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what was your mums SNAZZIEST recipe when you were little

418 replies

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 13:47

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MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:28

oh that's reminded me of those sponge flan bases where you put peach halves or whatever in them and cover with that flan jelly stuff to set it (or arrowroot) - they were quite nice actually ! And junket !!

JackieNo · 10/01/2008 14:28

My mum used to do a lime jelly in a circular mould, with coleslaw inside it. To go with meat fondue, naturally. I never ate it - looked too horrible.

But she also used to do mint choc chip angel delight - chocolate angel delight, with a couple of drops of peppermint essence, and mint chocolate chopped up and stirred in. Gorgeous.

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:29

lime jelly and coleslaw - nice !
I made blancmange the other day for a bit of nostalgia.

CountessDracula · 10/01/2008 14:29

pink because my mum used to put tomato puree in it as my dad hated white sauces

It still doesn't feel right to me when I have it without

FooFooTheSnoo · 10/01/2008 14:31

I think the lime jelly with coleslaw takes the prize

FooFooTheSnoo · 10/01/2008 14:33

My mum made the kids Angel Delight. They came home saying "Grandma's found a great new pudding " Wouldn't be surprised if she'd had it in her cupboard since 1976.

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:33

does anyone remember that thread which had a link to the bizarre recipe cards ? was last year sometime...

JackieNo · 10/01/2008 14:33

One of my favourite things was 'No name pudding'. Tin of fruit salad, suspended in jelly (orange, I think) as a bottom layer, then a layer of Dream Topping, and a layer of crushed digestive biscuits on the top. Sounds strange, but was absolutely delicious.

DrNortherner · 10/01/2008 14:35

Cottage Pie:

Tinned mince and gravy
Packet of Smash on top

My mother = shite cook

JackieNo · 10/01/2008 14:35

Not the bizarre recipe cards, but this is similar, and very funny.

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:36

yes, that was it ! love it !

Blu · 10/01/2008 14:39

My top choc cake recipe (with evaporated milk in it) is my Mum's from the Be-Ro book.
And she has the cookery year - invaluable!

I love the presentation of food in the old 'Marguerite patten' books and various Hamlyn cookery books - all very luridly coloured and over-garnished.

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:42

I think mum's was a Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook

bozza · 10/01/2008 14:43

I still make some of these. My pavlova disappeared fairly rapidly on Boxing Day, mind you. And also sometimes do trifles which go down quite well.

My Mum used to make sweet and sour in the 70s. It would be chicken or pork battered and deepfried served with a sweet and sour sauce which involved peas, pineapple, ketchup, vinegar, lemon juice etc and also stodgy white rice and chips. That was my favourite. My sisters were keener on sausage, egg and chips, or bacon, egg and chips, or leftover meat, beans and chips which were served rather more regularly. This was the 70s but I was only 7 in 1980.

The 80s saw us become more exotic with mexican chicken from a schwartz packet. My Mum's version of spag bol etc. She also used to make quiches which she called flans with whole sausages in them.

Anchovy · 10/01/2008 14:48

Ooh Bink, I think the canape chessboard was from the Marguerite Patten book - very multicoloured inside, pale blue/grey cover. My mum had one as a wedding present (1962). A couple of years ago DH bought me one from a jumble sale for my birthday for a quid and I nearly cried when I turned the pages, the "resonance" was so strong (recipes entertainingly iffy though!).

We had the Readers' Digest cookery year as well - deffo agree it was ahead of its time - I think that was the defining moment when we acheived a patina of sophistication. There was a lovely recipe for barbecued spare ribs which I still cook.

My mum's snazziest recipe was butterscotch angels' delight with thin slices of mars bar in it. We would be hyper with excitement both before and after it!

Aitch · 10/01/2008 14:49

orm, it's not any more complicated than...

look in fridge, find that you have some leftover cream and some leftover yog because your dh has OPENED THEM and USED A TEENY BIT without mentioning this to you. using irritation alone, whip cream, calm down and then gently add nice thick yog and strawbs/rasps/whatever.

if you're feeling fancy, do this in a glass bowl because then when you put lots of lovely brown sugar on top you'll see the sugar melts overnight (or in a few hours) in the fridge and drops through the dessert so that with the fruit etc it looks all marbled and yum. it's lovely served with home-made shortbread.

OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:50

My mum had a product-based recipe book from the 70s' but I can't remember what it was but perhaps someone here recognises it. It was paper-back and there were recipes in it based around the social/work lives of two groovy girls one of whom was called Samantha. She and her mate (whose name escapes me) worked in the music industry or TV and she had the hots for some hideous looking beardy who eventually fell for her on the basis of the way she catered for an unexpected party at her pad. The 'recipes' were slotted into suitable points in the narrative.

Anyone? Tell me it's not just a figment of my imagination. Well actually I know it isn't because mum took it to their holiday house and I saw it there about 10 yrs ago.

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:51

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kittylouise · 10/01/2008 14:52

Lol at the pink cauliflower cheese because your dad didn't like white sauces

Also jelly stories have made me reminisce about jellies and blancmanges that gran used to make in red plastic moulds in the shape of bunny rabbits. And she ALWAYS overcatered for parties (something I have inherited) so you would have about 12 rabbits of all different colours - used to look like a surreal Watership Down!

Aitch · 10/01/2008 14:53

lol, we actually got a dog cookie jar because of that. my mum hated t but we kids all thought it trez groovy. my mum was a strictly mary berry gal, though, delia was a johnny-come-lately as far as my mother was concerned.

Aitch · 10/01/2008 14:54

my mum had a book from th milk marketing board called 'baking with cream' and the words on the cover had Actually Been Piped Out! how's that for sophisticated?

kittylouise · 10/01/2008 14:55

What is it about recipe cards and hideous recipes?

Picked one up from Costa Coffee before Christmas for a cranberry, pink grapefruit, prawn and feta salad. Who the bloody hell thought those ingredients would taste nice together.

Sounds like one of those uber pretentious 19 year old chefts from Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares.


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FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:55

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Bink · 10/01/2008 14:56

I'm still trying to remember what the budget caviare was called - something with a Scandinavian feel I think.

Do you remember when duvets were called Continental Quilts?

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:56

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