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Mental health

help me get through the next 12 hours

156 replies

legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 21:55

This is the first post I've done and can't believe I' posting it - although I constantly feel at the end of my tether, now I really think I may be there.

By way of background (which is doubtless boring and somewhat narcissistic (SP?), but bear with me as I suspect that half the battle will be me writing this down and getting it off my chest:

I've suffered from clinical depression since my mid teens. I grew up in a small town where social connections were very important, my parents came from overseas and didn't fit in, I was a fairly bright but not very confident child, and did what I had to to adapt to the circumstances. Which meant, as a result of my perfectionist tendencies, succumbing to anorexia/bulimia. I dropped out of university after my first year in order to sort this out, had a break down of sorts (sent to counselling, which was completely hopeless as I managed to convince the counsellor that it was all my parents' fault - which it really wasn;t) - and after a year off was strong enough to take myself back to university and earn myself a really good law degree. Except that, instead of relying on my ability to control food, I just drank a lot and exercised obsessively. All of which qualified me nicely to be a highly successful work hard/play hard lawyer for the following decade, in the course of which I had a successful career and ended up in London with an equally successful partner. The depression, naturally, never wore off - it comes in bouts, but I've always worked on the basis that knowing your enemy gets you a long way - and if you keep busy your mind gets diverted into other things. I told my husband and he listened but I don't think you can really understand unless you've been there.

Anyway, we decided to start a family. Obviously we both had careers, and we agreed that his would come first but subject to some important parameters - he'd stay home until the nanny arrived in the morning - so that I could start really early if necessary - and that he'd come home one night a week (so that I could have some semblance of a social life). Neither of which has happened, and I;ve ended up in a job that I wouldn't have chosen, through necessity. I'm in a bigger house - something I've always made clear is not important to me - and am 12.000 miles from either of our families. None of our friends have children/ We've just moved house and I know no-one nearby. DH has been working on a project in a different city for the last nine months, home only from after bedtime Friday until before sun up on Monday. In that period I've had to move house completely solo, as well as working full time and taking responsibility for all chores, household admin etc (Poor me )

So far I'm surviving and putting the best show that I can on for DS (aged 2.5), but although I've coped with a hell of a lot of stuff for almost 20 years, I'm worried that I'm near breaking point. So if you can, just say something supportive. Don't bother to suggest that I ring some kind of helpline / speak to my GP because frankly, I've been there, done that several times now, and it ain't going to make a difference. I WILL cope, just that right now, I need someone to say something that indicates to me that I'm not a complete loser.

OK - rant over, feel slightly better already, but any comments welcomed, at the risk of reducing me to tears

OP posts:
legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 22:30

BB - I've moved (and am dealing with the consequences - getting rid of stuff that you loved/ paid hard earned cash for but just looks in your new house - why is it so hard to get rid of stuff in an efficient way?

OP posts:
LittleLupin · 12/07/2007 22:30

They don't have an amah yet, but I think they are looking at some sort of help. Not full time though.

My ex fiance's parents lived in HK and she totally outsourced the childcare. First to nanies/amahs and then boarding school - just so she could maintain her heavy "lunch/tennis/drink too much gin" schedule . ExF and his brother were utterly fucked up.

Wow! Thread digression or WHAT!

Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 22:32

I love playing tennis and have no help with housework or childcare at all. (I play when all 3 are in school).

Butterbeertroot · 12/07/2007 22:32

elasticwoman - great way to remember it - I think you should start a thread all it's own


legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 22:33

Thread digression is a good thing. I'd hate to have a one track mind.

Ew - would love to meet some locals but work full time and frankly am slightly suspicious of the locals here. Although confess that, lawyer like, I did disclose my location in the handle in case there were any other subversives in SE21/24. Am sure that not EVERYONE around here can be perfectly groomed and secure in their existence......

OP posts:
Butterbeertroot · 12/07/2007 22:33

oh you have moved - sorry skim read your first message.

I am still thrwoing away stuff form our move 18 months ago

Filchymindedvixen · 12/07/2007 22:34

aha, the more perfectly groomed, the more complete and utter fuck-ups, IME

LittleLupin · 12/07/2007 22:36

EW, my SIL plays tennis regularly, and looks after her 4 boys (at 3 different schools! and playing a ridiculous amount of sport) without any outside help. She is a marvel.

