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Mental health

I am so fucking stupid WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??

57 replies

Thisisnotgood · 19/11/2014 19:41

Name-changed as I'm pretty embarrassed about this. If you happen to suss who I am (unlikely but possible) please keep it to yourself.

I'm being treated for depression which has mostly resulted from 3.5 years of almost constant pain, as well as possibly some traumatic 'issues' that I may not have entirely dealt with from when I was younger.

Years ago, as a teenager getting over/dealing with some fairly heavy stuff, I used to self-harm. I found that as doing that totally absorbed my focus it kinda pushed all the bad shit away for a while. It was always in places I could hide...

I haven't done that for a long time BUT as the depression has kinda taken hold I've found myself obsessing over any bumps or signs of ingrowing hairs around my bikini line. Which is obviously a nicely hidden place (see above).

It has been getting worse and worse, I've literally been picking holes in my skin, sticking needles in etc etc to get at an illusive (possibly non-existent) hair.

I've realised recently that the focus I get with this is mimicking what I used to do with the self-harm and it is definitely not healthy.

So far so bad...but now I've done something so stupid and I loathe myself for it. I got especially fixated the other night and was essentially gouging with a pin, sure I could see something else lower down, deeper under the skin.I did this for over an hour in one place. I didn't sterilise the safety pin. I am a total fucking idiot.

Eventually I forced myself to stop. The next day I had a nasty looking scab and swelling. Day after not too bad. TODAY I looked at it and decided it looked a bit infected so dabbed with tcp. The scab came off revealing a HOLE with greeny-black stuff in it. I think it's coming from inside all around it as it is quite swollen.

That's bad isn't it? I have never seen blackish stuff in a round before and I'm so freaked out. I'm seeing my dr on Friday about my meds and also a lump I have had on my neck for a couple of months or more (also freaking me out!!)

I will have to show her what I've done won't i? I probably need antibiotics. Is there any way I can pass this off as non-mental behaviour? A nasty spot that burst and got infected??

If you've read this far, here is a medal. So sorry for the epic post.

I'm really upset. Can't bear to tell DH.

OP posts:
CaulkheadUpNorth · 19/11/2014 21:59

That's depression. I needs treating because otherwise it can become harder and harder. The earlier you can be honest about it, the better support you can receive.

Like pp mentioned you can go to a and e or walk in centre if that would feel easier.

CaulkheadUpNorth · 19/11/2014 21:59

It needs treating not I! I'm being treated!!

Thisisnotgood · 19/11/2014 22:00

I'm on ads already x

OP posts:
CaulkheadUpNorth · 19/11/2014 22:03

That's not the only treatment available. Talking stuff helps, and there are masses of different types of ads and other stuff. It's about finding what's right for you.

Thisisnotgood · 19/11/2014 22:10

I know you're right. I don't really want to talk to anyone tho, and I am not in immediate danger so def shouldn't be fucking around in a&e

OP posts:
VoyagesOfAStarship · 19/11/2014 22:19

OP I've done the obsessive skin-picking and spot-picking thing in the past. The funny thing is although I've been depressed, anxious and stressed, I never really made the connection with self-harm until I saw your post, but I do see it now. "Focus" is such a good word for it. But I think the picking thing is quite common, and doesn't add up to "not coping" and isn't as serious as many forms of self-harm.

I would say to the GP that you have been a bit obsessive about ingrown hairs, hence the nasty infection which needs treatment, and you are a bit worried you can't stop picking sometimes. I think that's a reasonable summing-up and will alert them to the possibly depression-related aspect of it, but I don't think it will make you look stupid or deranged IYSWIM.

Flowers you have a lot to deal with, I don't think this is as terrible as you feel it is.

CaulkheadUpNorth · 19/11/2014 22:24

You've done really well writing it down. Would that work? The national self harm network have pages you can print where you just tick the box to say where on your body you need medical attention and if you want to talk of not. It's really helpful IMO

Thisisnotgood · 19/11/2014 22:27

I want to do what I used to do.

I'm not going to though I'm not.

Thank you, you guys are amazing xx

OP posts:
CaulkheadUpNorth · 19/11/2014 22:30

I set a timer sometimes and say ok, stay safe for these ten minutes (or however long). Then when the timer goes off I set it again.

You will get through this. Thanks

Thisisnotgood · 19/11/2014 22:33

Ha! Yes I count everything down.

I just have to make it to work.then I try to go til lunchtime. Then til the end of the meeting...

