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Do you wear panty liners every day?

59 replies

Crossfitgirl · 28/03/2019 21:50

I wear thin liners every day as I hate anything other than feeling totally dry down there. Is this normal?
One of my friends says she changes her knickers twice a day for that reason.... What do you do?

OP posts:
Nala8 · 31/03/2019 05:52

Yes I do every day. Have had to since having my baby Sad

gotmychocolateimgood · 31/03/2019 05:32

Huge cotton pants changed twice a day here. No liners. The plastic wastage is worrying.

Leyani · 31/03/2019 05:18

I mostly use reusable liners, unless I’m travelling when I go to single use ones. I wear comfy briefs rather than g-strings anyway so no issue with them fitting

squeekums · 31/03/2019 04:37

<a class="break-all" href="//" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">//

They look damn bulky compared to the disposable ones, plus they won't fit a gstring

MashedSpud · 29/03/2019 08:17

No. I’m lucky I don’t need them. I have enough faff with pads during my period I wouldn’t want that every day.

WitsEnding · 29/03/2019 08:07

I have slight bladder weakness, so I wear a liner in situations where I might struggle to reach a loo in time (long journeys etc). I dislike them and feel a lot less damp and sweaty without them - pre-children I found no knickers for ventilation was the best, if wearing a skirt.

Crossfitgirl · 29/03/2019 08:06

Oooh found these, and some bamboo ones on amazon. May give these a whirl!

OP posts:
Prequelle · 29/03/2019 08:03

Also don't get any sweatiness despite being on a boiling hot ward, on my feet all day and wearing tights! I must be lucky

Prequelle · 29/03/2019 08:01


Prequelle · 29/03/2019 08:00

No but I'm one of those women who very rarely get discharge

Crossfitgirl · 29/03/2019 07:57

I'm going to have to search for this other thread, sounds interesting. It sounds like lots of people manage without. Maybe I might try just changing my knickers often and see how I feel... But that does mean more washing and more of a carbon footprint.... And feeling damp! Plus I am pregnant so dampness is varying greatly from normal.

We do lots for the environment already and try to use as little plastic as possible, but tbh hadn't even considered this!

Does anyone have any recommendations for biodegradable ones or reusable ones? @willwinlottery what washable ones do you use?

OP posts:
pinkboa · 28/03/2019 23:23


Only on the end days of my period.

I have also stopped sleeping in underwear unless on my period and try to get away with wearing none as much as I can.... and yes that means when I'm going out in public.... but depends on what I'm wearing though.

eurochick · 28/03/2019 23:18

Don't they have plastic in them? I wouldn't have thought you should be burning that.

I only use them when due on or at the end of my period. For general dampness almost all underwear has a cotton gusset which stops natural secretions from reaching clothes. It's what it is there for.

Perfick · 28/03/2019 23:02

Where can I get moisture wicking underwear from? Sounds like a good alternative.

Perfick · 28/03/2019 23:01

I wear them for certain times through my cycle. Some days I'm dryer than others. Some days I'd need to change my underwear two or three times if I didn't use a liner. I use cotton-feel liners so don't get sweaty or itchy.

In the winter I throw them in the wood burner, not in the bin.

Whynham · 28/03/2019 23:00

Never used them. I just change my underwear if I feel I need to which isn't often.

EEELA · 28/03/2019 22:53

I wear moisture wicking underwear during the warmer months, and either period underwear or a moon cup (or both) during my period. I've haven't worn panty liners since I was about 11 and my periods were a drop of blood a day for 3 weeks straight.

BUT I know many women do.

Ellieboolou27 · 28/03/2019 22:53

Only use them when on a period. I don’t like the feel of them and think they actually can made you sweat more. Also terrible for the environment!

willwinlottery · 28/03/2019 22:50

Yes I need to use them everyday. Now I use washable ones for cost and environmental reasons but going without is not an option!

Bigonesmallone3 · 28/03/2019 22:47

I remember that, got picked up by the 'news' also

Bunnyfuller · 28/03/2019 22:47

No. I struggle with pads as it is. I’m v allergic to glue and despite it not being on my skin I get v sore. Hate tampons, and am now mid peri menopause so bugger all idea what happens any given day!

Sarahlou63 · 28/03/2019 22:44

No. Don't wear any underwear (55 and 10 years post hysterectomy) and no issues with discharge, dribbling or dampness.


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OldAndWornOut · 28/03/2019 22:42

There was a huge thread about this a while ago, with people getting really aggravated!

ThroughThickAndThin01 · 28/03/2019 22:42

No dampness here. Ever. Before menopause. During menopause. A little after menopause. Seems like some posters assume it’s the norm. Not for me.

AloneLonelyLoner · 28/03/2019 22:41

I do most days although I try not too. I get crazy discharge especially mid cycle or standing within 3 ft of my partner! which make me feel like I've wet myself. Horrible. And no I'm not ashamed. Just like to not have damp patches on my clothes.

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