My almost MIL, on the other hand, is an evil cow.

Butterbeertroot · 12/07/2007 22:37

I run before work - only because the dc have to be in school by 745

Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 22:45

Do spill the beans on Evil Cow, Lupin!

Legalalien - why are you suspicious of the good folk of Dulwich, but don't mind baring your soul to complete strangers on MN? Yes I know, 100 reasons but even so, think about it ....

Butterbeertroot: I can't do links being somewhat ICT challenged but if you look up you may discover the source of my wisdom. The guy who runs that site was my tutor and is seriously brainy.
Sorry to be even more pedantic but "all its own" does not merit an apostrophe.

legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 22:47

Ew - you're completely right, and my underlying faith in the people of Dulwich is reflected in my choice of name. However, the locale's reputation precedes it (which in fact, means there are probably more highly strung folk out there than in any other post code).

OP posts:
LittleLupin · 12/07/2007 22:48

EW - she was a booze soaked, leather skinned harridan. When exF come home from school on exeats/hols, it was "oh my darling boy!" for 3 days, then he was in the way. He was shipped off to boarding school at 6. When we first started going out, she used to fondly reminisce about his ex in front of me - apparently she did the same thing to his next GF (now wife) about me!


Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 22:49

Come up here to the flooded north! (I'm not flooded as we live on the top of a hill).
I come from S E London and am glad to have got away. No way could I ever have been well groomed enough, even when straight out of the hairdresser's.

Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 22:52

Loon - my ILs regularly called me by dh's exgf's name when we were first married. They have got out of that habit now. We celebrate our silver wedding later this year and I am deffo dil NO 1. (Actually their only dil).

legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 22:55

Think we should rename this thread! My Parents IL also called me by ex DIL's name the first couple of times that they met met me, which resulted in a lot of embarassment when DH made it into an issue. If he'd done so on the other hand.... (hmm, regaining sense of humour, may be able to survive life without blonde highlights and botox for at least another week........ sense of humour returning.... I love you guys!)

OP posts:
Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 23:00

Legal I totally shocked the hairdresser when I told her it was my 40th birthday and I had never had a colour or a perm put in my hair. My hair is lucky if it gets a brush through it.

Botox?? Aren't they the muscles you try to improve to look good in jeans?

legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 23:01

There are supposed to be muscles in my jeans? Damn.

OP posts:
Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 23:05

I bought dead cheap pair of stretchy jeans by Fizz with sequins on. Which reminds me:

Sew on a sequin
It's sure to cheer you up
Sew on a sequin when you've drained life's bitter cup.
Sequins will brighten up the oldest shabby dress
Sequins are guaranteed to bring you happiness.

Try saying that last word in a French accent.

LittleLupin · 12/07/2007 23:07

PSML I have to go to bed, but LAID I think you are in good hands with EW! Night

Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 23:10

I have hot h awaiting my presence on the conjugal couch too. Who was it that burbled on about the peace & quiet of the double bed after the hurley-burley of the chaise longue?
Think it was Dorothy Parker but am open to other suggestions.

chikenmother · 12/07/2007 23:12

Perhaps you shoul lokk to the good things better than to te bad ones and take some time to smell the roses...Are you ill? unemploied? your son sick? your house destoyed? There are som many bad thigs that coilud happen, look at the good ones you have and enjoy it!! There is a solution for everything. Seeing a doctor can always help too...

Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 23:14

Yes, see a doctor if he's one of Struck Off & Die duo - saw them in Edinburgh c 1993. Now Tony Gardiner stars in My Parents Are Aliens. That's a tv prog you might enjoy Legalalien though you might have to tape it as you're probably at work when it's on.


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legalalienindulwich · 12/07/2007 23:15

Lucky cow(s). DH dishing out Very Important Advice and therefore not home (extra hard not to be cynical when once upon a time you were doing the same job. AM crap at being a trophy wife.)

Tx to both for saving my evening. Am now feeling GOOD thanks to supportive comments and *only one I swear due to 6.30 anticipated start^ glass of Viognier.

OP posts:
Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 23:20

My dh was once dishing out Important Advice to me along the lines of not leaving the landing light on, when due to his having recently lost a couple of stone in weight, his trousers fell down!

He has been somewhat slower in handing out the advice ever since.

Elasticwoman · 12/07/2007 23:21

Why am I still here? Must go. Night night all.

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