OP posts:
Thisisnotgood · 19/11/2014 22:35

I hate feeling like I'm a bit useless at work tho

OP posts:
CaulkheadUpNorth · 19/11/2014 22:38

If you were coping with diabetes or flu at work you would so everything you could to manage it, right? Think of this as a bit like that. Get advice from as many sources as possible. However hard that might feel, it can get better. It just takes the hugely enormous step of telling someone.

You've told us, and that is huge. Well done.

sparklecrates · 19/11/2014 22:49

hmmph you're infected so go to doc.
Don't panic about self harm etc. We all get absorbed doing spot squeezing eyebrow picking blackhead playing skin picking nail ripping silliness .. it part of being human a nd part of contemplation.. and its sometimes so absorbing for me I've realised people have been im and out of the bathroom only after a door sits on the way out. . and its like meditation! last year I got very absorbed in getting rid of an ingrowing nail thing and cut myself digging it out.. Then did it again two days later.. I'd hate it if people made me paranoid about self-harming .. and yes I enjoyed being absorbed then curious about the blood under the nail.

Don't fret.. but do visit the doc!

ExtraVolume · 20/11/2014 00:17

You won't be seen as not coping. Self harm is actually seen as a way of coping, albeit not always a healthy way. But if you are sensible enough to get medical attention if you need it that should reassure them.

I don't know what area you are from but I guarantee Social Services and the like are swamped and will only take notice of people who are really floundering, again and again. Not co-operating with advice and avoiding interacting with services like the GP are something they would see as a red flag.

Messymanda · 20/11/2014 09:24

Please go and see your GP. The best thing you can do for your lovely husband and kids, is to get help and support through this difficult time. Best wishes x

CaulkheadUpNorth · 20/11/2014 10:28

Hey, how are you doing this morning?

Thisisnotgood · 20/11/2014 22:14

Hey thanks for the nice words everyone.

caulkhead I don't know. Okay I guess. Managed work and DS1's parent teacher meeting thing. A few bursts of aching sadness at random points in the day. how are you doing? xx

sparklecrates I get what you are saying about the human compulsion to pick at stuff. I think I maybe didn't make it clear that it's not just the odd spot I get obsessed with. My inner thighs are just all ripped apart and covered in raw skin, scabs and horrible weepy bits. The thing the other night was bad because there is a real actual hole there- it's not a case of just having broken the skin. And I would NEVER let anyone else in the room while I'm doing it as I am literally gouging myself with a needle.

voyages thanks, it's nice to know you kinda understand.

I have almost managed to not do it today.

I'm so tired and every day just seems like a massive fucking challenge.

Thank you all, really sorry not to gave responded to every kind post but I can't keep all the names in my head.

OP posts:
CaulkheadUpNorth · 20/11/2014 22:24

Well done for what you've achieved today. How are you feeling about the doctor tomorrow. Sending un mn-like love because I know it helped me x

Thisisnotgood · 20/11/2014 22:38

Hey , thanks for being there again!

I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. The scabs (apart from the big ol' hole) are mostly not looking too awful, and today I have managed to stop myself doing anything too bad- so I maybe could just get treated for the infection...

I've just got such a lot to chuck at her in a 10 min appointment! And the lump in my neck is an actual genuine worry and I don't want it to seem psychological because I'm in a bit of a state.

OP posts:
CaulkheadUpNorth · 20/11/2014 22:48

Write a list of it all and give her the list. Say that there are a few things so you wrote it down to make sure you didn't forget anything. Ten minutes feels short but is actually quite long and loads can be covered.

Thisisnotgood · 20/11/2014 22:53

Thank you.

My pain condition has been really bad today so I am very low. Am just sick of dealing with it really.

How are you today? I've read about half of your coping techniques thread and there is some helpful stuff there- plus you write really well Smile

OP posts:
fromparistoberlin73 · 20/11/2014 22:56

sweetheart tell the doctor

you ARE self harming again, you are. this needs to get treated (and I am sure it will). I am sure they wont do anything more than refer you

this is a big red flag that you are on that slippery slope (and you know it)

you have NOT done a silly thing, thats leaving your keys in the door, or such like

dont minimise this OP xxx

CaulkheadUpNorth · 20/11/2014 22:59

Aw thanks. I'm up and down like the Yorkshire moors right now (do they even go up and down?') but counting days I have looked after myself and that helps

CaulkheadUpNorth · 21/11/2014 13:55

Have you seen the doctor yet? I head yesterday that a third of what gps see is mh stuff. Nothing will be new to them.

Wombat22 · 21/11/2014 17:14

Hello This How did you get on with doc? I hope you are feeling a bit better Thanks

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