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what was your mums SNAZZIEST recipe when you were little

418 replies

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 13:47

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Butterbur · 08/04/2011 10:12

It was Vesta beef curry or Frey Bentos steak and kidney pies round ours (60s and 70s).

Instant whip for afterwards, or tinned fruit salad with evaporated milk.

MackerelOfFact · 08/04/2011 10:04

Oh and 'chicken tikka' which was cubes of chicken breast marinaded in yoghurt and curry powder and then grilled on skewers until all moisture has been removed and yoghurt takes on a metallic flavour. Served with Uncle Bens, naturally.

MackerelOfFact · 08/04/2011 09:59

My mum used to make fish pie with boiled eggs and, inexplicably, tinned plum tomatoes in it.

Also shepherd's pie with baked beans - WTF? She always said it meant she didn't have to put tomatoes in it, but why would you put tomatoes in it anyway?

MikeRotch · 07/04/2011 13:27



and who remembers danish "Open sandwiches"

cybbo · 07/04/2011 13:25

My mum made chocolate biscuits with a crunchy crumb base and they were known by the most dreadfully racist name because..well we didnt know any better

She made 'orange fluff' which was semi set jelly whipped into evaporated milk. The whole thing curdled

MikeRotch · 07/04/2011 13:23


MikeRotch · 07/04/2011 13:20


GetOrfMoiLand · 14/01/2010 14:20

This is such a funny thread.

Cjrist we were all poisoned by homemade curries in the 70s and 80s.

Ormirian has made me lol on this thread.

Plus PSML at 100times 'my mum didn't do snazzy, she did as quick as you can and then orf for a fag'

BecauseImWorthIt · 14/01/2010 14:19

Apparently everyone was to be provided with their own tray or small table, and the meal should be served from a trolley.

"If possible, provide each person with his own container of salt, pepper, etc, to avoid having to hand these round. Other pieces of equipment which will save you several journeys include: electric plate warmers, kettles, coffee-makers and toasters, and vacuum jugs and containers for keeping food hot or cold"

Wouldn't it be easier just to have a bloody dinner party?!

BecauseImWorthIt · 14/01/2010 14:17

I have Good Housekeepings Book of Entertaining, published in 1955, which my mum was given on her 21st birthday. One of the chapters is called "TV Entertaining". It starts:

"Informal fireside entertaining has increased in popularity as more people have become television viewers. Whether light refreshments or a more substantial meal are needed, these must be so arranged that they can be eaen with the minimum of fuss and disturbance"

Woe betide that food should get in the way of watching the TV!

RolandButter · 14/01/2010 14:07

and roar at "liver creole"

RolandButter · 14/01/2010 13:47

lol at gammon and pineapple

RolandButter · 14/01/2010 13:37


AlaskaNebraska · 01/11/2009 13:40

looking for baked alsaka tips

GetOrfMoiLand · 13/01/2008 19:07

Gammon and pineapple urrrgh

The gammon was so bright pink it didn't look like meat. Gran used to serve it up with pineapple and egg.

Pineapple and egg is not a good combo. I still remember the doom I felt when the pineapple juice mixed with the egg yolk, and I knew I had to eat this revolting mix.

justpinions · 12/01/2008 21:29

Gosh - can't not add to!

Curry with dessicated coconut and sliced banana (in a special, reserved only for this bowl) - check.

A yoghurt maker thing that you had to plug in - check. The yoghurts tasted rank, even with sugar.

A really weird plastic box of recipes, the box was grey at the bottom and had a see through blue/grey lid - check. And had a slightly funny smell??

"Scallops" a strange sea-shell thing filled with fish that you scooped out, washed the shell, mixed with mash and then added the mixture back to???!!

Tuna casserole.

Gammon with pineapple which is still served - rrrrank.

Walls viennetta mid eighties.


Spidermama · 12/01/2008 17:37

My mum used to do 'Hungarian' Goulash. It was slightly creamy with a bit too much paprika in it.

Mommalove · 12/01/2008 17:34

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Blandmum · 12/01/2008 16:33

Her poshest meal was BBQ pork chops. Not cooked on a BBQ, this was the 70s and no-one had ever seen a BBQ. But she would make a BBQ sauce and cook the pork chops in it.

Poshest 'afters' was a mandarin segment flan toppped with Quick Jel

RachAndFamousNot · 12/01/2008 16:31

Liver creole. Liver in a tomato gravy with sweetcorn.
Green's cheesecake from a packet, also lemon meringue pie from packet too, as also mentioned.
Lots from the good housekeeping cookery book (melting moments anyone? mmmmmmmm). Chicken fried rice, also my dad travelled a lot and made (still does) amazing curries from scratch.


MaryAnnSingleton · 12/01/2008 16:15

my mum did marrow stuffed with minced beef,with a white sauce over it. The cut end of the marrow was stuck back on using strands of raw spaghetti to pin it together - was very nice, actually !

ArcticRoll · 12/01/2008 14:45

Marrow stuffed with corned beef-
My mum had a corned beef recipe book and we had a variety of innovative recipes using this delicacy.

'Pizza' made with scone base,cheddar cheese and luminous danish salami.


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Mamamoor · 12/01/2008 14:09

Not snazzy but very 70s! My Mum had a YogoMagic yogurt maker! - 'it was yogurt Jim, but not as we know it'. It hummed away overnight and the the result was truly vile. In the end she gave up since none of us would eat it!!

Bobbiewickham · 12/01/2008 11:04

Can I resurrect this?

Did anyone have Bonne Femme?

Basically fish baked in white sauce with black flecks in it (boak)

Out of a packet, naturally.

It only occurred to me when I left home that not everything came in a paper sachet.
We used to have a box of them in the cupboard, like a mini filing cabinet.

There'd be Cumberland Pork, Spaghetti Bolognese, Bonne Femme....just thaw out the relevant meat and bob's your uncle.

They didn't seem to suffer from competitive mummy syndrome in those days, did they?

Whatever got you through the week was fine.

I remember when she discovered courgettes. She chopped them into discs and boiled them until they were grey. You could have eaten them with a straw.

She also discovered lasagne in the 80s, which required two packets (bolognese and cheese sauce). She used to serve it with a bowl of chips each.

I bloody loved it until it was time to wash up. She would use every pan in the house.

Scramble · 11/01/2008 23:08

Come to think of it I used to put vinager on my lettuce in the days when you only ever had mayo or salad cream. Mum thought I was bonkers I loved it, no olive oil though. Never thought vinagerette would become so popular.

MIL not so long ago was still using olive oil to fry, letting it cool then draining it back into the bottle, urgh! I soon learned not to use her olive oil as a salad dressing.

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