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General health

Really not feeling like myself and feeling very ill

277 replies

blvdbrokendreams · 22/04/2021 18:35

I am 26 and a mum to an 8 month old. I am really struggling with eating. I feel sick when I eat and feel better if I force it down. I then feel better for about half an hour and then feel sick again. I'm exhausted. I know I'm a mum to a little one but this is beyond exhaustion. I could nap all day and still sleep all night. I can actually feel my eyes shutting when I'm changing her nappy. I'm constantly thirsty. And all I want is sugar. Orange juice or full sugar cola.
I took a pregnancy test on the off chance and both came back negative. I had a period 10 days ago so I'm thinking that's very unlikely.
I rang the doctors who told me no appointments because of covid and if I'm worried to call 111.
I dont think it's an out of hours gp thing. It doesn't feel like a hospital thing. It's been going on for 5 days. And I'm starting to worry

OP posts:
ButeIsle · 22/04/2021 20:38

You are in the right place. Take care.

LapinR0se · 22/04/2021 20:40

Hope you are seen v soon xx

blvdbrokendreams · 22/04/2021 20:53

I've had some bloods and urine taken..there is a lot of sugar in my urine but there waiting for the doctor to see me. Chance I might have to stay in

OP posts:
largeginforme · 22/04/2021 20:56

Hope all is okay Thanks

Silvercatowner · 22/04/2021 21:07

Oh bless you, OP. I'm afraid my OH had these symptoms before he was diagnosed with late onset type 1 diabetes.

opinionminion · 22/04/2021 21:11

Thinking of you, please update when you are strong enough Thanks

Corncorncorn · 22/04/2021 21:14

Good luck OP. It sounds very frightening.

Lougle · 22/04/2021 21:15

You're in the right place now. I hope they get you some answers soon.

HeronLanyon · 22/04/2021 21:16

Good luck op.

ConnieCaterpillar70 · 22/04/2021 21:32

Glad you're being seen OP. I'm diabetic and it all sounds very familiar.

It's also very easily managed, just for reassurance in case.

Hope you feel much better soon.

Dearzooimsickofyou · 22/04/2021 21:32

Good luck, op

QuarantineQueen · 22/04/2021 21:43

Glad you are being seen and they have some clues what is wrong so they can get you sorted Flowers

longcoffeebreak · 22/04/2021 21:46

Well done for going to hospital so quickly

blvdbrokendreams · 22/04/2021 22:01

They want to keep me in overnight for more tests. I fainted on standing up. My husband can't be with me and I'm really worried and feeling very alone. I miss my baby girl

OP posts:
RandomMess · 22/04/2021 22:03

It is horrible being there on your own but you will be ok. Have you your phone charger and credit card?

Lougle · 22/04/2021 22:05

You need to stay. Please hear that. You are very unwell. Your DD will be ok, she's not newborn, her Dad can cope. You need to be treated.

blvdbrokendreams · 22/04/2021 22:05

@RandomMess I have my charger and cards with me. I feel so ill. They've done a covid test and the ward is quiet. I'm going to video call my husband in the morning to see my baby. I'm so so tired

OP posts:
blvdbrokendreams · 22/04/2021 22:07

@Lougle I'm definitely staying. I'm glad I went in. Not so nice fainting in a and e and waking up on the floor with a doctor and a nurse hovering over me. Thank you. I know she will be ok. Its just strange being away from her

OP posts:
nimbuscloud · 22/04/2021 22:07

You’re in the right place.

GentlyGentlyOhDear · 22/04/2021 22:09

Your dd will be sleeping so hopefully won't notice your absence and she will be fine with her dad Smile Completely normal that you will miss her but you will see her very soon. Focus on getting some rest and distracting yourself.

BlueJag · 22/04/2021 22:11

You poor girl. I do think it's diabetes. Best of luck ❤️

Wagsandclaws · 22/04/2021 22:14

Op hope you are sorted out soon and they get to the bottom of things 💐


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Sunshinesandice · 22/04/2021 22:15

Gosh I really hope you’re ok lovely thinking of you x

GlitterBiscuits · 22/04/2021 22:15

Best of luck OP. Mumsnet is great for distraction at times like this.

LIZS · 22/04/2021 22:17

If your blood sugars are high, make sure they also check your ketones. Complications can be serious.

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