decs are down and packed away.

Happy Hogmanay everyone! And congrats to Ive and family.

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 31/12/2018 21:39

Champagne is in fridge not freezer! Don’t want any champagne explosions!

OP posts:
SassitudeandSparkle · 31/12/2018 21:32

Stressy thanks for a fabulous December thread, sterling work as always there and much appreciated Flowers Wine

Here's to a good 2019 for all of us. The pink champagne is going down far too well here, I've just badgered DH to put prosecco in the fridge as well Blush. Eating lots of lovely food and spending the evening together.

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 31/12/2018 21:24

Thanks guys! Hope people and animals unsettled by fireworks don’t have too awful a night.

My cold has well and truly kicked in now. But... everyone has eaten (although no doubt DD2 will say she is hungry just at bedtime), dishwasher on and I am sorting the recycling. Kids snuggled with MIL watching a film as they want to stay up but we insisted on them being showered and in PJs so they only need to do their teeth. The meal I cooked (salmon, veg and rice which is one of my few meals I am confident in) was a success so yay.

Am at my limit now though. Have excused myself to tidy up downstairs as I cannot face being sociable any longer and this way I can watch some telly on my phone.

Had a large glass of wine earlier but that will be it for me. Rock and roll Grin. We do have champagne in the freezer for tomorrow.

Happy new year all you lovely people StarGlitterballWine

OP posts:
Slightlycoddled · 31/12/2018 21:16

Hello all!

Lovely to see newcomers, old-timers and returnees on the thread!

Just popping in to wish you all a very Happy New Year! And all good things in 2019!

Doubt if I will make it to midnight as was up early with dhorse (and an hour ahead anyway!). Guests still here (wibble)..enough said. .. suffice to say I'm with your ds Hills

Toostressy Hope you survived your busy day! And thank you so much for running the December thread so well when you were flat out at work and home yourself Halo StarWine. Don't know how you do it!

I've Flowers

Zoo hope Scout Cat not too stressed. Dhorse has gone in barn tonight for same reason.

Happy New Year wing flaps to all!

Stilllivinginazoo · 31/12/2018 20:36

bastarding fireworks been going off past hour.ds is melting point.scoitcat was still out when started and too scared to return home,so poor old fella cowering somewhere for the nightSad
FFS if must have them midnight only people!!

Happy new year.its been great to have another year of chat and some decluttering
Massive thanks to all thread leaders!Flowers

Shannaratiger · 31/12/2018 20:25

Happy New Year everyone.

I am deactivating tomorrow so this thread will be the only Social Media I will be on. Hopefully this will mean firstly that I will get lots of FLYing done and secondly will keep up with this thread and post more.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and have survived the family invasions and visits.
See you all in the New Year

HillsBesideTheSea · 31/12/2018 19:54

Ds has decided that he is not doing people tonight. I am tempted to turn the internet off. And then I realised that I could not people and sit quietly watching a film knitting. Grin internet will go off at ten, but shhhhh

I will sort the new thread out later. Promise. It will be new and shiny for tomo.

ta da
hoover the house
deep clean the kitchen
food shopping - in actual shops
a couple loads of washing
clean out the fish tank
sort party food for tonight's peopling
eat good food
leave people to people - mine and ds' attendance is not necessary not advisable iyswim
clean out the car
hoover car

MogTheSleepyCat · 31/12/2018 19:12

Good evening fledglings, I have been absent from the thread for quite a while and have name changed too (Previously I was a Shakespearian feline....) Its lovely to see so many familiar faces still here, no doubt there are other name changers too.

I thought I'd just pop in quickly before the new thread starts. January is always a crazy-busy thread!

Some ta das
Cat litter trays
Emptied DW
Reloaded DW
Wash load
Wiped kitchen counters
Decluttered receipts from purse
Paid car tax
Online shop - bought myself an instant pot, a cordless hoover, defrosting tray for sensible things, and a Mulberry bag.

