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what was your mums SNAZZIEST recipe when you were little

418 replies

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 13:47

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Bink · 10/01/2008 14:12

canapé chessboard - 2-inch square sandwiches, brown ones with smoked salmon in, white ones with budget "caviare" - all arranged neatly.

I remember vividly the Christmas when every party buffet (including ours) featured Chinese Leaf Salad.

tortoise · 10/01/2008 14:12

Yes CatIsSleepy, cheddar curry! The chunks of cheddar went into the curry right at the end iirc so they didn't totally melt! yumm.

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:13

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OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:13

No. I haven't cod. But perhaps I should. I rememnber thinking she was soooo sophisticated compared to my ma.

FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:13

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FluffyMummy123 · 10/01/2008 14:13

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OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:14

Yes I do.

OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:15

In fact not about but exactly.

FooFooTheSnoo · 10/01/2008 14:15

Chicken Marengo

Vesta chilli

CatIsSleepy · 10/01/2008 14:15

yikes tortoise-I don't think I'll be trying that myself in a hurry

Mommalove · 10/01/2008 14:15

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MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:15

anyone know what tuna casserole is ? with tinned tuna ? they were always having that for dinner in US tv programs - that an pot roast...

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:16

my mum did chicken marengo too !

Mommalove · 10/01/2008 14:16

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OrmIrian · 10/01/2008 14:17

and meatloaf, maryann. I remember that in that thing with Roseann Barr and the fat man (?)

Jennster · 10/01/2008 14:17

Cookbook CHECK
Yoghurt maker CHECK
SodaStream CHECK

We had Sweet and Sour Pork (from scratch) Bolognaise, groundnut stew, palmoil chop.....but they were my Dad's recipes

kittylouise · 10/01/2008 14:18

Off topic, but Gran's snazziest kitchen tool was her blender, bloody thing was huge and the glass jug was a funny rusty colour with a vile green lid and it made a racket

I used to make milkshakes with it and she used to go mad, shouting at me to turn it off before I broke the motor.

She never used it herself - ever - I think she was scared

chrissnow · 10/01/2008 14:18

my mum made moussaka (vile) sole veronique (double vile) or navarone of lamb (really mega vile!!) Her real party piece was fondue tho!!
She had the marks and spencers recipes for entertaining book (she still has it actually and reading it is very entertaining!!) she used to put 2 ticks by the things she'd cooked succesfully and 1 by the things that weren't a hit!!

Bink · 10/01/2008 14:18

oh - on the 70s curries, with the sultanas & all the little bowls of condiments (eg bananas) - we had a tube of Bombay Duck, which would come out of the cupboard ceremoniously, be howled at, not eaten, & returned to the cupboard. I think it was there for 15 years, not exaggerating.

(Bombay Duck is dried fish, by the way)

kittylouise · 10/01/2008 14:20

Were everybody's kitchen cupboards filled with such delights as tinned pilchards and packets of sago, tapioca and semolina?

FooFooTheSnoo · 10/01/2008 14:20

I used to do a tuna pie when I was a student. Onion, peppers, tin of tuna and tin of mushroom soup! Bleurch.

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:20

mum had some hysterical old cookery books with recipes for things like rice mould - the very name is vile - cold rice turned out from a mould decorated with bits of veg or pineapple rings, or jellied savoury rings with tomato in - thank God she never attempted those !


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chrissnow · 10/01/2008 14:22

did anyone elses mum do the salmon mousse in a fish shaped mould and then add 'cucmber scales'? That thing used to freak me out!!

MaryAnnSingleton · 10/01/2008 14:22

get busy with the whizzy...soda stream !

Fimbo · 10/01/2008 14:24

Chicken in white sauce (bought from M & S) and dumped over the top of a croissant. Still gives me the shudders thinking about it.

Another scrummy treat was one of those fluted sponge bases, topped with Dream Topping and tinned mandarin oranges.

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