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what was your mums SNAZZIEST recipe when you were little

418 replies

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 13:47

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OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:02

For all those fellow sodastream children, did you find that it ever tasted like real cola, or limeade or lemonade? Because ours always seemed not quite right. Might be because mum restricted the amt of concentrate in fear of toothrot

CountessDracula · 10/01/2008 14:02

yes we had the cookery year
What is the bero book?

Scramble · 10/01/2008 14:02

LOL at the juice for a starter, there are still some chinese's that serve this as a starter.

PIL still treat fresh orange like something special, they have it in what can only be described as shot glasses with breakfast. And look at me strangely when I fill a tumbler to have with my lunch.

Aitch · 10/01/2008 14:02

home-made pizza, she'd been to italy don'tchaknow? (albeit
with orange cheddar cheese...)

in all honesty, it was her signature thing, she got big tins of olive oil posted over. i remember her wafting about in a kaftan in the kitchen, trying to get the oven hot enough for the pizza stone to go in. my dad used to complain that if he opened the (eye-level, natch) oven he ran the risk of his enormous nylon shirt collars going up.

ivykaty44 · 10/01/2008 14:03

My mum made lasagna, spanish prok chop and the most beautiful pavlova with whipped cream and strawberries.

Oh such happy memories

CountessDracula · 10/01/2008 14:03

we had pink cauliflower cheese

CatIsSleepy · 10/01/2008 14:03

Orm, we had a sodastream and the drinks never tasted right

ivykaty44 · 10/01/2008 14:04

pork - sorry

MrsCarrot · 10/01/2008 14:04

Egg and chips and banana custard was the norm, then when my mother got snazzy it was egg fried rice and butterscotch angel delight.

Slouchy · 10/01/2008 14:04

Drac - pink?

kittylouise · 10/01/2008 14:05

Pink cauliflower cheese?

What made it pink?

Beetroot? Cochineal? Blood?

Scramble · 10/01/2008 14:05

Bero Book you can still buy it today in the bigger supermarkets in the flour aisle.

Aitch · 10/01/2008 14:05

ormrian, yes to the home-made yoghurt! in that horrible mustard coloured machine.

although it wasn't snazzy until it had strawberries, whipped cream and loads of brown sugar on top. in individual glass long-stem dishes.

(it's a recipe i still do, actually, it's bloody lovely, the brown sugar melts through the yog and leaves pretty marbley trails).

CatIsSleepy · 10/01/2008 14:05

ooh now I'm remembering strawberry shortcake with lots of cream

and fab mousses-chocolate was the best
and home-made trifle

she's a damned good cook actually my mum, baked beans in the chilli con carne notwithstanding

Scramble · 10/01/2008 14:06

My used to spend hours, nay months making the Christmas cake in the Bero book. It was awfull but we never had the heart to tell her it was dry and solid.

tortoise · 10/01/2008 14:06

My favourite meal my mum made has to be Cheddar curry. Its gorgeous.

I am waiting for her to send me the recipe so i can try making it!!

kittylouise · 10/01/2008 14:06

How can you just post pink cauliflower cheese and leave it unexplained (huff puff emoticon)

CatIsSleepy · 10/01/2008 14:07

cheddar curry??

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:07

baked alaska
pies with pastry leaves on the top and a blackbird pie funnel in the centre
a pudding called Boodles which was those trifle sponges soaked in orange and lemon juice and whipped cream

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:09

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Scramble · 10/01/2008 14:09

My dad flirted with Lentil pie in the 80's no one ate it then he made it into lentil pate. Or the otherway round. Which ever way I remember howling because he made me eat it. We hid his cook book.

CatIsSleepy · 10/01/2008 14:10

ooh one of my all-time favourite desserts was bananas and mandarin segments in cream, with lots of brown sugar on top, shoved under the grill

blimey I'm so nostalgic for my mum's cooking now


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OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:11

aitch - please tell me how do you do that thing with the brown sugar??? Because a friends' mum (who was very snazzy in all areas) used to do it and it was luverly. She seriously impressed me with her modern house and furniture, mild swearing and occasional social smoking...

Slouchy · 10/01/2008 14:11

Oh god, just rememebred stuffed marrow. We seemed to have it all the time - soggy marrow with a greasy layer of mince/mushroom/onion in the middle.

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:11

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