Happy new year!

MeetOnTheSIedge · 31/12/2018 18:14

Hi Camper and welcome.

I just wanted to post now and say Happy New Year to you all, apart from this last month I didn't post much this year but I have been lurking and enjoying the thread, it is like an old friend, always there when you need it. Many thanks to everyone who has led the thread during the year and looking forward to carrying on with you all in January.

Not much on the tada front today as I was back at work, but things are ticking over. Realistically not going to get back on track till next week when the DCs are back at school but never mind. DH is cooking dinner, then it's an evening of board games, nibbles and films monopoly every bloody year.

foxessocks · 31/12/2018 17:21

ive wow, hope you're okay

Happy new year everybody (bit early I know but I doubt I'll be up until midnight!)

I just came on to write my last ta da list of 2018, I haven't done much the last few days as my cold got worse not better and I'm still not feeling great tbh.

ta da
emptied bins
stripped bed
changed towels etc
hoovered downstairs
dusted furniture
ordered new side table for living room
sorted out list of children for dd birthday party
ordered some presents for dd birthday
ordered a costume for dd to wear to an upcoming fancy dress party
went to the supermarket to get party food for tonight (just us but we always have nibbles!)
bought my mum a birthday cake
cleaned bathroom
took the bulk of the xmas decs down
mopped kitchen floor

phew. House still looks cluttered though. Back to fly lady regime tomorrow I think (if I feel better anyway).

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 31/12/2018 17:09

Welcome back Camper Smile.

I’ll have to look at Bowl Full of Lemons Sass, sounds intriguing. I think I’ve seen it on Facebook years ago and ignored it!

OP posts:
SassitudeandSparkle · 31/12/2018 15:55

Welcome back Camper, take it easy with the gastric flu - I had that once and it was a killer, took me ages to get over it.

I am tidying round, we are staying in tonight with a busy night of Wii battles and games/films planned. With lots of food and a glass or two of pink champagne and prosecco when the good stuff runs out

I am also planning to do the Bowl Full Of Lemons organisation challenge in the new year, started it last year but didn't finish and it was really good, I found it helpful.

Back later fledglings, start getting ready to rock 2019!

CamperWidow · 31/12/2018 15:24

Hi ladies, I'm taking the plunge and joining in, again! Don't worry, I know we will have a new thread tomorrow, I just wanted to say hi today.
I've tried flying before but fell by the wayside with 2 small kids, blah, blah blah. Hopefully now they are 7 & 9 they can get their fingers out and help! I'm def taking babysteps though as I managed to get gastric flu on Boxing Day and I'm still recovering, but little wins, yes?! 😆

Stilllivinginazoo · 31/12/2018 15:07

Fourth load washing is in machine
Dd2 survived orthodontist.pain should start setting in shortly....

Bill and Ted's bogus journey is on TV shortly so we all going to watch that

Stressy good luck with the little sure the girls will love it!

To do
One more load washing(sofa blankets that smell as scoutcats been laying on them)

Dinner - pasta pesto with broccoli for little ones,roasted veg with cheese and crusty bread for me.the veg pureed with stick for dd2 soup with cheese in

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 31/12/2018 14:28

Ta da:-
Play date finished
About a third of the post-play date tidying done
Prepped tea as much as possible

Just heard from in-laws to say they will be here two hours early Shock. DDs currently having some screen time to give me a chance to catch up.

To do:-
Tidy as much as possible for the next hour!
See what else there is to do then

OP posts:
SassitudeandSparkle · 31/12/2018 11:25

Oooh, that's a fab start to the new year I've Grin

Stilllivinginazoo · 31/12/2018 10:35

I'veFlowersand Brew and eeeeeeeek


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MeetOnTheSIedge · 31/12/2018 09:15

Ive Brew

MsForestier · 31/12/2018 09:11

I've Shock

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 31/12/2018 08:48

Ive Shock. How are you?

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