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General health

Really not feeling like myself and feeling very ill

277 replies

blvdbrokendreams · 22/04/2021 18:35

I am 26 and a mum to an 8 month old. I am really struggling with eating. I feel sick when I eat and feel better if I force it down. I then feel better for about half an hour and then feel sick again. I'm exhausted. I know I'm a mum to a little one but this is beyond exhaustion. I could nap all day and still sleep all night. I can actually feel my eyes shutting when I'm changing her nappy. I'm constantly thirsty. And all I want is sugar. Orange juice or full sugar cola.
I took a pregnancy test on the off chance and both came back negative. I had a period 10 days ago so I'm thinking that's very unlikely.
I rang the doctors who told me no appointments because of covid and if I'm worried to call 111.
I dont think it's an out of hours gp thing. It doesn't feel like a hospital thing. It's been going on for 5 days. And I'm starting to worry

OP posts:
Lougle · 23/04/2021 06:46

Well done you for getting to the hospital before you got into serious trouble. You'll get a lot of information today. Don't be shy about asking people to repeat themselves. Now you can start to get better.

Trunkysbun · 23/04/2021 06:52

Glad you have a diagnosis and a reason for feeling so ill. I hope you feel loads better soon.

It's disgraceful that you couldn't get into your GP.

LazyDaisy22 · 23/04/2021 06:58

So glad you went to A&E OP. You’ll soon be back home with you husband and little one and be feeling much better.

Beautiful3 · 23/04/2021 06:59

I'm glad you're safe and in hospital now. I wish you all the bestFlowers

romdowa · 23/04/2021 07:01


Blood results are back. It is type 1 diabetes. They gave some insulin last night. They want to monitor today and have a specialist doctor talk to me. I feel a bit better physically but my heads going round in circles. Husband sent plenty of pictures of baby girl which always helps

You'll probably be visited by the endocrinologist and a diabetes specialist nurse. The nurses are absolutely fantastic. They will support you every step of the way with this. Glad you got sorted quickly though.
blackcat86 · 23/04/2021 07:02

So glad that you're in the right place. Please do feed this back to the GP practice (perhaps ask for a call with the practice manager) because if you hadn't got help you did you could have fainted at home with with baby or worse. Just saying no appointments in your situation was awful.

GelfBride · 23/04/2021 07:09


So glad that you're in the right place. Please do feed this back to the GP practice (perhaps ask for a call with the practice manager) because if you hadn't got help you did you could have fainted at home with with baby or worse. Just saying no appointments in your situation was awful.

This. Genuinely piss poor. What are they there for then? Are they all at home just signing sick notes on their laptops and watching telly? None of your presenting symptoms could possibly C-19 related.

blvdbrokendreams · 23/04/2021 07:12

The doctor is so mad I haven't been able to see a gp. I'll be sending them a letter as soon as I feel up to it. Physically I am already feeling a lot better and I feel hungry for the first time in weeks. I am so glad I came in. My husband is furious at the doctors surgery

OP posts:
Unsure33 · 23/04/2021 07:27

I too would be angry about the GP .

The covid cases are so low at the moment I really don’t see why they could not see you . Even on a phone appointment they could have arranged for you to go in and be tested . It really is very bad. Our GP has been very good throughout the crisis , so there is no excuse.

Glad you have your diagnosis and treatment.

Apileofballyhoo · 23/04/2021 07:29

You'll be home before you know it, OP. It is a disgrace you couldn't see your GP. MN diagnosed you with a few posts! Second what somebody said above about diabetes being very manageable now. My BIL struggled in the beginning but never does now.

eaglejulesk · 23/04/2021 07:31

Best of luck OP and I'm pleased you are being sorted now and you are feeling better. Your GP has behaved appallingly - most of us on MN thought diabetes as soon as we read your symptoms, and yet your GP wouldn't even see you? Disgraceful. Flowers

RandomMess · 23/04/2021 07:32

Glad you are already feeling better Thanks

EarringsandLipstick · 23/04/2021 07:33

I'm really glad you've a diagnosis & are feeling better.

ShamrockHillz · 23/04/2021 07:36

Hope the gp sorts it’s ASAP op.

I had similar after dd and it turns out it was my iron levels. They were dangerously low. It’s easily fixable. Don’t worry, the blood test will sort it Flowers

ShamrockHillz · 23/04/2021 07:37


Hope the gp sorts it’s ASAP op.

I had similar after dd and it turns out it was my iron levels. They were dangerously low. It’s easily fixable. Don’t worry, the blood test will sort it Flowers

Ignore that, didn’t see your update!
KarmaNoMore · 23/04/2021 07:37

Hope you feel better after a good rest and reassured when they start taking action to lower your sugar levels. so glad you went to A&E

Wagsandclaws · 23/04/2021 07:39

So glad you got a diagnosis, the diabetes team will be great and you will be on top of things in no time 😊

Bimblesalong · 23/04/2021 07:43

Glad you got your diagnosis. There is a lot of support out there.
My son ate for Britain once he was diagnosed and on insulin! He’s now 21 and away at Uni.

Nomorepies · 23/04/2021 07:47

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Nith · 23/04/2021 07:51

If your GPs are really not taking appointments, I suspect they're in breach of their NHS contract. This needs to be pursued up to the top.

oakleaffy · 23/04/2021 07:54


The doctor is so mad I haven't been able to see a gp. I'll be sending them a letter as soon as I feel up to it. Physically I am already feeling a lot better and I feel hungry for the first time in weeks. I am so glad I came in. My husband is furious at the doctors surgery

It is unbelievable that you couldn't get an appointment.

Another ''Covid'' 'casualty'....As in, anything that isn't covid just gets put on the back burner.

It absolutely isn't right that you couldn't be seen by your GP...Thank goodness you had the good sense to go to Casualty.

So glad you are feeling betterish.
Ellmau · 23/04/2021 07:56

Definitely complain formally to the GP. Not to even give a phone consultation is shocking.

Glad the hospital has taken you and best of luck managing the diabetes.


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Standrewsschool · 23/04/2021 08:00

Glad you’re feeling better and found the route of your illness, although sorry you’re ill.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 23/04/2021 08:10

Thank goodness you went in when you did!
Unchecked diabetes can be terrible, but now you have a diagnosis, albeit a life-changing one, at least you'll be on the right treatment path to get back to nearly normal.

I think a stiff letter to the GP surgery would definitely be in order.

Squiz81 · 23/04/2021 08:14

So pleased you got this sorted. Had you told the dr surgery your symptoms as my initial thought was diabetes and I have zero medical experience. Surely this would flag up with a receptionist?!

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